Maybe they can have a Kennedy Center Easter special: all the Trump admin women in confederate flag bikinis, holding Trump bibles while swaying to Gwen Stefani singing Ave Maria.
At least South Dakota got rid of her. Now we all have to suffer through until Trump tires of her. No amount of admiration is enough for him, and eventually ETTD.
Laughable for her to think we believe she’s doing this job while dressing like she’s off to film a hallmark channel after school special. First things first, put your hair up. Those of us who deal with potential aggression know that’s a basic rule.
And her arms in her pockets. Shows she has zero preservation skills. At least the Nazi next to her knows to have his hands in the traditional manner so he is ready to use them should something happen.
Land one good one in that plastic Nazi face and she'd be crying about how much she paid for it, not fighting back. I don't buy for a second she could fight back without the gun she worships.
THIS is what pisses me off to no end. That and because it's ridiculous propaganda like straight out of some movie about fascist regimes. And the majority, who didn't vote for this, 1 way or another, have to foot the damn bill.
Ok...I'm not the ONLY person to notice the guy has a little 'extra padding' am I? I can hear kristi telling him to stuff it in his pocket to make it look like she's hot!!!
And does that say NZI on his sleeve???
What she's done is perfect samples of how to climb up the ladder by being picked up by a like-minded male and to keep being highly paid for apple polishing. #PicturePerfect 📸
Look I’m not one to point out aesthetics, personal choices when it comes to applying plastics to facial regions. All that said, that’s one weird looking wax figure they keep on photographing. Not Madame Toussauds best work.
Wonder if anyone has counted all her photo takes, and how many days she is in the office actually working? Our tax $$ are supporting her galavanting around for photo ops just to please her master?
Can't forget the goat(s) and really any animal that crosses her path. God help the pets of the “criminals” that are rounded up. Gnome has an itchy trigger finger.
I don’t know her salary. However I can bet she’s overpaid. Where’s Elon and his cost cutting plan. She’s just been taking joy rides in various vehicles and watercraft.
There is a certain demographic (I golf with them every Sunday) that is eating this up. She is the hottest thing many of these 65 year olds have seen in a long time. She knows what she’s doing.
Oh, please. There’s a complete makeup crew, hairdresser, producer, director for these shots. I bet it takes six tries to gets the right pout down. In short, she’s a dawg.
See that’s the thing. These guys outside of politics are far more decent to their fellow humans than most people. They talk terribly but actually are charitable to others in their businesses.
Haha…nothin’ like a photo op where real law enforcement offer advice…a more preservation stand, hair needs to be up or not extend below the collar. I’m thinking her nails are too long, so she’s hiding them.
It's obvious she's never been in a fight. The first thing to happen to her in one would be for her opponent to strangle her with her own hair. She's a dipshit poseur.
She really needs stop with the photo ops. She looks ridiculous.
I’m imagining after the picture, she jumps in the truck, locks the doors and starts playing candy crush.
She’s showing the maga ‘brown shirt’, armed followers what to begin thinking of doing. They will soon ask for local militia help…wait & see. Why do you think these people have been arming themselves for years?
When is she going to cosplay a head of immigration sitting at a desk in Washington DC? She’s done more photo shoots that Cindy Crawford did in her heyday.
I can’t even imagine what these seriously trained ppl are actually feeling and saying about dress me up Barbie behind her back 😂😂😂I’d LOVE to know that!
Hey Kristi! The 1990’s called, they want their jeans back. She looks especially cranky in this photo because she found out Forever 21 went bankrupt. She then went home and took her anger out on her husband and dog.
Tired of this reality shit show that these sycophants run at nauseating frequency on tv to please one person. Back on planet earth the world is boycotting America and it’s going to get real ugly.
🎶The Noem- Mobile,
The Noem-Mobile,
We're hunting for Gnomes in the Noem-Mobile.
Sooner or later we feel that we'll find…..where they are in the Noem-Mobile🎶
Coming to a theater near you!
Earrings too?
What’s next…lingerie?
Stick your head waaay up there!
A laughable one.
She's so not ready 😃
For the love of god please someone record
all the takes she has to got trough
For entertainment purposes of course.
And does that say NZI on his sleeve???
Get me a Slurpy, bitch!
They love this kind of posturing.
If she wasn't here, she'd be a reality show villain.
(has a lawn jockey and a lawn tractor for her small yard)🤪
We’re like crows.
Welcome to the family.🥰
Did you watch the video I posted, 10 things about crows?
It’s fascinating.
You’re adopted.
Welcome to the family.🥰
As a lovely Canadian put it,
Polite & Feral!
Noem: “I have an appearance next week at a federal prison. See what you can do.”
Stylist: “I am on it. Umm, do you want a guard uniform or prisoner uniform?”
I wonder if this was take 1 or take 5 or 6? 🙄
Halloween is going to be lit 🔥 this year
Has she done anything other than cosplay soldier Barbie and photo-ops?
Like Boebert and most of the dumb blondes on Fox, she's only got a career as long as she remains hot.
Outside of the puppy-killer context.
We’re paying for the hair, makeup and wardrobe team behind this nonsense.
Incompetent people cosplaying as actual government professionals.
MAKE-BELIEVE, like the boogieman.
I’m imagining after the picture, she jumps in the truck, locks the doors and starts playing candy crush.
See that carefully relaxed look with the jeans and the hat? But she also has a vest so you know she's there on business! So clever.
See Ya-And Raise Ya!
Pepperidge Farms remembers
The Noem-Mobile,
We're hunting for Gnomes in the Noem-Mobile.
Sooner or later we feel that we'll find…..where they are in the Noem-Mobile🎶