That's not the bad part. Musk having complete copies of ALL of the Fed. Gov. pay information (including SS#'s, personal info, emp info, Agency personal - including intelligence agencies, disbursement info, etc.) That's pure gold for Russia/China. That will end US intelligence & ops.
This won't last. Yesterday, Trudeau said that Trump wasn't talking to him. This morning Trump says he has talked to Trudeau & will talk to him again today. Trump is preparing to retreat. He's gonna blink, rescind the tariffs & claim that Trudeau caved. His MAGA supporters are gonna claim victory.
Trump postponed the tariffs with Mexico and the investors have figured out that Trump is just playing games. I will bet my last dime that the Canadian tariffs are postponed this afternoon. But Trump promised that the tariffs would pay off our National debt.. all just BS that his cult believed.
And it was mostly just a distraction for the weekend so Musk and his minions could take over the treasury while the media is busy freaking out over tariffs. There is very little reporting going on about the REAL danger here.
Yep, this is exactly what I keep saying. I’ve been saying it all weekend. And I think market manipulation was at play. Get stocks low for the weekend, buy them up, then let the market recover on Monday night and sell. It’s why he announced on Friday PM but they won’t go into effect until Tuesday AM.
That's exactly what he's going to do...fentanyl is not crossing the border from Canada. Trudeau will say that he's stopping the non-existent trafficking and Trump will postpone the tariffs.. call his bluff Trudeau! Stop this madness. Let Trump eat S^^^!
Then trump will tell his guys when he increase/ends the tariffs so they can do insider trading and make billions of $ off the market and none of it will ever be prosecuted.
It's a money grab, a con job, a scam for GREED to fund more tax cuts for The Rich after giving them the largest transfer of wealth from the poor- and middle-classes in history during his first reign of terror. Classic fascist tactics to oppress the people and making The Rich RICHER! Criminals.
he's intentionally crashing the economy. He's removing checks to his power and replacing top military and intelligence personnel with sycophants. This is the fascism playbook. We are in trouble.
Crashing economy isn't.
At least not the consumer economy. That was one thing the fascists and Nazis were very worried about.
Not reading history may hopefully backfire on them.
I just read IcE is releasing as fast as they arrest because no place to hold them….
We (tx-tro) are messaging that into all comments on you- tube from texas news stations rprtg about ICE.
Maga wants to f w/ 🇺🇸 ….
We can get them back 10fold!
They are Hot on the other side now too!!
God save America!
My latest.
Musk’s glaring conflicts of interest deserve more attention
His overlapping roles as both a gov't "official" & CEO of a major defense contractor create inherent conflicts of interest—especially given how deeply his business interests r intertwined with China’s.
I hereby predict that throughout the second tRump presidency we will see sharp drops like this over and over again. Not because there's a net benefit for the country, but it's good for the pocketbooks of those who are on the inside and short massive amounts of stock!
Well I mean, he did say there will be some pain. If destroying an entire nation and possible world economies can be described as “some pain” I guess he’s right. Problem is, all the adults have left the room.
Right up to the point that Trump postponed the Mexican tariffs. I'm starting to think that Trumplethinskin is just having fun jerking everyone around. I assume that Trudeau will simply have to say that he's stopping the non-existent fentanyl traffic to also get a postponement?
He wanted to see how much money companies would pay him under the table to not have their product included in the tariffs..he's just playing games. Trudeau needs to CALL HIS BLUFF...don't concede to ANYTHING incl stopping non-existent fentanyl traffic. Trump has to look like he WON!
Well spiking the price of oil is one way to get oil companies to exploit a resource, when the biggest driver for when to extract or not usually boils down to ROI. So, definitely fuck all of us when the prices soar, but the C-suite will make out just fine I guess?
It’s only the beginning of the little bit of pain we must endure so the tip top percent can grow exponentially. Boy oh boy, I can’t wait for them to increase my share for Medicare and reduce my Social Security, just in time for high gas, food, electric and every other friggin thing! Good times!
He'll lie and say that him Canada and Mexico agree to securing the borders and stopping drugs coming into this country. Before the end of the day. And how great his Mickey flicky a** is. And his followers will believe everything he says.
You might be surprised. I live in a red county and have a lot of family members who voted for him. There are still true believers, but a lot of them are scared. There’s a big difference between rhetoric and reality and they are starting to see the difference.
I hope this is true.
And those people realize that this country is not that bad and we should not have to go through a little bit of pain. Just to just 2 get a agenda Done. And they need to start speaking out so that he can see that his base is tired of this.
I know exactly what you’re saying. I’m in a red county in Virginia and everyone one in my family supports that 🍊💩itty🤡 EXCEPT 4 of us. I’m one of the 4 that has never and will never support that 🍊 piece of💩🤡. I’m a 🔵 surrounded by stupid magas
Tell your family and friends of the Maga party. To look up what happened back in the 70s with him. His father and the Columbian drug Lord.
If they haven't gotten rid of it off the internet yet. That might change their mind about him.
I hope Trudeau calls his bluff and doesn't agree to ANYTHING, even agreeing to stop non-existent fentanyl traffic. Let Trump end up with egg in his face...or leave the tariffs in place... Trump needs to look like he WON! It's all a frickin game.
Watch out for the Dow to plummet, then the oligarchs step in and buy up loads of companies as roadkill.
Best market manipulation ever. The American Dream.
And then he postpones the tariffs...hasn't he done this once already since he's been in office? Is this going to be a weekly occurance? Mexico & Canada need to call his bluff and let him eat the backlash from these he quits doing it!
How to destroy a country in one easy lesson.
🇨🇦 doesn’t have to ship to US.
1. The Anschluss was the Nazi German regime’s first act of territorial aggression and expansion.
2. The Anschluss was widely popular in both Germany and Austria.
3. The Anschluss resulted in an outburst of public violence against Austria’s Jewish population.
It's juvenile af, but it's time to take it to MAGA at their own level, because it's the only thing they understand.
At least not the consumer economy. That was one thing the fascists and Nazis were very worried about.
Not reading history may hopefully backfire on them.
We (tx-tro) are messaging that into all comments on you- tube from texas news stations rprtg about ICE.
Maga wants to f w/ 🇺🇸 ….
We can get them back 10fold!
They are Hot on the other side now too!!
God save America!
Musk’s glaring conflicts of interest deserve more attention
His overlapping roles as both a gov't "official" & CEO of a major defense contractor create inherent conflicts of interest—especially given how deeply his business interests r intertwined with China’s.
Arrest and deport him.
Trump, actual: Drive up the cost of oil!
USAID buys from US farmers, US manufacturers, US suppliers to ship overseas.
1 in 5 American jobs benefit from USAID buying.
Red states just took a major hit!
And those people realize that this country is not that bad and we should not have to go through a little bit of pain. Just to just 2 get a agenda Done. And they need to start speaking out so that he can see that his base is tired of this.
If they haven't gotten rid of it off the internet yet. That might change their mind about him.
I remember it because I am that old. So tell them it's not something that's made up.
Now is trump supporders are going to believe anything else he says
Best market manipulation ever. The American Dream.