don’t racist get sick, do they never go to hospital or are American hospitals only staffed by white people…Canadian hospitals are like the UN….a kaleidoscope of colour, language, religions…treating and caring for people that are a kaleidoscope of colour, language and religion…
OSINT guys say Newsom's dad was in deep with the Israelis. I found that hard to believe previously. Now I don't. And I think I'd add that Newsom may be too.
I’m 51 minutes into it. I’d like to now hear from Newsom on what this accomplished, and what he will do next to drive this sick bastard back under the rock he crawled out from under.
I listened to the podcast of the screen shot I posted and most of the Newsom one. The one I posted was where Kirk talked about how terrible MLK was and how most black pilots are unqualified. Then I watched Gavin choose Kirk to be the guest for his first podcast & heard lots of phoniness.
Yes, it’s disgusting witnessing D party essentially say “hit me again, harder”. No one is inspired by this. Most are disgusted by it. Unpopular opinion, but none demonstrated this bigger than Biden. It’s a big part of why the R were able to reinstall donald dick.
I say we kick out every Democrat that has made one mistake.
That’s how we’ll win in the future…by kicking Democrats out of our party.
If we can just purge everyone out of OUR party for making one mistake, then we can have a pure party that can appeal to everyone.
I also saw Gavin promote the show as “calling out” people he disagrees with. I could list the 10 most disgusting things Kirk has said. I didn’t hear Newsom “calling out” Kirk on anything. I heard him agree with him a lot though. But Kirk was who he wanted for his first show.
I tried to listen and only made it through 1/3 of it. He was way too agreeable and fawning,and didn't ask any pressing questions. I am 💯 into speaking to maga people to open a meaningful dialogue, but it was unnervingly squirmy. Not a great first episode.
I want to add, CA born & raised. Newsom has always stood w/LGBTQ community. What he’s doing may not be what it seems as “oh he’s maga now.” He’s not. I listened to ENTIRE pod. It’s cringy but Kirk is a POS spin artist. Listen carefully to how he deals with him. Deprogramming cultists will take years
been following POS Kirk a long time & Steven Crowder. These chuds make millions & are influencing our kids. Arguing w/these 🤡 🤡 have resulted in zero results. My 16 yr old saw the highlights of this on tiktok (it’s targeted to teens). I’m waiting to see what Gavin does next. Dems are doing nothing!
Newsom now wants to be one of the cool kids because he knows that there's not much left for him in politics after his term is over next year. Show biz beckons, even if it's a shitty podcast.
Wth??? Fetterman in the Senate and now Newsom? Oh, and Moskowitz voted to censure Al Green? This average American Democrat is getting fed up with my Party!!! Where is the outrage?
These serve no purpose if one side is so irredeemable in their demonstrably baseless and hateful opinions that there's no hope of ever having rational discussions.
Newsom is my Governor and like him but he has already started his pivot to the middle to the center in prep. for 2028 and hisPresidential ambitions…He can come off as disingenuous and slimy sometimes.
I’ve generally liked him fine, but the fact that he thinks he has any chance at the presidency tells me his judgment isn’t nearly as good as he thinks.
I like him but he better knock this shit off. We need someone tough, not buddy buddy with these people. If he chooses this path, there are plenty of others to do the job. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse would be awesome as president. Just watch him for awhile, he's strong, smart and won't take their crap
Even without this fawning he was never going to be electable by Democrats and Independents, no matter how big his ego. Not after what we learned this last election. The only box he checks is white man. He could win in France. Maybe Canada. He’s a losing bet for America.
These serve no purpose if one side is so irredeemable in their demonstrably baseless and hateful opinions that there's no hope of ever having rational discussions.
Go where they are? Newsom invited Kirk to his first podcast. I listened to the podcast and Newsom did exactly what Kirk said. He even told him that his 13 year old son loves Kirk which should be concerning to Newsom instead of a delight.
54 years of living in California so I can say this, but Gavin is trolling these chuds. He’s the actual Alpha in this scenario and Chudlie Kirk is the beta soy boy who cosplays as a tough guy. I have lots of faith in my governor.
I’m gonna guess you didn’t listen at all to the podcast or only just clips. I listened to the entire thing. I’ve also lived in CA my whole life. I’m not gonna keep defending my opinion on what I think he’s doing here. Have a nice day.
I’ve watched enough debates with Kirk & smarter Dems who aggressively push back & it doesn’t work. He invited Charlie on his podcast. His turf. He’s doing research and Charlie is showing us all his cards. Let’s this play out. I really doubt Gavin would ever turn into a Cenk Uygur maga turncoat.
It's about legitimizing bigots/racists by inviting them into legitimate political spaces. Nazis need punching, not microphones, so if he didn't land some good punches that humiliated Kirk to the bone, I don't see the good that comes from it.
Except, ignoring these people for 10 years has backfired. You want to keep doing the same thing and think that one day, the losing formula is going to suddenly win?
I’m listening to the full podcast, not the clips Chudlie is spreading around SM. Gavin is letting him talk and it’s very calculating. Let these buffoons talk as they think they are smarter, manlier and more patriotic than us normies. They end up looking weak and dumb all on their own.
Of course we have our own opinions but pushing back doesn’t work as maga doesn’t care about facts or reality. I’m listening very carefully. When Charlie rants about pronouns, Gavin chuckles & says “in the last 5 years I’ve had one meeting where this came up, so it’s not a thing.” Then moves on.
I don't see the path forward for Gavin. If he didn't already know that information I question how smart he really is. I agree with carville. Maybe the only thing we can do is let Republicans burn it to the ground and then maybe people we learn what reality really is.
Lol but No .. the pain will continue. And then they will start asking friends and family and they will have real conversations. They will eventually be forced to associate the pain with the proper source.
The problem with this is that countries that are now under a fascist dictatorship tell us that it is a lot easier to fight in the first six months than it is in the sixth year .
There may be context you missed. I’m with you in that I despise anyone associated the the pig in the White House. But I don’t believe Newsome validated Kirk just because there is a picture of the two of them. I just think it was a knee jerk response
You do not under any circumstances have to listen to or entertain what any hateful MAGA-sphere shit head has to say about anything. Not even for a second.
This falls under the "BUT Hitler did some really good things" category of absolute bullsh*t. Can't wash that kind of ick away with a simple internet sponge bath.
Far left orthodoxy?... the DNC shuns genuine leftist policy. That's why they keep losing. They should ditch moderate and centrist messaging. Progressives are the future and the key to winning again.
Obama campaigned on progressive ideas and won because of them. Did he accomplish them all? No. Biden also campaigned on progressive policy, though quickly turned his back on them once assuming office. Harris campaigned on centrist hogwash and filled to win. Progressive ideas are what win.
The fact that would turn off a moderate is more damming to "moderates". If you can't handle someone recognizing a historical reality and it leads you to voting for a Nazi .. I'm confident you were going to vote Nazi anyway. Everyone acts like they expect perfection from Democrats. JFC grow up.
"Sure we act and say stupid things, but people should vote for us anyway or they are Nazis" is not a recipe for electoral success. In fact it's one reason every branch of gov't is now controlled by the GOP.
I respectfully disagree and I think the most damage to the Democratic Party in this last election was that they moved too far toward centrist ideology. I believe dems will be far more successful when they move towards Bernie and AOC, etc
You are entitled to your opinion, I'm just saying it conflicts with all historical evidence to the contrary.
As for the last election, there's a reason the GOP trained so much of its fire on the more leftist positions Kamala had taken in the 2020 primary: bc those positions are electorally toxic.
Ok, the left is the Democrat's opposition. Got it. Glad you're being honest about the Democrats being on the right. And of course biologists will argue with you about what is a biological male all day long, but you aren't interested in science beyond a 6th grade level, are you?
Yes, sanctimonious preening and personal insults are common retorts from the far left. Yes, the Ds would regain electoral success it they stopped trying to play footsie with the lunacy of the extremes and campaigned/governed from the center-left, as Obama, Clinton, and Biden did.
No. I found out what a racist, grifting fuckhead he was years ago and decided then and there I had no interest in hearing what he has to say about anything.
Sad to say, but I agree with this. Prior to November 5 2024, I honestly believed that we, as a nation, had evolved past this. This last election proved otherwise. What was right is wrong, what was wrong is now right. We truly are a hate-filled society...Race, gender, religion...We've got it all.
Uh the tiny clip which denigrated ALL black professionals and by association ALL professionals of color??? Glad it's such a minor thing for you bro... Jesus Fucking Christ...
If it was a debate, it woulda been second only to Vance-Walz for lopsided bullshit sculpting (to Kirk) and fucking ass-kissing (by Newsome). And, still NO fact checking!
How do you suppose the Nazis were legitimized? By legitimate folks in everyday positions giving them a platform, as if they have legitimate arguments for being racist pigs.
You don't give Nazis (who have a well-funded megaphone) a microphone in legitimate spaces. Someone else, okay, not Kirk.
The problem isn’t the content of the podcast. The problem is that the Democratic governor of one of the largest states in the union and a possible candidate for potus in 2028 chose Charlie Kirk as his first guest
Good grief. He had him on for a podcast, then changed his stance on transgender policy. Damn, dude. What do they have on you? You’re smart enough to know this is political ☠️. I thought Newsome had been too quiet the past 45 days or so.
Some people work hard for success; others drop out of community college and find a (totally heterosexual 😉) older sugar daddy to support them and help finance their grift.
James Bowman (JD) had much the same situation. Only his mentor was gay (Thiel) and James thought he was gay and wants normal gay people (like him - in the closet). It's a thing with the extremists.
I know IRAN likes to take their time when planning their retribution against infidels, but could someone reach out and let them know, any time now is fine with us?
My initial reaction was that this was a dumb move. But, one of the things that came out in the election autopsy was the need to communicate to these people. Kirk is horrible but maybe someone who listened because he knew Kirk can be reached.
I lived in California most of my life, still have family there. I completely get the shift right, but these particular Republicans are not the one's you want to shift to.
I agree dude I'm just trying to look at it from his political standpoint I know he has some shortcomings but my God I live in Mississippi dude he's a hero to people like me s little tiny blue dots in the literal heart of maga world. My town has a shipyard and an oil refinery
Understandable, lots of room for heroes. Blue states are passing bills to save peoples healthcare while red states are passing stupid ass bills to rename things. More and more dems standing up federally.
And red State suck on the tit of blue States paying all the taxes which by the way you should stop doing right away no more federal taxes from California you're probably going to get cut off from Aid anyway
Well, when I saw Trump coming down the escalator I thought: "I hope this moron doesn't become president. If he does it will be a disaster." And I was right.
And your point is? We need more Democrats being visible on the right-wing platforms either we like it or not. Secretary Pete was all over Fox and other MAGA media as well. What matter is the message, confront the misinformation at its source. If that was Newson's intention, I applaud it!
There is no smiling a lot... and it only means it was a friendly interview! Look, Newson has been at the front face of the Democrats fight against Trump, so he deserves the benefit of the doubt... until he really shows an 180degrees on his agenda which this apparently was not it.
We can use the photo for our benefit too... it's all about context. Look, yes the guy might be playing both sides, I'm not naive... but one single interview will not immediately change anything. If he continues courting with the right on the same manner from now on than we'll know, right?
But you know nothing about his track record protecting gay and trans people, do you? Tell me who's done more. REAL laws.
He was asked a question. And he answered it. Honesty, fairly and CORRECTLY. I don't think you even know what he was asked.
But now he's on the "other side?" Is that it?
Easy to forgive and forget when it feels like they’ve got your back. Hell, for a minute Elon seemed like a weirdo with his heart in the right place. Sucks when you find they’re holding a dagger the second the water gets a bit choppy.
Elon never had his "heart in the right place". He tried to kill off California HSR back in 2013 with his pie in the sky techbro hyperloop CGI concept grift. He hasn't stopped yet.
Yeah. But he seemed to have his heart in the right place. He was just a weirdo. But obviously he has always been a megalomaniac. Trump has just given the power that he know longer needs to
I lost my mom the Friday before T was sworn in. She said Newsom was just like the rest of them. I was like NO! She said YES. Now I see she was right, as usual. I'm so sad.
Oh fuck! An old clip before Musk lost his mind with the man who wants to move CA to all EV's to protect the environment and be less reliant on big oil
Whatever will we do????
You're kind of a joke Damon.
Let me ask you something little man. What state do you live in. Tell me.
Two years ago kid. That's a lifetime. Things have changed.
This was announcement of a new plant. Part of his edict to have CA end sales of gas vehicles by 2035. Big picture, grown up thinkin'. That's clearly what tripped you up.
Get your act together Damon.
I really hope that Newsome is not the ‘28 nominee but it feels like he is inevitable like Hilary ‘16 was and good be so on brand for the Dems to have not learned anything from the past and let him take it so they can lose again
The saying goes, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar," meaning it's easier to persuade someone or achieve a goal by being kind & agreeable, rather than aggressive or confrontational; essentially, "honey" (sweetness) attracts more than "vinegar" (sourness).
Whether people like the person or not Dems need to start trying to convert people. Continuing to ignore it is not working. Especially in today’s day of stupid influencers and old lazy politicians that don’t know how the internet works. He has to try something just like Pete does.
Pete Buttigieg goes on FOX and talks to the other side. There needs to be dialogue between the "tribes" or nothing will move forward. Talking does not mean they're buddies. Remember that.
Except Newsom didn't just talk to him; he agreed with him a lot, especially on Kirk's trans panic BS. If he wanted to have a conversation, Newsom could have easily pushed back on Kirk's bigoted BS but he didn't. Newsom is prepping for a presidential run in '28 and is pandering to the "center".
Buttigieg performs well on Fox but has little electoral/governing experience and is way too friendly with Third Way (who want to be fascism-lite) for comfort. Also I don't really see him firing up the base or presenting a new vision for America. I'd still take him over any Republican.
Nope, just most of them. The DNC only wanting to put out candidates who are only good at schmoozing large donors, taking traditional interviews, and delivering prewritten speeches is a big part of the problem. Trying to outflank Republicans by going further right is another.
Listening to understand is not pandering. I listened and his trans point was sports fairness. It’s a huge deal over there. I don’t think it is fair for a man ( identity not withstanding) to compete in women’s sports. Just my take. That was his point. That’s not pandering he said I have a daughter.
Transwomen are not cisgender men. The IOC found that transfemale athletes were at a disadvantage compared to their cisgender counterparts after a year of HRT. If they want a HRT requirement for competition, fine but don't just ban them in the name of "fairness".
But the insistence on a ban over requirements gives the game away. It was never about fairness. It was always about denying the existence and validity of trans people, of forcing everyone to fit into their predetermined boxes.
No I am not educated enough on the subject to give an informed opinion. I hold no ill will towards anyone. I can tell you have strong feelings and my wish is not to offend due to my ignorance. I know these next few years are going to horrible on us all so hang on ,batton the hatches and keep moving
I'm just peeved at a lot of Dems (elected, consultants, influencers) who want to blame Kamala's loss on trans people. Not saying that's you but you might have noticed it too. Throwing trans people under the bus isn't going to do Dems any good but a lot prefer that to fighting for the working class.
Not even getting into all that … I have seen some of these humans and it’s not fair … there “ were are” used to be ? Men and it shows and it’s not fair to a woman to compete with
Ah yes, because "looks like" is the golden standard for evidence-based policy. We have detailed performance measurements collected in a scientific setting comparing trans and cis athletes but let's just throw that out because you think a transwoman doesn't look feminine enough.
This is the Democratic Party we're talking about here. The party's elites love that "enlightened centrist" crap. The base hates it but since when have they given a crap about what the base wants? They have a list of popular policies that they could run on but abandon them to please the big donors.
Yeah, Im extra salty with the GD Dems today. T-shirts & signs… that’ll do it. 🤬
I’m getting sick of the donors too.
Australia introduced a great bill (might be law now). No donations more than $20k to a candidate.
We need to take a page or 3 from their playbook. Time to lock down this madness.
The other "tribe" hates us and wants us to suffer. They say we're intentionally destroying America and turning children gay and trans in order to groom and molest them. Being nice isn't going to change anything.
Gross. It seems like the Dems are now competing to drain the people of any hope. I feel stupid for ever believing in any of them. Except Bernie Sanders, AOC, and a few others.
So the supposed “kind woke party” is cool with selling out 0.1% of the population to the angry blood-thirsty mob that not only wants them out of sports, but to not exist?
Newsom is out for me. Absolutely fucking not. Nope. Done. Gone. Bye. Don’t put him on that fucking ballot.
Newsom wants to be President.Never been a big fan of his.For the record all US pilots have to pass the exact same licensing exam.When I hear racist comments like Kirk’s I think of the 2 black surgeons who saved my father’s life when he was diagnosed w/cancer. Whites calmly move off Kirk’s comments.
Bullshit. He sided with maga just by talking to this worthless bigoted piece of trash hitler youth leader. Fuck gavin. Keeping gargling that right wing sack.
Except that he DID side with them in that interview. Repeatedly. It was disgusting. Interviewing people is one thing. Spending almost the whole time agreeing with them and complimenting them is another.
WOW - I see a black pilot and think - there's our pilot. I go back to my seat and don't give it a second thought because I assume they've had all the required training and passed all the required tests as the female pilot that initially got me to my destination.
I’m pleased that I found Newsome too “slick”, too political, and, I did hold it against him when I learned he and KG were married.
People may change, but if they are like her, that’s a core trait that was already an inherent part of her personality, whether it was seen by the public. 🤷🏼♂️
Millions of people watch/listen to Charlie Kirk. Eight of the top ten podcasts are right wing/center right. If democrats don’t have hard conversations with the opposition, what does it win? It certainly isn’t elections. Just because you talk to someone doesn’t mean you agree. Challenge ideas.
What a fucking disgrace. We all knew newsom was slime but he was slime that believed we empowered him. He's done with us now, and he's chasing imaginary votes for an election that (hint hint) isn't going to be held.
Thanks, America, for validating everything I've always known about you. and other democrats. Why are you not going on leftist social media interviews and helping to boost their platforms? We can’t fight JRE, Shapiro, etc. without your help
Congrats G Newsom - 1st podcast 2day w/ guest Charlie Kirk. 🙄 Congrats 2 me 4 sitting thru it. GN went out of his way to listen (2 often agree) with CK's BS. As expected, CK wouldn't allow 1 opposing point. He praised Trump like a good cult member.
Didn’t he say he was gonna have guests in his podcast from all sides? I don’t get the problem here. Did he endorse his views? Of course Charlie is vile.
What is wrong with Newsom?...what is he doing with that fascist, Kirk, who is also a great pal of Ginni and Clarence Thomas and helped arrange buses and motels for some of the thugs who attacked the Capitol.
Kirk belongs in prison...again, what is wrong with Newsom...he knows this about Kirk.
I think the only way to cure the MAGA masses is for left leaning/centrists people to go on or host MAGA cult leaders on podcasts/Fox News. It’s the only way to expose their beliefs as lies.
This is clearly taken out of context and why nobody with a brain takes you leftists seriously. He's clearly talking within the guise of DEI, which has been known to check boxes instead of awarding merit.
I loathe Kirk. And I’m baffled at Newsom doing this. However, I will wait to see Newsom’s next action. To see if the Kirk interview was a set up or a turn coat move.
So, the very same people who got on Kamala and Joe's case for not talking to podcasters are now going to berate Gavin for doing the same? No wonder we keep losing.
It’s not about the actual convo - it’s the legitimacy and headlines it garners. Then the policy stance change… too late in the game to be anything but betrayal. Google it. Check out the 🦊 headlines that pop up. He’s given them a ton of credibility. Newsome is smart enough to understand all that.
I agree with Gavin.The framing is everything. I support trans athletes but let’s acknowledge work arounds are necessary to have fair sports for all kids. Don’t come at me for not supporting trans issues, I support them and their choices as well as my granddaughters right to fairly compete in sport.
This is a matter of falling for their framing of the trans athlete “debate.” In the NCAA there is more than 500,000 athletes, 40 identify as trans. We’re each entitled to an opinion, but wowza that is not the epidemic they pretend it is. I know this is college, but it sheds light on the topic.
Well aware. I’m referring to the fairness of my high school granddaughter competing in sports with trans kids. There is a debate to be had as to how to be fair to all parties!
The framing is that trans in sports is this huge issue that requires mountains of legislation
When there are literally only 5 athletes. Transgender people existed before Fox News made it an issue in 2021. It wasn’t a problem until they wanted to scapegoat
If all you're hearing is the one point you disagree with, you're missing an immense opportunity. This interview is extremely useful to the cause... Kirk explains *exactly* how they took dem voters & turned them MAGA. He tells you the winning strategy. Focus on that. Use it.
People are just reacting to headlines. I have listened to what he said and honestly, it was way mild compared to what headlines are screaming. And if you watch Kirk's body language, he figgeted with his shoe when Newson addressed the vulnerability of trans people in our community. Newsom is shrewd
I agree. You can't just drop combative thought bombs on ppl & expect their minds to change instantaneously. Just how MAGA ppl were converted over time/repeated/increased exposure, we have to drop little breadcrumbs until they've eaten so many, they're ordering a whole loaf.
I wish people understood this. If they wanted Newson, or anyone, to get into a fight, it would have accomplished absolutely nothing and provided weeks of memes and talking points for MAGA. The fine art of Aikido is needed now.
No, we’re irritated because we already know Charlie Kirk is a bigot who says and does bigoted things daily and he isn’t changing. Harris was a matter of people claiming they didn’t know who Harris was. It’s weird not to see the difference.
Ms. Brady, it's not the fact that he had this podcast, but more so, he offered no pushback. The man he interviewed wants to undo the civil rights act for people like me and litany of other things. You can debate him, but don't act buddy, buddy. If you watched, I would love to hear your thoughts!
CK doesn't qualify as a human head. And this other asshole called him to the podcast for some 'negative' publicity. It's all about money to them, grifters to the right and to the left. Newsome should gtfo of politics, he doesn't deserve it anymore.
Just a friendly reminder of how Gavin is a master at trolling MAGA. BDE vs Mircro-Weenie. He’s literally wearing the same outfit with Chudlie Kirk he wore when he trolled Trump on the tarmac.
Guys, Gavin is always 10 steps ahead of these chuds. Californian born and raised. While this stupid ass picture of them together enrages me, I have a sneaky suspicion Gavin is trolling them, just like he trolled Trump on the tarmac after the Pacific Palisades fire.
The amount of people defending him is crazy. This is what happens when you idolize these politicians. Then you make excuses for all their bad behavior.
This is Why Democrats & VP Harris lost on 2024, they are a lot of Liars hypocrite Dems that only care to themselves like Hypocrite Liar SOB California Gov Newson that at the end they are helping MAGA GOP & Dictator Trump to destroy USA, I will never vote for this Bitch or any like him!
I always knew Gavin Newsom was a MAGA spy who was sabotaging the Democrats during the election by being the first Governor to actually start locking up homeless people. Gavin Newsom The MAGA Nazi needs to be recalled ASAP. He doesn't give a flying fuck about the California people. I gurantee.
Very liberal friends in positions to know in California despise him. He’s got the looks, he’s PR/Celebrity focused. So I can understand how he could go up against the MAGAs. I’d have to hold my nose to vote for him, but our scum is better than theirs! 😂
This format allowed Kirk to provide insights as to what Democrats are missing. Also, how we're losing the youth vote.
Don't we want to know this?
Not saying he's right. But, that we should listen.
But, so was the revolution. Their guerrilla tactics were with weapons. But, they still had to change hearts and minds.
We need to understand where it hurts, rather than our "they're crazy" bubble.
So, how about we listen first?
That’s how we’ll win in the future…by kicking Democrats out of our party.
If we can just purge everyone out of OUR party for making one mistake, then we can have a pure party that can appeal to everyone.
And he didn't even stop one single Kirk acolyte from calling him Newscum.
Or as Thomas Paine put it ...
Charlie needs to crawl back into the hole he came out of.
This, his transphobia, etc will give his opponents plenty of ammo.
Sure, he’ll gain traction with the middle at first, but as the field thins he win increasingly need to fight the DINO label.
It was bad. Newsom seemed unprepared and didn’t push back nearly enough or forcefully.
Platforming is fine if you act as a prosecutor, not a podcaster.
Or as Thomas Paine put it ...
If you want to explain your policies to uninformed people you have to go where they are.
It doesn't seem like your advice to hit the far right podcast circuit plays well on Main Street.
Driving people to him for ANY REASON is stupid.
Looks more like Gavin is "using" Kirk
If we want to counteract the lies about us,
we need to be doing that where the lies are being spread,
not huddling in our safe lefty echo-chambers
Good luck...
Neither you, me or Gavin has one tiny spec of influence
over Kirk being "ignored & diminished" - zero, none, zip
But sure keep playing with your pretend button that does nothing
That's why the first step needs to be simple exposure
Serious attempts at persuasion belong several steps later
Prep the soil (currently we are here)
then plant some seeds
then help them grow
then harvest the results
Democrats should also be willing to ditch far-left orthodoxy. Far too many Ds these days are afraid to have a Sister Souljah moment.
Clinton, Obama, and Biden were all moderates. They all won elections
This cycle, Ds couldn't even put out a party platform without including a statement at the front that we're all living on stolen land FFS🤦♂️
He was against gay marriage. He did not support single-payer healthcare. He did not support marijuana legalization. He did not support UBI. Etc.
You can't rewrite history to fit your preferred narrative.
Great job.
As for the last election, there's a reason the GOP trained so much of its fire on the more leftist positions Kamala had taken in the 2020 primary: bc those positions are electorally toxic.
Screaming at someone too their face is not required.
Asking from France
If it was a debate, it woulda been second only to Vance-Walz for lopsided bullshit sculpting (to Kirk) and fucking ass-kissing (by Newsome). And, still NO fact checking!
Fucking Dems NEVER learn a goddamned thing.
The stuff I have read here is pretty incontrovertibly bigoted.
So, enlighten us, please.
You don't give Nazis (who have a well-funded megaphone) a microphone in legitimate spaces. Someone else, okay, not Kirk.
We don’t vote for people who hang out with Nazis.
For example:
I had even harsher criticism for Kimberly Guilfoyle's ex-husband and abuser of the unhoused on the Nazi site before I deleted my account.
I won't vote for anyone who bends the knee to Trump & Musk, or agrees EVER with white supremacists and Nazi
He was asked a question. And he answered it. Honesty, fairly and CORRECTLY. I don't think you even know what he was asked.
But now he's on the "other side?" Is that it?
A lot of people forget how cozy those two are.
He needed the neo-liberal order until he didn’t, so he kept appearances until he didn’t have to.
This is about pointing out manipulation, not making apologies.
Whatever will we do????
You're kind of a joke Damon.
Let me ask you something little man. What state do you live in. Tell me.
This was announcement of a new plant. Part of his edict to have CA end sales of gas vehicles by 2035. Big picture, grown up thinkin'. That's clearly what tripped you up.
Get your act together Damon.
That being said, Newsom needs to be out there with the Democrats talking about fascism and how Elon Musk is fucking everybody over.
That’s where I wanna see him.
know where this frigging photo came from!
The funny thing is that he thinks he can be the president one day. LOL
this pisses me off.
newsom should not be doing this.
I’m not judging it yet.
Nah fuck that shit. Fuck this bigoted piece of right wing Christian Taliban shit.
Same reason no leader would meet Kim Jong.
Only the #shitholecountry did.
He ran an unprecedented campaign as an unknown.
He just ran a depart with 56K empl. & was the most progressive & pro-consumer secretary I've ever seen
He has more military & governing experience than most in Congress
I’m getting sick of the donors too.
Australia introduced a great bill (might be law now). No donations more than $20k to a candidate.
We need to take a page or 3 from their playbook. Time to lock down this madness.
A religious psychotic who wants to hold dominion over all the land and
He said he plans to interview Trump allies as well as Democrats.
Seems like Newsom has an angle here, but that doesn’t include siding with MAGA — ever.
Newsom is out for me. Absolutely fucking not. Nope. Done. Gone. Bye. Don’t put him on that fucking ballot.
Buttigieg 2028. 🇺🇸
People may change, but if they are like her, that’s a core trait that was already an inherent part of her personality, whether it was seen by the public. 🤷🏼♂️
That he wholeheartedly deserves
This type of collaboration results in nothing positive.
To maga thugs this is a sign of weakness and capitulation.
Thanks, America, for validating everything I've always known about you.
Sad times.
Talk about feeling like the country is going backwards.....and thats exactly what the GOP wants.
"Look at me, I'm willing to dialog with racists,insurrectionists; were all Americans".
How Newsome lost his presidential aspirations for 1000 Alex!
I loathe Trump.
Newsom is pretty & has stood up to Trump, but this is gross.
Kirk belongs in prison...again, what is wrong with Newsom...he knows this about Kirk.
That isn't surprising.
2. He agreed with Kirk’s framing of trans issues.
That’s the part people are angry about. The agreeing.
When there are literally only 5 athletes. Transgender people existed before Fox News made it an issue in 2021. It wasn’t a problem until they wanted to scapegoat
Also, it's freaking sports. Playing sports is not a human right.
If all you're hearing is the one point you disagree with, you're missing an immense opportunity. This interview is extremely useful to the cause... Kirk explains *exactly* how they took dem voters & turned them MAGA. He tells you the winning strategy. Focus on that. Use it.
Social engineering 101.