Many prominent Republicans have spoken out about how Trump’s Ukraine policy is wrong, makes the world less safe, and is causing more death to men, women & children.
But not one will say his name while doing so.
They are that morally bankrupt.
And that afraid of him.
But not one will say his name while doing so.
They are that morally bankrupt.
And that afraid of him.
He’ll come after them no matter what, so now is the time.
Then there will be nothing to fear.
They have sold their souls for power, fame and money.
Why is a King allowed to control this?
If they do talk, Trump Will call them A Slur Name-in Public.
One of Two Things then happens: The person Stops Talking-and forever Wears The Slur Name, or gets drawn into Slur Talk with Trump-also damaging their legacy.
Becausе, i see what's going on with Al Green and the democrats...
No republican can claim they fear for their and their family's saftey when their inaction endangers everyone including their own families.
There is not enough anti-nausea medicine in the world.
The fact that the US can remotely disable functions of weaponry previously sold to allies is a huge revelation.
I’ve seen more spine in jellyfish and I think their halo’s have a few screws loose
If you ask me, this has already gone way too far!
The people who worship him are evil. Wanting to hurt others to make themselves happy. I will never understand how and why this became the way of our country.
Mistake #2: we never finished the Civil War and ended the hate
I do not understand how they don’t see that.
The days of principled representatives are like those of chivalrous knights.
All but forgotten!
thought leadership from anonymous sources.
It's like having anonymous sex because you don't want your wife to find out.
what end?
Dehumanization and impersonalization (they) with a nod toward violence has always led to genocide.
Hard NO. Violence is not the answer to the problems we are facing.
If Romney could barely afford personal security - what hope for most others?
The Proud Boys
Have Carte Blanche
The sandbox bully?
What's he gonna do...throw Musk money at them?
Tell Krasnov to fuck off...ignore his bogus "orders"...don't give him power he doesn't have.
they're your enemy too
trump is just the white cap to the infection beneath
If politicians are under duress they shouldn't be making any 'political decisions' until they're no longer compromised.
There should be a law for that.
Just sayin' it again
Little to fear if you ever get attacked, man to man, with any of the Trump crew. Vance for instance, should be wearing Zelensky's knuckle marks!
Trump deliberately withheld life saving intelligence from the Ukrainians allowing Putins missiles to get through their defences to kill innocent Ukrainians
Trump has blood on his hands
Trump is EVIL
Trump must be destroyed
The republicans refusal to stand up to him back in 2016.
I can not, have never, and never will understand this.
They all hate him
but kneel down and worship this slimy, cruel, worthless evil pile of runny orange shit
Please make it make sense!
Selfishness and greed.
They should have stopped him much, much earlier.
And it isn't too late, except the r's like the power, and overcoming them is the difficulty
And they were too weak and stupid to realize the price.
Elise Stefanik is a prime example.
She fell into line with Trump early on.
And now she will be the next UN ambassador.
She did not support Trump at first.
Of course if they banded together and impeached him, they wouldn't get to get rich off him.
It's both power and greed at work instead of DEMOCRACY!
Which was the responsibility of all Americans to overturn.
Relying on Republicans spotting a dictator seems a wonky strategy.
But can't turn a single one
The r's meanwhile can't read the room to realize they are working against their own constituents
Kinda hard to make progress that way
We don't have 2 years to fix this
I don't understand Americans.
At all.
The cultural divide is like another planet.
But then the orange treasonist came along and made prejudice ok to his followers hate normal diversity unacceptable
The bigots came pouring out of the woodwork
Joined by the mysogenists
And the bible thumpers, who don't follow the teachings of jesus
And they're all in congress
Only one reason not to be.
komrade krasnov is a mob boss.
he has violent people waiting to do bad things at his request.
republicans are told that their spouses and children could die.
they remain silent.
we allow it to happen.
The US economy, credit status, even democracy are now in play & events beyond the US will decide what happens
For a country so paranoid about security, the US has scored the biggest own goal in history
Harold Rogers
John Carter
Virginia Foxx
Kay Granger
Jim Baird
Bill Posey
Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen
Joe Wilson
Jack Bergman
Mike Kelly
Brian Babin
Tom Cole
Roger Williams
Daniel Webster
Mike Simpson
Carol Miller
Michael C. Burgess
Elise Stefanik springs to mind.
He’s a two bit con and habitual liar with a mouthful of Russian propaganda.
Fck him!!
Their leader is a lifelong dishonest lying fraudster, buffoonish character with sadistic perversions and a felon.
They cannot win by telling the truth. They have lied for decades about Dems in order to win elections.
They conned their voters.
a) Compromised
b) Corrupt
c) Cult or
d) All of the above
With pressure from calls, protests, etc..
Hoping some cracks form and a bit of division pops up and they actually do the right thing
It would be preferable to the stuff that comes after 😕