JD Vance never once condemned Putin by name for indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets that murders children daily in Ukraine. But he’s irate at a couple grandmothers complaining to him about it.
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But the grandmothers were scaring his little girl, even though the video says differently. He agreed Putin started the war but also said they were trying to get peace. Kind of hard to believe since they cut off their weapons and blinded them by denying intelligence. But sure, you're trying to help.
He’s the same person that will say, if you can’t handle the pressure of the job-quit… you don’t get the be the ultimate flip flopper with the video to back it up AND complain about it. Never trumper….never is not a long time in Vance household. Never fucked a couch either I bet.
Oh, the inconvenience of it all....I mean dead kids. Look, Vance would walk over a parking lot of dead kids to get to a Big Mac. Know your enemy people.
It didn’t take him long to go complete maga…really speaks to his actual character and integrity…as in he has none.
These people are soulless ghouls(at the risk of overusing that term)…And the rest of these repugs…Russian wannabe assets ?!? They really don’t seem to give a shit
Why, why, WHY is it so hard to condemn atrocities against mankind?
Oh yeah, because this man is not kind.
Stupidity breeds failure.
Failure breeds hatefulness.
But, but, he has seen videos so he knows whats going on there. (Idiot in power). Next time he walks his child, perhaps he should think about it and just leave her in the kennel.
Contrast this with Ron Filipkowski who is principled enough to condemn Biden supplying cluster bombs to Ukraine which are, by definition, indiscriminate.
Another one using their kid as a "meat shield" to avoid hearing the truth about themselves and what they are doing to US and the world...that's what is despicable.
Hate to repeat it but here it goes:
People voted for this piece of shit as the side wagon to another bigger piece of shit.
Having said that this is not the real issue.
Go to the source of the rot that has enabled Americans to be this stupid and gullible and do it fast generations are being lost
I believe he called them “Shit Humans” he is fine with Putin killing kids, he is fine with Israel killing kids, but bug him while ‘walking’ his daughter(strange take on a walk with your child) those people are Shit Humans. Fuck me, the US sure can pick em!
Vance is and will always be a follower, he does not have his own opinion!
He is one of these parasites that takes hold of anyone that is popular at the moment!
just another spineless, low IQ, wannabe in the spotlight douchebag!
I was at a protest yesterday, and a couple of 70 something year old women were discussing the same. We protesters were all older folks. She questioned why there were virtually zero young folks there out of the 400-500 protesters.
Same at a protest in Hartford CT. 95% were 55 and older. A few, very few younger folks. I understand that people work but the numbers were so skewed...
The rally I am speaking about was, yesterday - a Saturday. I agree about the time challenge when working but I would think a Saturday would make the event more accessible for younger working folks.
My friend Karl-Heinz Füßner from Germany has a powerful message for the American people, the President, and your representatives. Please read and share—democracy is at stake. We must stand against fascism and authoritarianism!
Was in Finland last week. Daily news actually reports on and shows the war. You know ….bombs and missiles ….. Imagine if our media did that…..imagine if the Sunday shows reported news rather than were platforms for political discourse.
His entire whining story was a fake. Surrounded by Secret Service agents? Intimidated by grandmothers who could not possibly get near enough to frighten his child? Give me a break.
L out the last couple of decades Putin has indiscriminately bombed other countries women and children murdering them as well.
Putin is a murderous 🌎 pariah.
Now bc of Trump, 🇺🇸 is a 🌎 pariah.
Sleeping with the enemy!
He better get used to peaceful but insulting protests and not enjoying one public outing with his family. He did it to himself and his family. No ski resorts, no neighbourhood walks…
Remember these so-called xians never complained about their mythical creator killing children either.The deaths of children mean nothing to Maga and the Right. They are all groomers of children and work together to secure as many mouthpieces as possible. 14 children and a dry dick. Experimenting DNA
Well he’s a thin skinned little bitch. Vance is trying to play that Trump victim card he sees so much. Trump administration know that their policies are wildly unpopular. The need to get used to the criticism. It’s only going to get louder.
We taxpayers pay for him to live on a 72 acre compound- he can walk there if he wants privacy. Oh and wasn't he walking with a bunch of highly trained secret service we also pay for. I'm sure he was scared.
He is lying again... Secret service would not let protestors get anywhere near him. If they did, secret service is secretly trying off him. Which would be heroic thing to do.
Jd Vance is a feckless, lying piece of shit. He is George Santos without the drag personae. Changing your name that many times is a sign of identity crisis or mental illness.
I swear if you sneezed on him, even softly, he’d end up on Mars waiting for the couch that elonia promised to personally deliver to him…ZERO gravitas, authenticity…a suit in search of a person…
I also want to mention; these protests are WORKING!! They've caused him to react twice now. Somebody in that family is very bothered by them. Let's keep up the good work in every corner of the country!! We will be heard! 🤍
Where's this child's mother?? What kind of mom allows her child to be used in a stunt, in any potential danger?! You would have seen me in the background screaming like a banshee... at HIM!!! Get the kids & LEAVE NOW!!
If trump succeeds with stopping the Russian-Ukraine war …. THEN SANCTIONS SHOULD REMAIN INDEFINITELY … until Russia leaves Ukrainian territory … otherwise Russia will do it again
It's cute that he can go on walks with his daughter without being bombed and that he can have discussions on the street without being kidnapped. He should reconsider who he supports because his current support won't guarantee that freedom.
Exactly. No one was chasing James David and he was flanked by his SS so no one was terrorizing his toddler. He simply passed some protesters who were walking to a protest and he decided to stop them and make a scene so that he could lie about it latter. End of story.
Like many of those around him, JD Vance has no moral center.
His pathological character has been constructed to compensate for his deep shame about being poor and unworthy. We desperately want to be like the men he serves. rich and powerful.
But deep inside, he knows he is weak and full of shame
I’m sure Ukrainian fathers wish there biggest worry for their children was people saying words, as opposed to invaders trying to take their country by force intentionally using both indiscriminate and targeted violence, murdering and kidnapping their children by the thousands? No sympathy.
A guy Tommy Vietor interviewed said JD has made himself the most hated man in the UK. Many Canadians think JD is appalling . . . nice to see people agreeing!
Reminds me of the debate anger, "we agreed there wouldn't be fact checking".
I am so tired of the lack of reflection in the mirror or accountability in this "leadership"
"But listen, you run for office, you're in the United States of America, everyone's got a First Amendment, you take it on, you bring it on, you cannot be heard to complain about the life you've chosen," [Attorney A. Scott] Bolden said.
Trump and Vance are the whiniest, snivelling, most pampered babies to ever run the WhiteHouse. I've never seen two privileged wealthy white men play the indignant victim so hard in my life. What a joke.
Please share this talk by French politician Claude Malhuret, which I think will go down as one of the more important speeches of this time. We ALL need to listen to this! As a non-French speaker, I found it easier to turn down the volume when reading the subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unSSHfIs3U0
And only a complete cowardly shitbag uses his kids as a shield hoping to defect any criticism or public acknowledgement of how much of a cowardly shitbag they are.
https://youtu.be/5RpPTRcz1no DARK GOTHIC MAGA: How Tech Billionaires Plan to Destroy America video. The YouTube video has the most links to other sources.
These people are soulless ghouls(at the risk of overusing that term)…And the rest of these repugs…Russian wannabe assets ?!? They really don’t seem to give a shit
Oh yeah, because this man is not kind.
Stupidity breeds failure.
Failure breeds hatefulness.
At least I’m assuming you did, right Ron?
People voted for this piece of shit as the side wagon to another bigger piece of shit.
Having said that this is not the real issue.
Go to the source of the rot that has enabled Americans to be this stupid and gullible and do it fast generations are being lost
He is one of these parasites that takes hold of anyone that is popular at the moment!
just another spineless, low IQ, wannabe in the spotlight douchebag!
The final decision will be left to history, but as Americans who’ve seen this film before, we need to course correct immediately.
We’re heading back to the 1920s
Where the fuck are the students???
What the hell happened between then and now?
They all magically disappeared. 🤷♂️
Putin is a murderous 🌎 pariah.
Now bc of Trump, 🇺🇸 is a 🌎 pariah.
Sleeping with the enemy!
This anti-DEI hire thought he could roll up and “play” the ladies with some #Ukraine mansplaining.
But grandmas don’t play and now the #JD knows that.
But ONLY if you agree with them.
If you don’t there will be consequences.
This administration of clowns and assholes trying to appear strong, but are so so weak.
you are free to shut up...for now.
bully. I loathe him.
and insist Putin RETURN what's been stolen and pay for the damages he's caused, like anyone else.
Instruct Putin to honor the agreement and guarantees that he and the US made in December 5, 1994.
Just sayin'
“Tell him to pull his troops out and stop bombing us. We’ll have peace!
Make sense?” VZ
The outcome can affect the nation. Elon is trying to buy office.
You can call in from any state. Tell your friends. Repost. Sign up with working families.
Such danger for his little crotchprop
He won’t answer calls and he isn’t hosting town halls.
He serves at our pleasure. We don’t have a Constitutional mechanism to remove him, but we do have a means to make our collective voices heard.
Please sign and share!
Use a Louisville Slugger
Were you quiet because they were Brown people? Your claims of humanitarian concerns are a disingenuous fraud.
How long before someone revolts and gets fired?
His pathological character has been constructed to compensate for his deep shame about being poor and unworthy. We desperately want to be like the men he serves. rich and powerful.
But deep inside, he knows he is weak and full of shame
Don't believe anything coming out of that regime
It's ALL meant to distract you
I am so tired of the lack of reflection in the mirror or accountability in this "leadership"
Vance is a coward.