Honoring a living, sitting, President with his face on American currency... how disgustingly authoritarian. Especially for a president who tried to overthrow the government.
House MAGA = waste m, fraud, and abuse. Thus administration = Corruption. Patrimonialism. Repeat. We need a concentrated campaign pointing out this corruption.
I know several here where I live that aren't exactly what I would be calling loving it.
They know they made a big mistake ... I remind them everytime I hear them bitch about what they spent at the grocery store and how little they got for their money.
May I suggest a small adjustment: All notes should just have Trumps face on it, anything less does not do justice for all the great things only Trump will do.
Gets me every time. I say to myself, "self, don't be surprised at anything, no matter how ridiculous, those ass kissing Republicans propose" then they come along and try something so stupid, I'm caught off guard and there I am surprised, again.
I don’t want even his image near my intimate body parts. Put his face on kitty litter tray liners, or on the inside of rubbish bins, or on the concrete in cow yards.
Nice to know that you can be honored for things that you WILL do! That is an award that I haven't heard before. Kind of like an employer giving you a bonus BEFORE you have done anything.
I’m going to request that the college my child attends award a degree in honor of what he will accomplish over the next 4 years if this is how it works.
This cult keeps trying to glorify failure and yet they get upset about participation trophies for kids. At least they show up, donnie doesn’t even leave the country club anymore
Can we list all the distractions so far.
EO Immigrants can get SS(my favorite)
Trump on $100
EO Transgender sports.
Here's an idea, why not wait until he has actually done some good in the next fours year before you start honouring him.
Respect is earned, not given.
Earn it, Trump if you're capable!
"Honor what he will accomplish the next four years". I guess that makes sense in a reality where Tesla shareholders voted to give Musk a $50B+ payout for what they *hoped* he would do by paying more attention to Tesla. And look how that's working out for them. 🙄
Next up: commercial with Trump selling OFFICIAL TRUMP $100 BILLS; the only US currency with his official endorsement! Only $300 per bill or a set of three for $1,000! Hurry while supplies last!! (And I guarantee they'll be printed in China just like all of his crap MAGA merch)
Since Corrupt Trump is ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS, putting his face on the bill seems appropriate. Plus, now Don Jr. can think of his Pop every time he rolls a hundred.
What the fuck is wrong with this generation of representatives wanting to put this fucking idiot's picture on our money like he is a fucking king. First off we don't have a king and never will and he is not going to do shit in this 4 year term. Hopefully he expires soon!
Don't these people have anything better to do than to rename gulfs and put live presidents on money. They can't even come up with a budget and they're worried what money looks like?
In Judaism you name your kids after the Dead. If you name your kid after someone who's alive you're kind of telling them they're dead to you. Is that how this works, getting your picture on $100 bill before you're dead?
Last week, they wanted his face on the $250 bill. Given they can’t even agree on a denomination, I can’t imagine they’ll ever be able to agree on a budget.
Cinco De Mayo is coming up...
Some enterprising soul oughta make Trump head pinatas...but when it breaks open instead of candy all that falls out is old dog shit.
And Elon Musk is making this happen in return for Support for Musk getting to be a Trillionaire, this is the kind of disgusting thing just for Trump to revive his properties and brands for a Far Right-Wing Extremist Movement.
Glad they are going to pre-emptively give him accolades. Oh well. At least soon, most people won't have enough wealth to see any $100 bills. Thank heaven for small mercies.
My Trump ring kisser House Rep here in western Pa. has spearheaded the idea to rename Dulles International Airport after Trump. He’s not worried about the roads being pothole riddled. Or that storefronts are going empty in his district. Nah it’s his goal to get the renaming of an airport in Va.
Trump's long game:
Before the midterms -> GOP intentionally don't agree on budget -> gov't shutdown -> chaos -> implement martial law (blame the Dems, "I had no choice") -> postpone elections indefinitely -> become dictator (again "I have no choice").
Every time I see Vice President Kamala Harris and hear her speak, I get more and more enraged at America for having elected this incredibly incompetent Russia-loving dipshit!
Crypto taking a dive since Trump
Me: "All 10s, 20s, and 50s."
BT: "Wow, no 100s?"
Me: "Don't piss me off."
Its still a bad idea to put the worse 🇺🇸 president's likeness anywhere.
the peso
will be worth more.
They know they made a big mistake ... I remind them everytime I hear them bitch about what they spent at the grocery store and how little they got for their money.
— Every dictatorship
Not sure whether to pray....or scream WTF!@$$%
He's a fucking child.
Especially as we all know, Trump will throw each and every one of them under the bus when it is expedient.
They ALWAYS think is won’t be them, but the road is littered with people Trump fell out with.
EO Immigrants can get SS(my favorite)
Trump on $100
EO Transgender sports.
Respect is earned, not given.
Earn it, Trump if you're capable!
Some enterprising soul oughta make Trump head pinatas...but when it breaks open instead of candy all that falls out is old dog shit.
We want affordable housing, affordable groceries, and the rule of law respected.
I don't carry a lot of $100 bills.
Be inspired by leaders who show you alternative ways 👇
Only carry a certain amount of change.
Will be something in my vocabulary if this happens.
Vote out Johnson
Pass Remote Voting
Move all politicians to their respective states nuclear bunkers
Invoke 25 Amendment
Twice, one for Trump, then Vance
Have the DC Police, Military, National Guard keep it Real, full alert
Arrest Everyone
For Real
Republican Politicians are starting to say their votes are influenced by the death threats of Trump & His MAGA Cult / P25 Fascists
We need to Secure our politicians
Before the midterms -> GOP intentionally don't agree on budget -> gov't shutdown -> chaos -> implement martial law (blame the Dems, "I had no choice") -> postpone elections indefinitely -> become dictator (again "I have no choice").
The reporter said Biden gave him more money on more checks during covid.
The MAGA moron said well Biden's name wasn't on the checks!😱