Lauren Boebert says the censure motion against her is unjust after she said that Rep. Al Green carries a “pimp cane”, and argues that it wasn’t a racist comment:
“Are only blacks pimps? Are there no white pimps?”
“Are only blacks pimps? Are there no white pimps?”
Asking for a horny friend.
Also, she's so ignorant she doesn't know she's using stereotypes on one of her colleagues.
Must be the Kid Rock influence.
How did my district allow her to come in and win?
There are folks with tRump signs still nailed to trees.
Why did I feel so safe with President Biden, when this effluence was brewing?
How did I not see it?
Boebs should sit this one out after her "Escort Days".
Those are the only requirements to run for Congress. Lots of reps don’t even live in the district they represent.
There ought to be a law.
But she might well know about pimps.
But Green is NOT a pimp.
Logic and common sense are not a strong suits for the Handjob Queen..
She literally 🤮poisoned people at the fair with her food incompetence and failed in the business gifted by family
LB has a GED if she ever has to read a bill
Her family? See Wiki
The cutest little racist.
Miss Beetlejuice 2023
After that she became Rep. Lowrent Boebert, and her pedophile husband Jayson got a no-show job for a shady, almost non-existent in Colorado oil/gas company for ~$450k/yr.
#MAGAwhore 🤡
Elon brought
Tesla’s $100 Million
Test Crash Dummy
To the White House today.
#TeslaDummies #USDemocracy
Primary her and vote her out!!
She should refrain from attempting to justify her comment by using terms like cisgender - she doesn't believe in gender dysphoria.->*0rmQQa-LYz86YmbFS5pH5A.jpeg
Or doesn't it count if it's children being raped and the pimp is rich?
I can't take that little greasy slut seriously
and if she does not get censured then there is a blatant double standard in Congress.
(yes I know there is and it's filled with racist sexist fuckfaces on the right..).
Got it.
Gotcha covered