A bird flew over the cuckoo's nest 🖕🏼🖕🏼(the White House)
MAGAt's and the egg price denial! [💩 for 🧠 🧠]
P.S. Bird Flu existed LONG before tRUMP took office!!
As long as Mickey D's keeps floating him egg McMuffin's he doesn't GAF about non-billionaires affording eggs! Not EGGcited about the F☠️CKERY!
America, you got suckered...again. AGAIN.
In Canada we look at you and shake our heads and we're left with the conclusion that you're all totally insane. Even the democrats. Please don't come here. Keep the disease of idiocy in one place. But then you're not any good at social distancing either.
Cal-Maine Foods reported in a recent Securities and Exchange Commission filing that the company's gross profits are up 342% thru the 2nd qtr of fiscal 2025 versus the previous fiscal year.
2023: Cal-ME Foods and others fined for price fixing, they were exporting too many eggs to drive prices up.
Is it really tho? Cuz chicken prices are stagnant… I’d really like to understand how that could be possible.
I’ve heard the song and dance about life cycles and different industries. I don’t buy it.
Anyone know an economist that studies these types of fluctuations?
Higher in my neighborhood.
My grocer is limiting the number of eggs one can buy. He told me he expects prices to go higher. But regardless that grocery costs are soaring, MagaHeads got their wish. Trump. And he can do no wrong.
I can blame Trump for whatever I want to. He blamed Biden for everything. I blame Trump for Daylight Savings Time. For Ron deSantis. For Putin. For Putin declaring war on Ukraine.
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔 I somewhat agree with you—but the fact of the matter is America’s regulations in chicken processing is quite lax to ours in Canada-
Trump’s goal to de-regulate industries, esp the FDA -will continue to create issues with America’s food supply.
Tell the GOP, that 🇨🇦 will sell eggs @ a discount!
Yeah but he blamed Biden for things beyond his controll. I understand bird flu is the cause. Let’s just remember Trump blames all his short comings ( hahah) on everything or others no matter what
A shortage of chickens has been caused by Canadian fentanyl dealers filling their empty trucks with stolen chickens before the return journey to Canada.
Meanwhile “Let’s Go Brandon’s” evil plan was raising egg prices so he could give the money to Hunter. Therefore Biden was responsible for higher egg prices. But with Trump it’s bird flu. We are dealing with deeply stupid brainwashed MAGAs.
Canadian eggs coming over the border hot. He will try to get us to appoint an egg czar by tomorrow then by Tuesday he will say we haven't done enough. Then by Wednesday it's all Bidens fault
Some twitter shitposter will tag elon musk in a post about how EVIL CANADIAN DEEPSTATE IS SMUGGLING FENTANYL INSIDE EGG SHELLS, which will be Concerning.
We can as it spreads to animals and people, with his war on science. He seems to be a true believer, like NAZIs, survival of the fittest. Let the old, the disabled, and sick die. Fuck fighting childhood cancer.
The CDC, HHS and the dept of Agriculture should have been your safety net but some fool took a chainsaw to it and put a tool in charge. you are all to blame for not standing up and saying a FELON should not run your country
Republican. GOP. MAGA. It's all the same thing. Republican silence brought us this situation.
Never forget which REOUBLICAN Representatives and Senators refused to vote to impeach or convict. (What are those percentages now? Just checking.)
“We're pleased that Georgia is officially free of HPAI in poultry. Although the risk of HPAI remains nationwide, we are optimistic that with diligent efforts by conscientious flock owners, we can maintain this status,” State Veterinarian Dr. Janemarie Hennebelle added.
I'm sorry, Ron, but he promised prices would go down on day one! I'm dying for a damn omelet, so yes, I blame the mad king! And I'm not raising any damn chicken to get eggs!
Saw a news report yesterday in which the owner of a well-known restaurant in the US said that he expects egg prices to go up another 40% before the end of 2025.
Huge rush import of Turkish eggs to partially offset shortage. United States Department of Agriculture on Tuesday said that, over the weekend, it accidentally fired "several" agency employees who are working on the federal government's response to the H5N1 avian flu outbreak.
No question that bird flu is contributory. Like other grocers (Ahem) like Kroger, these "egg corps" know that the people will pay the price set. #NoConspiracyTheories #Corrupt gov't that won't investigate & protect the people.
I grilled my aviculture friend about the cost and practicalities of keeping 5 laying hens instead of buying eggs. But really, I'm immune compromised. What if they get bird flu?
I think you’ve got issues with your numbers it’s affected much more than that. Trumps taken away the ability to communicate nationwide about the infections. They’ve affected flocks nationwide.
"...there is at least one winner in the current shortage, which began in 2022: the country’s biggest egg producer." Remedy: Stop eating eggs until prices come down.
The reason other countries are. It having this issue is that they inspect and limit the size of farms…love America..build bigger and bigger and bigger!!
Are you kidding?! That's all 47 does is blame people - well, it's his damn fault egg prices are high. If RFK did something besides sell castor oil for measles, we might do better with bird flu and eggs! Oh - these people are killing me in so many ways!
Eggs: $2/Doz up to $8. When does it become gouging? Isn't capitalism built on the premise of gouging?? How do you know when capitalism ends and gouging begins? It's all gouging in my mind.
Is he the one who also recommended that we just grow more coffee in the US? (Which would be comparable to recommending to farmers in PA just plant more orange trees!)
I was in the store today and noticed eggs were 6.99 for a dozen. But what I really noticed is that the store had lots of eggs. So, definitely not a shortage.
We can blame him for the bird flu though, and by the transient nature of consequence, if he's to blame for the bird flu then he's also to blame for the high egg prices.
The egg price thing is infuriating for a number of reasons. But most important point. If America is going to be self sustaining what do we eat for breakfast? I hope the McDonald's near the White House has appropriate Eggs for the King
I’m wondering if there really is BIRD FLU.
Anyway maga you voted for the imbecile so my words to you are: SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUPS
MAGAS do not have to worry about bird flu in the future because as Elon "guts" the govt, no one will follow for outbreaks. Egg prices will be the least of the problem
Hey, guess what. Everything sucks, ok. Let's just cut to the chase. Ain't nobody going to fix it ,either...except maybe. Luigi. Just saying. Gather thy pitchforks my brothers and sisters. Let US control the narrative. Adios. Ramadan Mubarak. Sayonora. Peace.
Plus, we have a system that has checks and balances and guarantees that we will never need to destroy flocks numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Same for dairy. No growth hormones, limits on antibiotics, stricter pasteurization standards.
Canada rocks! 🇨🇦
Does anyone know if Trump is doing anything about the bird flu?
I know most of the people responsible for battling things like bird flu have been fired(or have they?).
I'm sorry, but $6.99 for a dozen eggs is a line I am not willing to cross
I've had conversations (for want of a better word) with people who say Biden needlessly culled chickens so high egg prices under Trump would make him look bad. I can't even.
Yes that’s right. Bird flu is decimating our flocks. You’re barking up the wrong tree, Ron. Why do Democrats keep talking about the price of eggs, instead of doing some serious shit.
Don't worry about Bird Flu, it won't jump to humans like COVID. Not a chance. I have best Brain Worm Man working on it! Oh, that was measles! Don't worry about Measles.
MAGAt's and the egg price denial! [💩 for 🧠 🧠]
P.S. Bird Flu existed LONG before tRUMP took office!!
As long as Mickey D's keeps floating him egg McMuffin's he doesn't GAF about non-billionaires affording eggs! Not EGGcited about the F☠️CKERY!
In Canada we look at you and shake our heads and we're left with the conclusion that you're all totally insane. Even the democrats. Please don't come here. Keep the disease of idiocy in one place. But then you're not any good at social distancing either.
2023: Cal-ME Foods and others fined for price fixing, they were exporting too many eggs to drive prices up.
Air quotes. On bird flu. As if it was make up.🤦♂️
I’ve heard the song and dance about life cycles and different industries. I don’t buy it.
Anyone know an economist that studies these types of fluctuations?
My grocer is limiting the number of eggs one can buy. He told me he expects prices to go higher. But regardless that grocery costs are soaring, MagaHeads got their wish. Trump. And he can do no wrong.
Mine are up over 200%
Trump’s goal to de-regulate industries, esp the FDA -will continue to create issues with America’s food supply.
Tell the GOP, that 🇨🇦 will sell eggs @ a discount!
I would rather blame him for the economy! Watch the market! It’s falling fast
#trump #somanybirdsincanada
With a 250% export tax …
to match Trump’s tariff on dairy
Like for like
but USA is10x more people.
Never forget which REOUBLICAN Representatives and Senators refused to vote to impeach or convict. (What are those percentages now? Just checking.)
Okay, maybe that doesn’t fit. 😄
Regulations are written in blood
The people suffering are your friends, family, and neighbors while “illegal immigrants”
You can't make this up
Although I wouldn't be surprised if corporations are profiting off of the bird flu too. Corporate greed and what not.
Republicans: We could try thoughts and prayers.
Anything bad that happens under Trump is the fault of Democrats.
That’s what they believe. 😑
Their plan is to just let the bird flu spread. Everywhere. No mitigation of any sort, just let ‘er rip.
Gonna work out great.
Trans roosters 🤯
*mic drop*
But don't know lose from loose.
Anyway maga you voted for the imbecile so my words to you are: SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUPS
So yes Ron, MAGA can blame him.
So do I.
Are you guys tired of “winning” yet? /s
How the mighty have truly fallen. Sad.
Canada rocks! 🇨🇦
I know most of the people responsible for battling things like bird flu have been fired(or have they?).
I'm sorry, but $6.99 for a dozen eggs is a line I am not willing to cross