What in all that’s holy kind of putt is that….seriously, was it a tournament of One…I don’t know why this triggers me, but, it’s just beyond comprehension, this is the guy, the best America had to offer as president…WTH America, WTH
Who is the sycophant doing audio? Obviously it's not a friend because a friend would be laughing and wanting it not to go in. Trump has no friends. If you don't have a friend to bust your chops in a friendly game, you have no friends
They're not actually that bad putts. He putts much better than he speaks, governs, or behaves. If he spent more time cheating on the golf course, and less time ruining the country, it would be a benediction for all.
Bankrupts companies, lies under oath, threatens allies, cosies up to dictators, tells more lies, tanks the stock market, destroys the country's reputation, tells even more lies ... and can't play golf either. Fat, bloated, disgusting ... and useless.
You would think with all the hours and millions of dollars trump racks up, he would be able to sink a putt. trump is shitty at golf, also see: cheats at golf, partners let trump win so he doesn't throw a toddler fit, obese, shits his diaper while golfing.
You’d think he’d be a better golfer since he spends so much time on the golf course. I just learned from “Have I got news for you” that Trump golfed more days in his first term than the 2 astronauts have been stranded on the Space Station. Here’s hoping the 2 astronauts get back safely.
Is he pushing it? It doesn't even look like a swing. I dont know shit about golf past Tiger Woods 2002 for the ps2, and I can tell. Hell, a blind man could see how bad his putt is. Probably smells it honestly.
It takes real talent (sarcasm) to shank a 30 yd pitch to a wide open green as shown yesterday. For non-golfers, a shank is basically when you hit the ball with the club shaft instead of the club face.
Clearly not a good golfer. Worst putting stroke ever. He owns several courses, employs professional teaching pro’s, yet putts like that? Indicates that he has a learning disability and/or is incapable of taking advice. God help our country!
lol! Inches from a clean getaway. I have to learn how to be more subtle, my captain. I am by definition elderly now, so it takes awhile for my cloud to get the message. Elmo’s satellites are still in low earth orbit. 🫢
hitler was an artist,mussolini was a swordsman,pootie is a highly skilled life long trained KGB agent not to be respected but trained and skilled none the less.tЯ☭mp is a crappy and essentially a failure as a legitimate businessman,is a crappy golfer who cheats at it. Not a single redeeming quality
They gave Obama and Biden so much shit for taking vacation once in a while. Now this fool plays golf all the time. Where is the outrage from the GOP???
In addition to his lousy stroke, what I noticed was how far he hikes up his pants to stay above his massive belly. That and his ambling, knock-kneed stride that makes him look relatively uncoordinated.
It's funny how so many professional golfers who supposedly talk about golf integrity support this cheating buffoon. The only integrity they're concerned about is how tRump and the repuglicans want to lower their taxes.
Stop wasting our tax dollars golfing, and keep your promise to lower prices Day 1! You've already fallen way behind. There will come a point when even your most loyal followers will not accept the "It's Sleepy Joe Bidens fault" excuse.
The cheerleaders in the back, the pathetic cheerleaders in the back, cheering on his mediocre…… These are the people he surround himself with, and they happily bow to the glorious one eager lap up any breadcrumbs they’re given at taxpayers expense …..beyond pathetic….and typical…..
The thousands of federal workers you fired is going to vote for a Democrat in the next election. Every Democrat knows you lost because Democrats didn't vote for you because you are a white supremist that hates Democrats and Democracy.
What a useless fuck!
It still amazes me how emotionally stunted that guy is to *need* to claim he won so badly - even with lots of cameras showing how lousy he plays.
Clearly he just sucks at everything he touches
A rotten cheat.
I thought Donnie wasn't going to have time for golf.
The people clapping hands even when he's talking or doing stupid shit are a problem, too.
The goal is this?
But you can be sure he counted every one of those poor efforts as a one putt. Sad!
I wonder if anyone has checked on the welfare of Miss Sassy lately.
So pathetic!
#GOPSeditiousTraitors #TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison #TrumpPedoFiles
...oh ..... nevermind.
Maybe he needs glasses, and to shave his palms.
The thousands of federal workers you fired is going to vote for a Democrat in the next election. Every Democrat knows you lost because Democrats didn't vote for you because you are a white supremist that hates Democrats and Democracy.
Who is his cheerleader, asskisser.
What a CHILD!