This is what the GOP has wanted to do to you all along. They must be thanking God that the super-rich of today areca gormless bunch of bug-eyed ideologues who are more than happy to bankroll their war against "the parasite class".
The Congressman is too busy providing therapy sessions for Hunter Biden Derangement Syndrome-afflicted Republicans via endless Congressional hearings and investigations.
“Trump Derangement Syndrome” is real. The problem with current diagnoses is the people who have TDS are wearing red MAGA hats & believe lies instead of facts. I believe my grandfather would say “Ain’t that the kettle calling the skillet black?”
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
You're in the wrong country pal. You could organize your general strike in Europe in a day. Never happen here. We're rugged individualists which translates to we bitch and moan and do nothing.
The last bird of his feather who was squawking about the imaginary "trump derangement syndrome" was just arrested for solicitation of a child for prostitution.
What's dude afraid of?
Being yelled at?
Apparently he didn't do sports in school.
Maybe he was ashamed to strip in front of other boys that would make fun of his "little winkie."
I think it means Comer is unwilling to attend therapy sessions to improve his own mental health. The only people who actually have Trump Derangement Syndrome are Trumpie syncophants like Comer.
I guess he doesn't know that unless the earth is struck by a planet killing asteroid before the next election, he is going to be voted out of office by those left-wing activists.
Not in Kentucky. Remember, they keep Rand Paul and Mitch Bitch not matter what. Again, one of the poorest states but continue to vie against their best interests. Sad.
our local dems are working on getting Bernie Sanders during the next recess. Our Indivisible group organized the Chicken Comer Town Hall yesterday he is responding to.
Karma is swift
“As a 40-year-old man, if you come to the Orange Jumpsuit District looking to have sex with someone’s child, you can expect that we are going to lock you up,” Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges
Any excuse will do for cowards and traitors. No truth required. And the USA knows for damn sure, there is no bravery or respect for Americans or the US Constitution anywhere by anyone in the GOP.
We elect them to office, pay their salaries and exceptional benefits… they are suppose to be our representatives, but instead they pay homage to dtrumpf.. ignoring our constitution and their fiduciary duties.
Everyone that claims the left has “TDS” turns out to be a pedophile or a sexual assaulter. I wonder which category Comer fits into. I guess it could be both. Just asking questions. 🤷♀️
And send a dem to do a town hall in his place and not one of those lame ones with little paddle signs. One with same balls like AOC or Jasmine Crocket.
You (constituents) know where he lives, where he resides, where he spends time when not in DC, where his kid(s) go to school, etc. Track him down and confront him. Nothing stops until they experience personal consequences/confrontations
At this point, even let his relatives know your views.
Strongly disagree. You don't have to be threatening but leaving family out of it also helped propagate Nazism. & I'll go one step further. Obeying the niceties and expected norms is what allowed Trump to rise, nearly unchecked, in power.
They crossed that line when they involved our families in their selfish pursuit for power and greed. No harm, but definitely, their lives must be made as uncomfortable as they've made ours; in all areas.
And you’re not saying kill them. They are making our kids afraid to go to school bc of ICE. They are withholding due process of our family members. They are criminalizing us being in the same space as our children based on some bs about “birth sex”. They’re stealing our retirement money.
At some point in the timeline from democracy to dictatorship the judiciary has a “use by date”.
The SCOTUS team are on shot clock. Their functional use is nearly over for Team Orange.
I’d catch a plane before I was put on one, if I was linked to SCOTUS.
I used to believe that, until they started using their children as human shields. If they aren't willing to have the common courtesy and constitutional oath of office to work with ALL of their constituents, they deserve serious blowback and if some of it splatters on family and friends "SOL"
Hunter Biden lives rent free in his head anyway. It would be lies and hot air. Keep hair the town halls with an effigy of them. Weekly, and watch the crown of MAGA who get fired or fucked over start showin up. It won’t be much longer.
Last Republican guy to rant on about Trump Derangement turned out to be a pedo desperate to abuse an underage girl and has just been arrested. So what’s this guy’s downfall going to reveal?
So Comer quoting the guy who termed T**** derangement syndrome is interesting because that Republican senator was busted for trying to have sex with an underage girl. Rapey and Fascist is the latest GOP tagline although it’s been true for a long time.
TDS isn't an affliction for those who protest against him, its a mass hysteria and cult-"ization" that is inflicted on his herd of followers. Of which Comer, is up high on that herd list.
Well, Trump IS deranged! We recognize it. Many of his MAGAt Republicans recognize it as well, but they choose to support a deranged dictator rather than lose their jobs which apparently they value more than America's democracy. They are taking money from Trump & Musk to help Putin destroy America.
Yep, they’re so worried that Trump’s going to take their job away if they don’t do what he says, that they don’t realize that WE’RE going to vote them the fruck out of office for kneeling to serve ONE man instead of all their constituents.
What a fucking ‘fraidy cat. Per usual, the soft GOP try to make it someone else’s fault. It would never be that they’re chicken shit to face the music, would it? Bunch of pussies! Until they can pick on the poor, weak or marginalized. Then they’re fucking ruthless. Only the best people!
The next order of business is for town hall attendees to start self identifying as R or D, if they start seeing enough of their own party showing up, maybe just maybe they might have to change their strategy, probably not, but it’s worth a try! I’m in a red state and a lot of GOP voters are mad!
100%, the only common element I've seen from these town halls is that these "representatives" don't give a damn about their constituents, and are indignant that their voters have the nerve to hold them accountable.
Well, James, how about offering sessions on Hunter Biden derangement syndrome; you're the world expert on that one. To the first 100 attendees, you could give a copy of the dick pics from the computer that was stolen from Hunter, and from which personal information was revealed by Marjorie Toilet.
(270) 408-1865
I suggest leaving a message. I asked why he’s such a pu ssy but I don’t think I’ll get a call back. Phone is open for him if he decides to call me to let me know why though.
I hope people in the represented districts take note of the representatives that make excuses rather than face the people they represent. Getting cowardice out of government should be a top priority, and deadly to the GOP
God no. Feeding them to maggots is better than the poor eating them. You know they taste like shit and are full of toxic chemicals. Except maybe feed them to the MAGAts when it’s Lord of the Flies time.
Then his constituents need to bring the town hall to him by calling:
D.C. (202) 225-3115
Madisonville 270-487-9509
Paducah 270-408-1865
Tomkinsville (270) 487-9509
Danville 859-439-5844
Right, these are the same people who disguised themselves on J6th as MAGAs. I hope democrat politicians take advantage of these town hall meetings and appear in the absence of cowardly Republicans.
Isn’t the original person that came up with that to push forward for legal status in illegal status?
Maybe the true meaning of the made up illness is the unwillingness to know the difference between a child and an adult. Huh🤔
Well, you saw what the co-author of the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” bill former State Senator Eichorn, in Minnesota turned out to be. The transference runs deep.
TDS is a gaslighting technique used to prohibit any discussion or accountability around trump.
He incited an insurrection, is a felon who is green lighting musks robber baron coup and nobody is allowed to say jack, but when Pres Obama wore a tan suit it was end of times!
TDS is pure projection!
Am I alone in thinking that "Trump Derangement Syndrome" more accurately describes what people suffer when they impulsively carry out or defend every whim of a 79 yo man who lacks self-control in thought, word and deed?
The people,(who this coward I supposed to be working for), should
Hold a town hall and leave an open, empty Seat for him like what was done in some other case. And of course record and post on the internet!
Years ago, the conservative folks would go on the weekend news shows and blather about personal responsibility, accountability, no more moral relativism, yada yada. Now it's just all about blaming the libs and figuring out how to cash in.
If someone distrusts the government in general, then why would they think that avoiding due process is a good thing? Questioning all the messiness seems conservative in that way, not deranged.
They are consistent and without honor, integrity and the least authentic people in the US right now. Sad period in American history. Trust me books will be written, classes will be taught and studies will be done. They’re hiding like rats in a dark hole who will eat garbage to survive.
I WISH they would come to Kentucky! But not Louisville. That's preaching to the choir. Go to Eastern KY and remind them what "redneck" means. Tyler Childers could perform and Charles Booker could speak too. Hood To The Holler 💯
I wonder how his Republican constituents feel about being labeled as democrats. In effect diminishing their angry voices and being told that they’re irrelevant,
Republicans never accept responsibility. They blame everyone else -Biden Obama Hillary CNN democrats George Washington Abe Lincoln
They have to use the left wing conspiracy politics instead of having the balls to face constiuents ! If their not coming back for their reviews send them pack their not kings and queens !
Kentucky did manage to elect a Democratic Governor. But, I gotta' agree, rest of the state's voters choice(s) whom they elect to office is something to be desired--Tom Massie being one of 'em.
If your Representative is NOT representing you and is acting in his own best interest, he is NOT YOUR representative. He is employed by his constituents and they have the the authority to FIRE him! VOTE
So in the mean time
He’ll be fine to be recalled or transitioned out of the voters roll call to be voted out of office on purpose
And he’s insulting the voters too
Geez he will find out that a customer pissed off is also
a voter will be in revenge mode to big numbers
Unless it’s illegal
I just called him and shared my thoughts about his offensive comments and cowardly nature and suggested he might enjoy an all expense paid eternal vacation to an El Salvadoran prison.
He should have his fucking skull caved in with a brick. If we were a proper society, he'd be hanging from a tree in the middle of town, to remind the next mother fucker about who's really in charge.
Between the assassination attempts from last year and all the shit he's pulling on the American people right now, a Drumpf rally isn't the smartest thing for him to be doing right now!
One fucking hundred. Knowing damn well your calling patriots of the constitution of these United States deranged while the most deranged people are currently in the White House.
this is backed by facts. so i assume Comer also likes to rape children.
Being yelled at?
Apparently he didn't do sports in school.
Maybe he was ashamed to strip in front of other boys that would make fun of his "little winkie."
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
Good leaders know the goals, and can explain the plan and process so we’re all prepared.
Where is THAT?
Fuck Comer.
These people think they can hide?? 🤣🤣
We're all out of bubblegum !!
November 3, 2026
“As a 40-year-old man, if you come to the Orange Jumpsuit District looking to have sex with someone’s child, you can expect that we are going to lock you up,” Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges
We elect them to office, pay their salaries and exceptional benefits… they are suppose to be our representatives, but instead they pay homage to dtrumpf.. ignoring our constitution and their fiduciary duties.
You (constituents) know where he lives, where he resides, where he spends time when not in DC, where his kid(s) go to school, etc. Track him down and confront him. Nothing stops until they experience personal consequences/confrontations
At this point, even let his relatives know your views.
The SCOTUS team are on shot clock. Their functional use is nearly over for Team Orange.
I’d catch a plane before I was put on one, if I was linked to SCOTUS.
Behind the scenes the families of those who would otherwise stand up are being threatened.
These guys just don't like it when their tactics are turned on them.
I'm a big, scared bitch.
I suggest leaving a message. I asked why he’s such a pu ssy but I don’t think I’ll get a call back. Phone is open for him if he decides to call me to let me know why though.
Nice pansy maga yarn, who came up with THAT fantasy? 🤨
Feed them to the maggots maybe...
D.C. (202) 225-3115
Madisonville 270-487-9509
Paducah 270-408-1865
Tomkinsville (270) 487-9509
Danville 859-439-5844
Like thousands of us
Maybe the true meaning of the made up illness is the unwillingness to know the difference between a child and an adult. Huh🤔
He incited an insurrection, is a felon who is green lighting musks robber baron coup and nobody is allowed to say jack, but when Pres Obama wore a tan suit it was end of times!
TDS is pure projection!
Came here to say this. Thank you.
it is his voters he is calling left wing activists...howndo they feel about that
or nazis being called fbi fakes
or j6ers called antifa
they demean their supporters
who come back and ask for more
I didn't want to work too hard on an excuse for not meeting my constituents, so this is what I came up with.
Hold a town hall and leave an open, empty Seat for him like what was done in some other case. And of course record and post on the internet!
I don't have the guts (or feel obligated) to meet with my constituents because I know you'll ask questions to which I cannot or will not give answers.
'any republican who has a problem with my failure to deliver service to my constituents ... is a democrat.'
lol even my 8 year old is too mature to pull the “No you defense”
Republicans never accept responsibility. They blame everyone else -Biden Obama Hillary CNN democrats George Washington Abe Lincoln
35% of ppl in the district are not registered.
Get half of them voting and you get rid of Comers
All of these elected officials need to be replaced.
He’ll be fine to be recalled or transitioned out of the voters roll call to be voted out of office on purpose
And he’s insulting the voters too
Geez he will find out that a customer pissed off is also
a voter will be in revenge mode to big numbers
Unless it’s illegal