The great genius, savior of humanity Musk. Cannot make the connection that ignorant abusive tweets like this one. Are why he has lost half his Tesla wealth in two months
The population of the world has just started boycotting you.
Starlink is next, when Trump is gone. Americans will boycott SpaceX
first thing to go is reading,followed by writing and arithmetic
Arithmetic ? today know as Math, then history, geography and civics, long hand, when to use capital letters
Eliminating the dept of education is one of trump's worst ideas yet. He is hurting children all over the country, including young adults wanting post secondary education. It's cutting funds for buses, lunches, special ed teachers, after-school programs, plus much more. Generations will be affected.
And mostly HIS supporters. He’s leaving it to the states. Blue states will be okay….its those poor red states whose educational standards are already in the toilet that will suffer most…..but hey….THEY voted for it
I struggle with the idea that they voted for him, so they deserve it. Sometimes, I get angry and blame them because they didn't listen to the people who knew some of this was coming. Other times, I feel sorry for them because they will be most affected by trump's bs.
It doesn't matter if it wasn't his idea, partly because he's so dumb he doesn't have a real thought in his head. He's the one doing it. History will record his name as the one who closed the dept of education even though he doesn't have the power to do it. Congress is the only one who can.
If nobody stops him then what does "not having the power" mean? My only point in the reply was that it's ALL Republicans responsible, not just the bronzer mafioso.
He wants the recognition for doing something that is popular with people who don't know what the dept of education does.
We already have state departments of education- the federal DOE ensured that all of those departments provided education for ALL children (not just neurotypical, straight, white, Christian children).
Each state has always had its own department of education. What this does is let the shitty ones to go completely unchecked. So if you live in New Jersey, your DOE will ensure kids are fed and can read. If you live in Iowa, your DOE will make sure you pray and hate people who don’t pray.
If he can’t spell Department, imagine how badly he’s screwing up or has screwed up (or sold) Social Security and IRS data. He doesn’t do jack shit to help this country. And now he’s getting access to U.S. secrets that he can sell to China or trading them for preferable treatment and business deals.
MAGA ya’ll for the closing of an essential department that provided standards and oversight of Fed funds. We will now get to see “separate but equal” return to communities & States. Tutors for your children will be on our dime. Graft with Federal funds by State and local officials will accelerate.
I like how he thought liberals were just weak sandal wearing hippies and betas. I love his ignorance as it now shines before the entire world. What’s he gonna do when every country denies him entry because of his Nazi views? We the People should deport him and confiscate all patents and companies.
please tell me this isn’t Photoshop? I want it to be true so badly let’s face it. The red states rank last in education. they pay their teachers nothing and that’s by design. They’d rather keep you barefoot pregnant, and stupid. It’s the GOP way. the highest rate of opiate use are in red states.
This is serious!
Do you want the traitorous regime to completely collapse our economy? You know damn well he rigged the election. Don’t grow numb to this! is going live with tomorrow 🙌🏽 🗳️ 🇺🇸
#Pennsylvania #VerifyTheVote
This appeals to low achievers who had difficulty in school. Neither Trump nor Musk had stellar academic careers; they made their money through deceit, manipulation, gaming the system and fraud.
They hate principled "elites".
And he's a genius right? No one ever talks about what his education is, where he went to school, and what his academic achievements might be, if any. Why is that? We assume that because he's a billionaire, he's smart. Just look at Trump, and you'll see the fallacy of that.
Because they are not serious people. None of this matters to them. What doesn’t is hit them where it hurts. $$ Keep up the protests on Musk related businesses
lol …. Elon showing his real education level. Elmo isn’t smart just like Trump…. Just born rich and takes credit for other peoples achievements and successes
What an asshole to post that.
Tesla needs to can him. The world is doing their part to bankrupt him. And he can then float off into oblivion and not be mourned in the least.
Education in the hands of the states...
West Palm Beach FL: New legislative proposal is set to overhaul public high school graduation requirements in Florida by eliminating the necessity for students to pass algebra and English exams to earn their diplomas.
He will claim it was intentional as in "Depart men" or "fire workers" thinking he is hip and cool.
Another 2+2=5. MAGA may not know how to spell it anyway, or care. Can we expect another executive order like the Gulf of MEXICO debacle to officially change the spelling soon?
Hey Homer Simpson likes his children. I think he has issues with Bart but he wouldn't use him like a crash dummy. (Been a while since I watched admittedly)
The population of the world has just started boycotting you.
Starlink is next, when Trump is gone. Americans will boycott SpaceX
All misspelled in the last few days. Maybe there’s a huge hint that getting rid of the DOE might be a bad thing.
US coerced Canada into cancelling the Avro Arrow project. Ending Canada's domestic military aviation industry.
The engineers who lost their jobs went south, ended up working for NASA and were instrumental in Apollo's success.
I suspect we'll a brain drain reversal .
Stop promoting them
Arithmetic ? today know as Math, then history, geography and civics, long hand, when to use capital letters
Sounds like a warning that educated people should flee.
He wants the recognition for doing something that is popular with people who don't know what the dept of education does.
He’s not harmless.
Not a kind person.
He enjoys the fact rural and poor kids will finding and lunch.
What kind of person celebrates that?
MAGA is just stupid… opinion from a European.
Only CONGRESS can establish or abolish a federal department.
That’s Constitutional law.
Just another shiny object !!
Stop the insanity. Impeach Trump 🌅
Do you want the traitorous regime to completely collapse our economy? You know damn well he rigged the election. Don’t grow numb to this! is going live with tomorrow 🙌🏽 🗳️ 🇺🇸
#Pennsylvania #VerifyTheVote
They hate principled "elites".
Do these fuckers hear themselves???
Tesla needs to can him. The world is doing their part to bankrupt him. And he can then float off into oblivion and not be mourned in the least.
Now you know where trolls get their warfare.
What does it say about the frame of mind and priorities of a party that cannot spell the name of the state they supposedly represent?
West Palm Beach FL: New legislative proposal is set to overhaul public high school graduation requirements in Florida by eliminating the necessity for students to pass algebra and English exams to earn their diplomas.
But Southern Red States Will Suffer Far Worst
Another 2+2=5. MAGA may not know how to spell it anyway, or care. Can we expect another executive order like the Gulf of MEXICO debacle to officially change the spelling soon?
That tombstone is actually covered top to bottom with names and a great many more are coming
They can't read
Nazis want to close it down.
Bring in the chaos, bring in the illiterate grifters and parasites.
Make America Dumber