Trump's first impeachment was for withholding approved aid to Ukraine, while trying to force President Zelinskyy to "investigate" Joe Biden. FFS. Does Trump think we've forgotten his past betrayal of Ukraine?
trump is all about bullying his counterparts - "quid pro quo," threatening allies with tariffs, distorting the facts, and rewriting his own criminal past.
Then, Vance is demanding a country's leader to bow down and show respect to the cowardly conman in chief.
I don’t believe that….imagine a parent whose child will die without lifesaving treatment, that has been ripped away by trump.
What else is there to live for? Someone, somewhere, WILL have the guts
Trump needs all foreign leaders to give him lots of attitude. So he no longer feels unlimited power and US no longer looks like a controlling force. Our Republicans are such pathetic lying weenies by contrast.
Macron and Starmer both corrected him and either patted him on the shoulder or grabbed his arm, body language for dominance. We need all world leaders to stop following protocol and treating him like the delinquent he is.
I guess it's time to pull out the credit card again and do some drone donations again since the Americans are unwilling to uphold the promises they make.
I would like to personally apologize to President Zelensky & the Ukranian people for this treasonous dumpster fire of a president & vice president. And an f you to all the voters who put them in office.
Me, too. I am very sorry for that disgraceful meltdown from the worst president of the United States, his rats, and the third wheel couch fluffer. Disgusting from them.
Trump is a Con Man Convicted Felon and literally blackmailing Zelensky because he is in bed with Putin. This was Putin’s deal not America. Bravo for Zelensky for standing up for his people! RUSSIA invaded ! All your allies are standing behind Ukraine. America is Russia NOW ! 🇨🇦 🇬🇧
Truly obscene. Really wish Zelensky would tell him that he's a f'ing bully, that Biden, not him, backed Ukraine, and that he will continue the fight with the assistance of our NATO allies and the EU.
I'm British and l think the Trump/Vance/Musk trio are utterly despicable, vile 'human beings' with not an ounce of compassion, integrity or worth between them. Just vile.
What? You don't wish you had Trump🤣?! It just SUCKS over here. I keep hoping he'll be removed but MAGA has to wake up. I doubt THAT will happen unless they're fired or have their social security benefits stripped. They only care about themselves. 4 years of an administration OWNED by Russia...
Serious question, why did Starmer (or the King) offer another State visit? The orange skid mark should be ignored on the world stage. I am assuming trade, but, what are your thoughts on it?
Why does Ukraine have to give us anything!
Use the ~366 billion in sanctions Russian funds to repay Donald. Putin started it. Make them pay.
Donald is NOT a good negotiator. He is nothing but an extortionist.
If only he could have but if he had, he’d have probably been shot by the Secret Service. Glad he kept his cool and let Trump act out like the immature jerk he is for the world to see.
Zelensky looks like he’s weighing the odds of strangling Krasnov versus the consequences to his country. Trump is a bully. It’s actions & his words are a disgrace.
Trump has been put in his place by 3 world leaders and he can’t take it. He is used not being questioned or corrected by his cult. He is embarrassing himself and the US in the world stage
America get your shit together guys !!! This circus is getting more and more disgusting and disgraceful every day ! Is everyone going to stand by and just let this madness continue ! wtf
Anyone else think this was a staged setup of Zelenskyy? Vance started the fight, then he and Trump just lied and attacked in tandem. I think it was very much a preplanned attack and our country will come to regret this.
Not sure it was a set up but it sure was awful. I hated watching trump and Vance talk over Zelenskyy and in such a degrading manor… and the Boasting and Bided bashing was intolerable.
Zelenskyy said at the beginning of the war he would not put a suit on again until his fellow countrymen were at peace. I'm proud of him for always reminding the world of what is happening in his country.
Yes! His response was excellent. Trump, on the other hand, was so indifferent to the pictures that Zelenskyy shared and the remarks about the kidnapped Ukrainian children. I cried😔
THEN...they were sent away, told there would be no more discussion, and weren't given lunch!! ( Not that they wanted any) but, to send someone away with no offer of food when it is sitting there--- I'm not sure if Americans understand what an insult (and a show of barbarity) that is! Maybe you do..
Just when you think he couldn't get any lower. It impossible for a 'normal' human being to grasp, let alone understand, how narcissistic, unchristian and evil these people truly are. NOTHING sparks even a glimmer of humanity in their beings. There is truly something biblically demonic in this lot!
With you. I think of all that Ukrainians have been through & I can't believe Zelensky received such treatment. And that scene came after sharing pictures of horrors in Ukraine.
Trump is Damien the Omen come to real life and that movie was a warning. Kushner even had a building numbered 666.
I believe most definitely pre planned, but why?
America doesn’t get the minerals, Putin doesn’t get Donbas, Europe possibly unites better than they have ever done, what the end game is I’m not so sure of.
The only thing that has EMPOWERED Zelensky 🇺🇦 is his & his Country’s inner strength. Something tRump doesn’t have so he has to resort to Bullying, a sign of WEAKNESS!
Trump has become Putin's bum boy. Now it is imperative that Trump and maga be taken out by whatever means it takes! Save the American Democracy. It is slipping away.
I refer to Charlie Angus's post - Act Now or learn to goose-step to the Orange idiot madness
The President of the United States is a living, breathing example of the worst kind of American. He’s an overweight, loudmouth, know-it-all, jerk that the rest of the world despises. He represents the worst of us. We Americans are less safe today than ever.
This is even more proof that Trump has been compromised. I believe this more than ever after that shit show at the White House. Like Mark Kelly said Putin and his minions are popping champagne this evening.
I’m so angry, embarrassed, and heartbroken by what has happened in our country. There are a lot of great countries on this beautiful planet. We are not among them.
What’s not nice is trying to bribe Ukraine into making false claims against Joe Biden. What’s worse is going back on the agreement that the U.S. made with Ukraine over nukes. Ukraine held up its end of the agreement, now, do your job Trump. Keep the word of the U.S.
He is a bully, an idiot and an embarrassment to all living beings. If there was ever a case for abortion- Trump is it. Shame on congress for allowing him this seat - shame on those who voted for him, shameful behavior on all of those who could have stopped this and didn’t have courage.
Blackmail and threats in front of an international audience!
How low have we descended.
Trump is vulgar, uncouth, gauche, and uneducated. Yet, he is in America's highest office belittling a giant of a leader.
Is America great?
President Zelensky kept his cool against unbelievable provocation from Trump and Vance. They thought they could bully him into giving them what they wanted. Zelensky stood firm while the Orange Goblin and JD Twat lost it. Great presidential integrity from Zelensky, a shit show from the US pair. 🇺🇦
I agree 100% ! Trump said he wanted to keep the camera’s going to show the truth. Well guess what ? He did and just proved Trump is Russia now. America as a trusted Allie to any country in the world is OVER ! They are on their own ! Canada stands with Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇨🇦
We can just forget about getting any type of intelligence from NATO or other countries. Something’s gonna happen and we’re gonna be blindsided by it as will the administration.
Trump proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he IS a Russian Asset. All House and Senate MAGA Republicans are too.
When people show you who they are, believe them. Z was shown in 2019 with the "perfect phone call". He should know, he ran on ending corruption in his government, no surprise he recognizes it outside Russia too.
A couple of bullies beating up on a true leader . They wanted him to lose his cool so they could use it in their propaganda. Didn’t work cause he’s smarter than both of them combined.
as if HE offered ANY of that aid....
and Zelenskyy won't be impressed at all, except with how stupid the guy is. That will be his takeaway, along with fully grasping what a flying monkey Vance is. Same as the rest of the world's view.
Trumps USA is a mere stooge of Putin who just murders and kills his opponents and decided to invade another country. Europe needs to cop on and stand up to this bully
Colossal embarrassment and traitorous stooge don’t even begin to cover it. It’s amazing how quickly they have diminished our nation. And sit around, patting themselves on the back for being tough. Put one of those silver spoon pansies on the front line and they’ll change their tune very quickly.
Maybe I have seen too many movies, but I have to think there is someone or a few who are planning how to take these guys out before they kill all of us
Trump and Vance are TRAITORS!!!!! They thought because they could yell louder they were right. They just sounded like spoiled children! How absolutely embarrassing to be an American right now!
Horrific thought….could tRump actually choose to send $$ and weapons to Russia to help them overtake Ukraine - just to make good on his threat?? Am I Chicken Little? Have I watched too many spy thrillers? Is this how WWIII starts? Holy f**king sh*t.
Con don and “36 second boy” putting pressure on Z. Can you imagine either one of these shits in Z’s place when the Russian tanks approached Kiev? They would’ve ran wetting their pants
Yes, when he was here and spoke to congress; where he explained why he comes in military fatigues, because they're at war, and he needs to be ready at any moment to go to help his people.
We're not the united states of treason under a compassionless tyrant taking sides against democratic countries!💔
He actually said that he wouldn’t be there if he didn’t think there was gonna be a deal So where would you be comrade Krasnov probably FL on the golf course
My vocabulary is too limited to express how disgusting this person is that calls himself President of the United States. To talk to such a courageous, elected leader and one of our allies in this manner is offensive, repugnant and reprehensible. He is doing all this to please his dictator pal Putin.
Because Americans elected Republican senators and congressional reps in numbers just high enough to make it very difficult for the next 2 years. Many of us understood the assignment. More either did not, or chose not to turn it in.
It's really interesting to see in real time someone becoming the next Churchill and the other coward becoming the next Chamberlain. (But even more loathed).
I've been heartbroken and ashamed of my heritage both as an American and a Catholic for past deeds.
But this is the first time I've been truly ashamed to be an American.
It eats at Trump that Zelensky refused an offer to get him out Kyiv when the Russians invaded (I need bullets, not a ride) while Trump dove into an underground bunker because Black Lives Matter protestors were marching by a few blocks away.
He’s all about himself! He wants to bully zelensky into a lousy deal. He should be demanding Russia cease and desist, leave Ukraine territory or face more severe sanctions! Europe needs to override any objections to admitting Ukraine into NATO. Majority rules!
Fuck you, Trump! Anything you have is because of the freedom of democracy. And double fuck you, Tiny Pants Vance, you Eddie Haskell, faux hillbilly, sidekick bully motherfucker!
I sent an email to Lindsey Graham's office.
"You should be ashamed of yourself. Trump behaved like a ass. Zelensky has shown remarkable courage and leadership after his country was ATTACKED by Putin - a certifiable dictator.
You are a disgrace to your congressional office. Trump is a disgrace."
Yeah if I was Z, and this isn't an easy thing, but tell Trump to F off, go back to your country and fight it out with whatever aid you have left from Europe. He wants you to kiss the ring and he wants to make sure Putin is watching so his daddy is pleased...
I really hope Europe steps into the void, saves Ukraine, gets an awesome deal on their rare minerals, they all prosper, and they all tell us to fuck off.
I’d donate $ for them to buy arms elsewhere. God Damn he’s a horrible viciously cruel Russian asset - what you’d expect. We knew he was going to pull this shit. Thankfully, we have hearts and it’s a jolt every time because it is wrong, a crime against humanity.
You have no idea the thoughts that run through my head…I am almost ashamed of them but then I remember how thoroughly justified and warranted they are. I am ready to take up arms and go to town.
Zelenskyy stood up to a bully, and the bully couldn't take it. Trump and Vance went into this meeting thinking they could push Zelensky into submission, and Zelensky wasn't having it.
After todays peace talks:
Putin has sent roses to the White House that Melania has put on the piano meanwhile Donald has again put tulips on Putins organ
#trumpisamoron #vanceisanidiot #zenselskyisahero
Makes midterms so essential.
Then, Vance is demanding a country's leader to bow down and show respect to the cowardly conman in chief.
What else is there to live for? Someone, somewhere, WILL have the guts
It can still happen 😉
This was a hit job.
Serious question, why did Starmer (or the King) offer another State visit? The orange skid mark should be ignored on the world stage. I am assuming trade, but, what are your thoughts on it?
Use the ~366 billion in sanctions Russian funds to repay Donald. Putin started it. Make them pay.
Donald is NOT a good negotiator. He is nothing but an extortionist.
He wanted to punch Donald and should have.
That was the only purpose of this. Humilify Zelensky so that he can call himself "strong"
Trump is Damien the Omen come to real life and that movie was a warning. Kushner even had a building numbered 666.
America doesn’t get the minerals, Putin doesn’t get Donbas, Europe possibly unites better than they have ever done, what the end game is I’m not so sure of.
We stang with 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
I refer to Charlie Angus's post - Act Now or learn to goose-step to the Orange idiot madness
Fuck Vance, and his eyeliner, he isn't a fraction of the man President Zalenskyy is.
Trump just declared war on Ukraine.
How low have we descended.
Trump is vulgar, uncouth, gauche, and uneducated. Yet, he is in America's highest office belittling a giant of a leader.
Is America great?
Good for him.
Six or seven times.
and Zelenskyy won't be impressed at all, except with how stupid the guy is. That will be his takeaway, along with fully grasping what a flying monkey Vance is. Same as the rest of the world's view.
Please Volodymyr #Zelensky don’t cut a deal with the US. Just deal with Europe.
Trump is a humiliation to our country! He just came off looking like a complete disgusting IDIOT for the whole world to see. 🤬🤬🤬
Just a big bully…and ignorant piece of s***
We're not the united states of treason under a compassionless tyrant taking sides against democratic countries!💔
Trump is merely another hurdle Ukraines will also overcome.
When and where?
But this is the first time I've been truly ashamed to be an American.
#boycott #protest
hunters laptop
Russia Russia Russia
Poor zelensky, having to listen to trump lose his shit
"You should be ashamed of yourself. Trump behaved like a ass. Zelensky has shown remarkable courage and leadership after his country was ATTACKED by Putin - a certifiable dictator.
You are a disgrace to your congressional office. Trump is a disgrace."
When he's called out on it later, he'll simply say he opposed all of this, and the Mango Mussolini.
Lindsey the Cowardly Nazi
Putin has sent roses to the White House that Melania has put on the piano meanwhile Donald has again put tulips on Putins organ
#trumpisamoron #vanceisanidiot #zenselskyisahero