You don’t need to leak false information. If it is false, you are just making it up. So either it is a leak of truthful information or it is someone making something up.
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Decidedly NOT alpha behavior.I don’t recall Biden having concern about ‘leaks’. Asking4friend.why isn’t MAGA allowed to criticize Pres Musk or his PA Trump?NOT ‘why don’t they criticize’ but ‘why aren’t they allowed’?Will they be ousted from club & go back 2 being bullied rather being a bully?
Trump/musk collusion with Russia is known world wide, technology, satellites and spies, why don’t they care that the entire world knows, Trump is controlled by Russia, his election win was fixed by musk, why isn’t he being stopped, there must be electronic proof, what’s the plan to stop trump
Mass protests on a scale no martial law can ever tame. Half the military defecting. Total economic stand still to bankrupt corporations and billionaires. Foreign pro democracy intervention (France? Wanna help again?). Americans and foreign aid using their own drones and hacking abilities. 💻
Musky fElon, who sometimes is and sometimes is not a govt employee depending on who and when you ask, is now making threats on behalf of the Pentagon. Cool.
No we don't. People with brains and critical thinking skills saw he was a fraud long ago. Only MAGA simpletons and his fan boys who made millions on his pumped up stock and crypto are the ones who like him.
Why is Bernie one of the few out with the public? I don't find cowardice sad, I find it treasonous. Those in places of relative power who have enjoyed benefits for years have a duty to step up. Like parables of old: comfort the afflicted but afflict the comfortable. End Citizens United and AIPAC
I don't know, but I'm glad he's out there, as one of the few credible sources to talk about AIPAC as well. Too many don't want to touch this topic because they think criticizing AIPAC is akin to anti-Semitism, and that's how they keep spinning it because it's a very convenient card to play.
This is how you can tell the leaks aren't false. Because Elon is throwing a bitch fit over it. You don't freak out over crappy fake leaks when you could easily disprove fake leaks. You freak out over real leaks. He's really shit at being an adult
Let's just say for the sake of argument, it was false info released on purpose. Musk doesn't understand that's a tactic used to test people or to mislead them intentionally.
If a news source is asking questions for info they have no need to know, someone might give them false info on purpose.
Who gives him the right?? What is wrong with America when any Tom Dick or Dickhead South African can threaten Americans working in the Pentagon or anywhere in the Federal government. It's arse backwards & a farce!
Well waddayouknow, bent the knee to get a fascist elected and now they're being thrown under the bus. There's journalism and then there's propaganda, pick a side.
Why are alleged Pentagon leaks his concern? There seems to have been some mission creep since he was brought in to root out Government inefficiency, aka firing thousands of people randomly without understanding their jobs.
Threats, more threats. Threats upon American citizens is all we see today coming from the White House. Death Penalty is thrown out there now on a daily basis. Imprisonment. Deportation. Prison camps is El Salvador. Impeachment. This culture in the White House is fueled by threatening U.S. citizens.
Sorry, in Trump’s regime this probably makes you a domestic terrorist. I would interpret your post to mean that you thought the comment was “the bomb!”
Maybe he should work on not being a shitty human being instead? Obviously, by his stock in Twitter and Tesla? A whole lot of the planet thinks he needs to work on himself! Instead of flashing that cash and continuing to manipulate. And get out of our private information, you illegal immigrant!!!
Soooo 🤔muskrat has now appointed himself, openly, that he is prosecutor, jury, and judge in all things he and djt don't like? oh... and vp doesn't like?
He tells on himself. The bigger lie he's told is saying he has autism because he doesn't have empathy and autistics have empathy that they struggle to express, but they don't make decisions that hurt people nor do they lie. He does not, then he lied about being a genius and he shows how dumb he is.
I don't know how we ended up with this prick in power, but I hope the racist rebel against this migrant nazi soon. Also the NYT is Republican propaganda anyway, whatever they said is not that terrible considering the actions they've taken.
Didn't read the article but if they called Elon a piece of 💩 and a 🤡, then where's the lie? Libel and defamation don't apply if you're telling the truth.
The Republicans are masters of releasing false information. I believe Kellyann Conway called it "alternative facts," otherwise known as lies or propaganda. Leaking the truth is outside their understanding.
You’re surprised by what Hegseth would do? The guy is the worst type of vet, one who would see other vets harmed. I wouldn’t put anything past that traitor.
It’s 💯 true.. they only start bleating when it’s true .. and the way this administration works.. I’m sure it was spread all over and the “secret” was known by 100s and some one overheard it.. they can’t keep a secret anymore than they can keep their yaps shut.. STFU and sit down…in the corner..
If it's a lie, a normal person would prove it with facts. A narcissistic fascist threatens disproportionate punishments to those who dare to question the greatness of his enormous ego.
Musk should be bored shortly on how he, and only he, could fix a 200+ year government. Should find a new shiny thing shortly. Another toddler man whose parents didn’t assist him to age out and become a functioning adult.
Musk’s post is a warning. The regime is hunting leakers, silencing the press, and merging corporate power with state control. Truth is now treason, and dissent is a crime. Loyalists thrive, enemies vanish. The message is clear: Obey, or be crushed.
If he doesn't want violent criminals released into our country then why did he pardon violent criminals and pedophiles?
Me thinks he prefers yt pedo criminals to any woman or minority.
Dark Muskfeign likes making stuff up. Just look back at his predictions about his cars. Rachel Maddow pointed to those predictions on her show...check it out!
He can’t even speak in full sentences. Trying to watch Don Lemons 10 part interview was painful. Not only is he a sociopath but there is definitely confused speech
Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias where individuals with low competence in a particular area tend to overestimate their abilities, while those with higher competence often underestimate theirs.
It's deeply unfair that he can publicly broadcast what he is looking forward to, when everyone else would get into a whole bunch of trouble were they to be so transparent about their dreams for the future...
All this outrage about setting fire to these death traps. Just shoot at it with the same weapons used by school shooters. Then it’s socially acceptable.
Elmo still doesn't know you can't have it both ways, even with the obscene amount of money you have. You can't tell everybody "F*@K YOU" cause you're rich.
Who is this raving person yelling at American citizens while his buddy has given him the blessing to destroy our society. Gone to his head in not a good way.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Speaking as an Australian we hate him as well. He is a Nazi.
Tesla sales in Australia have seen a significant decline, with a 71% drop in February 2025 compared to the same month last year
Musk is trying desperately to destroy American society. 33% was destroyed by trump and his MAGAt morons; now musk is trying to finish us off. Resist turning America into a remake of Apartheid South Africa.
1960s. The United States of America in the United Nations Buildings in New York City, New York, were Actively Voicing Concerns about Apartheid South Africa.
Completely missing the Civil Rights marches in Apartheid Southern States of America.
Oh, the Bleed'n Irony.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
best way to identify logical fallacies in others is to first check your own arguments like i caught mine here Bluesky we need an edit function for posts so we can edit out mistakes like my logical fallacy use here.
You know what? I just want to say that people like you are why I enjoy it here on Bsky and will probably never go back to mainstream social media. For whatever reason, it's like Bsky fosters human integrity in a way that's gone obsolete elsewhere. If that makes any sense, lol. ✌️😄
oh why thank you! i appreciate you all as well it does seem like a better pool of decent people on here i concur with your assessment there for sure. Again sanks Maranda have a wonderful day 😃✌️
Mr Musk, how can a person born into so much, who has so much, be such a small, petty, thin skinned individual? The positive things you could have done are almost limitless, but the malicious, cruel, and vile things you have done and continue to do is extremely harmful and has damaged so many lives.
Surely you should also be concerned about Ketoman being privy to the analysis and game plan in case of war with China, given his business interests there?
Putin is "schooling" Musk on how to be a dictator. He's actually schooling both him and Trump, but trump is an idiot, so he's focused mainly on Musk. So IMHO Putin is the one running things. Frightening beyond belief!
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
If Musk was to get that info then give to China, the plans wouldn't be worth shit anymore, would they? China would have a MASSIVE advantage over us. Plus part of our advantage used to be our allies, no longer. America 1st is America alone. America alone is America weak. We would lose.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
It’s not like a “secret” is a secret.. it was probably broadcasted all over the office and he probably told tons of people… none of them have an ounce of self control.. it’s someone right next to him.. who didn’t even know it was a secret..and everyone knew.. they are exhausting..
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Well, there’s a new moron statement for the day Elon and Donald compete in making them up sometimes several times a day ,the more moronic the better. republican Congress and The Cult just repeat rinse repeat
It was going to be hard enough fighting the 🍊 💩 but now we also have to fight the balding hair transplant selective ivf I name my kids letters dude as well..
The best thing that could ever happen is for this nazi pos to lose everything. His wealth, his political power, his popularity, and his health. Or once the shit hits the fan, the people should just eat him!!
Get rid of Trump and then musk will disappear and I bet without Trump maga won’t be so keen on Vance and the republicans who are getting rid of everything
That should be the goal of the American people!! 350 million people can surely break I unhinged billionaire who is only rich because our tax dollars are underwriting his projects.
Patience is a virture of which I have none left when dealing with right wing extremist. Spent been at least 8 years already dealing with these toads. I am done with being patient, I will leave that up to you 😉
Well, my mother was a proud Canadian. She always made sure everyone knew she was a Canadian citizen as well as a US citizen 🙂❤️. I do wish she got me citizenship when I was younger 😉
Ah, in that vein, patience isn't needed. Distance does the trick. Don't argue, holding them at arm's length or simply avoiding, letting them stew in their own juices. Seems to be my style.
Big picture, they're out of reach, that's the patience. Wait it out for a for scenario such as yours.
Well I am coming from a little different angle than you might be. I am Transgender and the attacks, laws and danger right now are very real. Everyday it's another attack and another loss. So the Community can't afford patience anymore. Their whole plan is to eradicate our existence.
I'm sorry for all you're going through. Hang in there and know there are millions of us that do have your back. Millions of us who hate every second of this and are fighting to put an end to it. Stay safe and do everything you can to protect yourself right now. That's most important!! Xoxo
It'll happen whether wanted it or not. People protesting. Smart Dems talking to the people. Only bright spot is courts and judicial system trying to restore.
Only patience discussed is maga morons way out of reach, their actions, AND WAITING for consequences to their downfall.
The pathetic part is that him trying to dismantle DOE is so he can really make kids dumber, hence him saying "I LOVE the poorly educated" during his first win.
He doesn't care about anyone, especially those that are different, like trans. And yet, trans have been around for a few hundred+ years.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
These clowns are so incompetent it hurts. When the public gets the facts we’ll learn Musk really was scheduled to get briefed (and may have received a briefing) on China war plans.
Just because they say they never planned to brief a businessman on war plans doesn’t mean they’re telling the truth🙄
I would have the confidence to try college now because of these so called geniuses. It's just bad they're destabilizing everything to where we are all in survival mode.
You want data?!
is going #LIVE with
3 PA County Analysis Livestream 7pm EST:
The "genius" Mr. Musk just demonstrated he's either stupid or thinks his followers are by accusing someone of being a propagandist while he himself acts as a propagandist IN THE SAME COMMENT.
He's actually quite experienced at this, so this rookie move is all the more telling.
What's he gonna do when he finds them? Sounds threatening. His BFF lies and leaks every time he opens his mouth. And, no "many people" are NOT saying Judge Boasberg should be impeached. It's just you, you sick fcuk.
Did anyone ever wonder why husky isn’t driving one of his own cyber trucks? I vote for him to drive a cyber truck to visit lake Lanier and have a nice swim.
Seems he's just as likely if not actually more-so to be the source of false information. He's got a motive to share false information then point fingers elsewhere.
Funny I just had this same exact conversation. The good thing about liars is they often out themselves without much interrogation. If you watch that Donny and Pete presser it is as obvious as it gets.
A curious question. if Ellon needs to wear a bulletproof vest isn’t he technically putting his child in harms way? Where are child protective services?
I reckon, should someone decide to take him out, the kiddo wouldn’t stop the them. Collateral damage, meh.
Look at Israel they just killed the largest number of children since the was began.
Tolerate the Nazi muzrat
Like, wtf?!
I thought he is the POTUS?
I'm confused.
They will be thrown in jail.
That’s what comes at the end of this.
When he puts US troops on the street, state government troops and citizens will challenge the limited number who align with him.
There are several hundred million Americans with guns.
It will allow them to motivate the troops to use live ammo on dissenters.
Peaceful mass protests are much harder to deal with.
If a news source is asking questions for info they have no need to know, someone might give them false info on purpose.
Why are alleged Pentagon leaks his concern? There seems to have been some mission creep since he was brought in to root out Government inefficiency, aka firing thousands of people randomly without understanding their jobs.
Caught in a landslide, NO escape from reality! Open your eyes, look up to BlueSky and see.
He is bad news for America.
He is ruthless but not a genius
So is he the president?
It's amazing that a veteran like Hegseth would literally betray not only veterans and the military but his own country by selling us out like this.
Me thinks he prefers yt pedo criminals to any woman or minority.
Keep it up👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️🔥
Trump is a walking, talking psychopath with this affliction and more.
Oh yeah, that’s you and your lapdog’s job.
A lil jelly?
One can fool a multitude for a some time.
One can fool some for a long time.
One cannot fool everyone, forever.
How appropriate.
And thanks for the "Heads Up" whomever you are!
* White House Staff
Making false statements to a _media outlet_ is a prosecutable offense since when?
Asking for many millions of friends.
if your top two guys
are a couple of
paranoid schizophrenics....
there ya go!!!
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Forgit integrity and accountability seems to be completely absent in the dtrumpf/musky administration
I am sick of watching our economy and importantly our democracy being destroyed
FK dtrumpf and musky
Just a bunch of sick monsters
I'm going to a protest tomorrow. I hope everyone else will too.
He’s taking fist fulls of our tax dollars through government contracts and using huge loop holes not paying any taxes
While attacking federal agencies and firing thousands of workers claiming mass fraud
musky is a fraud
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Tesla sales in Australia have seen a significant decline, with a 71% drop in February 2025 compared to the same month last year
Rusky Musky is a Traitor
Rusky Musky belongs in jail
Completely missing the Civil Rights marches in Apartheid Southern States of America.
Oh, the Bleed'n Irony.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
B/c along with DEI Trump has also banned the word "lied". 😝
That's not very bright.
The First Amendment protects fundamental freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government.
But based on its butthurtosity on Elon it appears that someone; in fact, is leaking the truth.
I am more concerned honestly with Oval
Office leaks to the Kremlin.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Does he think we don't know who he reports to ?
And which countries wanted him to get DT elected.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Boom, I'm the most powerful person on the planet.
Now, what are the chances I'm the first one to think of this?
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Agree 💯💯💯💯 with your statement!
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
And my birth mother had duel..I always wished I had duel.
Big picture, they're out of reach, that's the patience. Wait it out for a for scenario such as yours.
I stand with you ✊🏻#Resist
Only patience discussed is maga morons way out of reach, their actions, AND WAITING for consequences to their downfall.
He doesn't care about anyone, especially those that are different, like trans. And yet, trans have been around for a few hundred+ years.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Just because they say they never planned to brief a businessman on war plans doesn’t mean they’re telling the truth🙄
Extremely transparent to anyone paying attention.
is going #LIVE with
3 PA County Analysis Livestream 7pm EST:
Sign the petition to help us bring publicity for audits! 👇🏽
#VerifyTheVote #Pennsylvania
discovery would be a problem for him.
He's actually quite experienced at this, so this rookie move is all the more telling.
BTW anyone notice that all this guy does every day is threaten people?
Look at Israel they just killed the largest number of children since the was began.