Everything we have stood around the world going back 80 years - collective security, honoring alliances, helping friends & allies, feeding the hungry, treating & curing diseases, humanitarian aid, the rule of law, broadcasting truthful news to people who can’t get it - all gone.
The Dems need to grow Balls and play Dirty just like the Traitors to America.
I have friends who voted 3rd party, too, in protest of the Israel-Gaza war, despite my best efforts to dissuade them. I have a hard time looking at them now.
Trump uses immigrants.
Putin uses the LGBTQ+ and Muslims.
Myanmar uses the Rohingya communities.
Erdogan uses the Gülen followers.
Hitler used the Jews and Gypsies.
I’m so glad he’s not here to see what’s happening.
This is gutting.🤬
My sister got his uniform, I have his dog tags, photos, military police photos etc. Amazing history in just our posts. That Iron Curtain duty gave me chills. Literally. Here we stand, hopefully not all for naught.
They were fairly unambiguous on their feelings about monarchy.
Who is our general leading us into battle? Hakeem? Schumer?
There is NO checks and balances now.
Don't get me wrong, Al Green, AOC, and Crocket have been awesome. Summer and Jefferies, a little lack luster IMHO
If there is no longer any rule of law.
And now the same Republicans are literally disobeying our entire way of governing our country
And when this is all over, they need to be held accountable
If we still can
GOP won’t ever stand up to it…and the Dems are beyond useless.
Therefore the administration can and will do whatever it wants.
as does maga
2. Putin owns him.
No reasoning required.
Unfortunately, plenty of his sycophants-greedy for power, privilege & money-already have their hands all over things.😬
This is their big chance to collapse as much as they can, and install "kings"
Scientists at Dutch universities have been harassed by the Trump administration with intrusive surveys about the political ideology of their universities, gender issues and if their projects 'promote the interests of US policies'.
WTF! The arrogance!!
What they're actually doing is performing a lobotomy.
Utter compliance is their real goal.
A lobotomy is not a reset.
It's permanent brain damage.
Brings everything down to their level, I guess...
Everything my mother did working on the homefront, the agongy the sacrafices.
My Papas 1st hand witness & hopeful writing of the League of Nations in San Franscisco gone ?
The longer he is allowed to play King and be a fascist tyrant, the worse things will get and the more difficult it will be to remove him.
The time is now for a military coup.
Trump still has solid support from around 40 percent of the electorate.
Unfortunately these cultists must experience pain and loss before they wake up and become angry.
By then it might be too late.
The masses need to include the "confused and bought and sold".
But most watch Fox and just see the made for TV stuff and theatrics.
They are ignorant of what’s coming. And that’s pain and loss.
And why they are replacing JAG. So when Trump gives an illegal order, JAG will say it’s ok.
Legality and morality are two different things though. Laws can change or be interpreted differently.
Morality is a constant.
I see a coup within the ranks.
For 80 yrs the USA didn’t want a militarily strong Europe or protectionist global markets.
USA has never been ripped off.
The GOP CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE has done this to us!
The GOP only cares about GOP POWER in the near term! The destruction of US is not important!
Lets face it, the USA has a long history of questionable "aid" and "helping allies".
Much, or maybe even most, can be tied to economic and other benefits for the USA.
…reports in UK though that the US brain drain is already on…
A highly relevant legal analysis about how courts can enforce contempt orders without relying on the executive branch.
1/3 of the people in this country are completely oblivious.
1/3 of the people in this country have watched our descent into the fascism that we feared was coming and have no idea how to prevent what we see happening all around us.
Fuck You @schumer.senate.gov
Only way this stops.
General strike and a march on Washington.
Search social media for #WeAreTheFlood
Marches at CNN, Fox, MSNBC & Heritage House in DC
No one, not even @meidastouch.com is reporting on it
here brainwashed by Fox. My idea is one I can’t write.
And it surely ain’t because I’m brave. It’s because they’re gonna come for folks like us anyway.
Time to make our peace, make a plan and march.
Do share.
We're headed in the direction of N. Korea.
Russia is in our grid. What do we do when they flip the switch?
No electric, no water, no internet, no food.
Don't think that's where we're going? Wait a couple weeks, or a month.
Inaction, apathy, and comfort will end USA
But it is. There's no other way to treat it.
And as with all fascist regimes, I don't see a strong united opposition. Unions, universities, non-profit organizations, yes, even D-politicians... Crickets.
No. Things are very fucked up. But everything is not hopeless. Hopelessness is completely counterproductive, especially considering the stupidity and ineptitude of the individuals in question.
Much could be restored with a single action, tbh.
Our half-billionaire Treasury Secretary says our economy isn't just about affordable goods, as if he needs to even give-a-shit about what stuff costs. 🙄
The fight will need as long as the assault has been.
In order to huddle the " lost souls ", a major crisis will have to happen so ALL NEWS and media cover.
They wrote Project 2025. They corrupted your Supreme Court. They staged the J6 attacks.
If you are in a union, ask your leaders what they plan to do. Labour unions will be near the top of a dictators chopping block.
(but my god…)
conscription for theVietnam war.
For years we saw demonstrations be taken down hard by governmental people, it made our brains conclude not to walk that path, you might get rediculed/hurt!
The streets should be full of people protesting(millions to show the world it is really only 1 man doing it.), a protest like no country has ever seen before! Where even the MILITARY is backing us up!
This is reality!
Both stubborn working-middle class men.
They taught me to love this country.
And I want to, but I cry when I think they’d ever have endorsed such conduct.
When we fight we will win.
We are at War with Trump's New World Order.
Wake TFU Democratic Party!
Cowardice breeds Tyranny...and the Chickenshit Administrations of Obama/Biden have done as much to make it possible as all the MAGATS in America..
Karma has her way.
The world's reactions are a mixture of delight, amusement, horror and fear.
And…..what is the tool that brought us here, to this fascist point…..it could have all been avoided, but…..No
The thought of just understanding, knowing and saying It was Racism - seems still uncomfortable in the face of assured death to all!
Are you implying I am apathetic, and or equating my comment in ANY way with the fucking CSA bullshit? Not the case buddy.
My comment was intended to show that we as a species do not naturally tend to learn from history, so we repeat it. Countering that requires constant attention & education.
Yet, the worse may not even be here yet.
The real problem you’ll have is that it will be a very, very long time before the world trusts the US again on anything.