This is going to replace July 4th. Why would we celebrate restoring a monarchy?
It’s definitely a cult.
PS that’s what I say to the JWs handing out pamphlets. Just trying to be helpful.
Go ahead and book the Rotunda for the parade of gullible deplorables. That's going to be hilarious to see. They should also wear the same costumes they wore on J6.
Dont forget that here's already a push to immortalize our Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Trump, on Mount Rushmore. Can’t wait for the inevitable tale of a unicorn lair. Home to the majestic steed his father once rode into history.
The moment I hear of his demise, its time for a nice glass of cognac
When the whole MAGA falls apart, it is a motherfucking festival of my own with quality fucking beer, XO-cognac, music and perhaps painting all the while
Worst President of our lifetimes, probably ever, and these fucks are mesmerized by him. It's like Jonestown all over again, but if Jim Jones were a dimwitted, elderly, obese, pervert who wore diapers.
Straight up Scientologist sounding looping talking too. Listening to Trump or Elon speak sounds like that video of Tom Cruise talking about what it means to be a Scientologist. Just looping nonsense of made up 🐂 💩.
They should start building a pyramid in the National Mall to house his remains. Put a giant red hat on the top. There must be some cheap limestone in China from which to sculpt it. And spray the whole thing with phony gold paint. Put his name in huge letters and set up kiosks beside to sell merch.
Daily pledge recited by GOP in Congress:
I'll vote his way
Within these walls
He has our spines
He has our balls
He does no wrong
He has no fault
We bend the knee
To the MAGA cult
We'll have no honor
We'll do our best
To help the rich
And screw the rest
This already made it into Wikipedia: "Tenney is an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. She has echoed Trump's false claims of voter fraud and has introduced legislation to make Trump's birthday into a federal holiday." (She actually went to law school.)
Does she believe that b.s. or she just trying to show her subservience and compliance?! How can these people not see that they’re essentially kneeling to the American Kim Jong Un?! It’s so gross!!!!
Just say no.
it’s bad enough that the USA & world has been subjected to hourly news & domestic abuse by DJT since the golden escalator ride of 6/16/2025.
Another illustration of insanity. Federal holidays frequently only "benefit" federal workers, and they are decimating the federal workforce. Go figure.
The pussy grabber. The felon. The rapist. The madman. The business failure. The liar. The grifter. The greatest threat to the world today. Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States of America. 🇺🇸
I can’t wait to spit on his grave! They’d better cremate him or he will have the most spit-on, pissed-on grave in history! Maybe they’ll have to build a wall around it, then he’ll finally have his fucking wall. GD POS monster!
"Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday was celebrated as a national holiday throughout Nazi Germany on 20 April 1939. Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels made sure the events organised in Berlin were a lavish spectacle focusing on Hitler himself. ..."
I thought we already celebrated Presidents Day, Trump, unfortunately, falls in that category. These people are just sucking up to the cult leader. Just like the one who wants Trump on Mt Rushmore, or the one wanting Trump to run for a 3rd term. Sucking up to the boss.
Too many crazy and desperate people in office, mainly republicans. They want a job, but don't want you to have one. There has got to be better representatives to elect.
trump "won" 49% of the vote in 2024, 46% in 2016 and 43.5% in 2020 and that is not a reason to inscribe someone's face on Mount Rushmore or reward him with a 3rd Term. I am sick of Republicans and Evangelicals saying Trump has any kind of mandate/landslide.
There will be massive celebrations here too. I'm guessing even by this idiot who, once it's no longer okay, will pretend she was secretly against him the whole time.
It's a Kingdom. We can't make fun of these things anymore, because they are extremely serious. DT destroys America with his friends and the world is watching. Where has the political opposition gone? I don't perceive a democratic party!
A reprehensible and dim cult that is prostrating itself before a perfidious, decompensating malignant tin-pot dictator. We will hold them accountable sooner or later.
Let's not be hasty. Guy Fawkes day isn't a public holiday in the UK, but he's remembered as the leader of the 1605 Gunpowder plot to blow up the English Parliament (not UK, not until 1707). Every year, Nov 5 kids make effigies of him and burn them on a big bonfire. Memorialise Bonespurs that way.
And THIS is the only reason he still needs MAGA in droves. He needs the worship. He’s done with their votes. Plus, he said he would make it so they never had to vote again. But he loves him some MAGA cult love. Until his policies hit & crowds literally die, his minions serve up the Kool Aid!
Join? If he forces us to be annexed, we are going to be a vassal state, which means we lose all our rights, including our right to vote. People need to be aware of this, and idiots need to stop wearing their 51 hats and shirts
We can only wish …
Guess this is how MAGATS & the morally corrupt who are incapable of actual love or empathy exchange valentines🤔
But not a fun one like The Manson Family, or Branch Davidians...
It’s definitely a cult.
PS that’s what I say to the JWs handing out pamphlets. Just trying to be helpful.
If they want to go with thee traditional Nazi soldier uniform, then that's up to them.
Thee guy below is starting early.
When the whole MAGA falls apart, it is a motherfucking festival of my own with quality fucking beer, XO-cognac, music and perhaps painting all the while
June the 14th (1940) is the day the first Polish political prisoners arived at Auschwitz.
Nazis occupied Paris.
How about if the orange orange felon hurries up and DIES?!
Then we could make THAT DAY a national holiday!?! 🤗 😈👏🏽👏🏾👏🏻👍🤞
Our country sobs
It matters not
We'll keep our jobs
Any member who memorizes our pledge by Friday gets a free handjob from Lauren Boebert.
I'll vote his way
Within these walls
He has our spines
He has our balls
He does no wrong
He has no fault
We bend the knee
To the MAGA cult
We'll have no honor
We'll do our best
To help the rich
And screw the rest
This congresswoman is just pandering so she can stay in the good graces of KKKing DonOld..
Exhibit A.
Now the day he's dragged to hell should 100% be celebrated every year.
it’s bad enough that the USA & world has been subjected to hourly news & domestic abuse by DJT since the golden escalator ride of 6/16/2025.
Red flags 🚩 were evident but the deliberate manipulation of so many, strategically planned for years, is evil, a word I seldom use.
Fascism is evil 🌊be over presently
… Did I already say NO, if not, …NOOOOOO
(I mean, yes it is a cult but fuck no to his birthday being a national holiday)
(they'd stab trump in the fucking brain then drive off listening to some cool old rock songs)
Maybe change it to trump pride month 🤢
The first quisling to introduce it wins!!!