And the guy who sponsored the bill was arrested this week for soliciting a 16 year old girl for sex. Except when he went to meet her it was a cop. No biggie though, Musk amplifies even worse people on a regular basis.
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Illnesses aren't defined by laws. They're defined by solid medical research and with peer-reviewed findings published in renowned medical reference libraries and journals.
Delusional MAGA can't just make shit up and snap their fingers to make it true.
I'm almost positive the dude introduced that just to try and say the solicitation of a minor was fake news, and they were coming after him for introducing the tds bill.
Musk is a cunt. And I hope Tesla stock drops below $114. I'd call him a cartoon villain, but he's destroying real lives... and if his mother is ever around, hide your Dalmatians.
Yeah TDS is a mental disorder. I 💯 agree with that. What the magats got wrong is who is afflicted. You have to be deranged to support and worship that monster.
It is a long tradition in authoritarian regimes to declare people who disagree with you as mentally ill and lock them up and mistreat them in asylums. I would hope that Anerican Psychiatrists would refuse to do this. Would locking you up against your will also bankrupt you in America?
They think they're so clever with their second grade jokes and names for things. Yeah it's Trump derrangement all right, he's Trump and he is deranged and anybody that likes him is deranged
Just because the GOP and the MSM have normalized a fascist takeover of our government for the benefit of the 1%, doesn’t mean that We the People are going to accept it.
Who’s deranged now? That guy Trump & every poor excuse for a human being that supports the madness. .Every time I hear “Trump derangement syndrome.” I think “of course he’s deranged.
🤔 will ya look at that ⬇️
"Derangement" generally means a state of mental disturbance or disorder, often implying a loss of control or reason.
TDS is very fitting for the guy that they idolize..🤔
If the felon is using ivf for his babies momma, first of all why is it legal for him. Second of all, it makes me sketch. Is he raising kids so he can groom them. I mean, what’s his ketamine reasoning.
Philadelphia coming through!!!! There is now an official flyer for Orange Turd's visit to attend the NCAA Wrestling championship this weekend! 🙌 Everyone show up and Turn up!
Elmo doesn’t have the self awareness to understand how hated he and the orange guy are. I’ve never hated anyone like this before or wished anyone dead, except maybe OBL. I never would’ve thought this previously about any president, current or former. Things have changed.
Back in 2016 I was removed from Twitter b/c I posted to DJT & his Junior drug head that MAGA had Trump Derangement Syndrome. Strange that they are now using it against those who oppose him. We don’t have a derangement syndrome we fully understand what a deranged human the Felon is & always has been.
Gotta understand. The dark maga, techbro, white supremacist “freedom cities” are going to be hubs of the absolute worse evils and once they traffic them there to zero jurisdiction there’s no rescue
“Trump Derangement Syndrome” is a Janus phrase. I consider people who wear Trump paraphernalia and follow him like some sort of pre-beverage Jim Jones to have Trump Derangement Syndrome
Just another republican who thinks he'll never be caught. These guys are pure projection. Anything they accuse others of, they're doing themselves. Every time.
It’s always the loudest moral crusaders who end up getting exposed for the very things they rail against. The fact that this guy was caught in such a blatant sting operation just proves how performative and hollow his so-called values were.
Yeah, and how convenient. They just deflect all criticism, and all the facts and arguments supporting those criticism, so they never have to address the actual criticisms themselves. Because they can't address them, none of them have an answer to why they're destroying our country.
Another sexual predator in the ladies if this doesn't say something about this idiots I don't what does should be afraid for you your daughters and your granddaughters......Vote accordingly
When I first heard the term I honestly thought it was describing his followers. The idea that we are the ones obsessed with Trump when they actually worship the ground he walks on is wild
Maybe we need a bill or two explaining what is “adultery” and “child sex abuse” and how these are WRONG in a Court of Law or following the “teachings” of the Bible!
It’s “terribly wrong” if you are an adult male, an adult male who’s married, and an adult male who is married and who has children!
I have been saying this too. Politicians with no medical training are determining what medical treatment a person can/can't receive and that, by definition, is practicing medicine w/o a license.
How... I mean in here the post Chris Hansen era, how... are you not worried about at least the possibility of meeting a cop when trying to traffic children online? Disgusting, yes. Repugnant politics, absolutely. Dumb as a fucking sack of doorknobs? Undoubtedly. Perfect example of today's GOP.
So they want to determine diseases by legislation now?
Interesting prospect.
It would certainly cut down on the medical bills we can't pay because we don't have universal healthcare.
How to survive a dictatorship
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
The irony here is 'Trump Derangement' is real -- the low-level Kool-Aid drinkers who heard him say he raped, assaulted, could "shoot someone on 5th Avenue" and praises the Soviet Union era ... and they worship him as God.
Yeah. Trump Derangement (aka MAGA) is very real.
Go for it.
Truth is the cure
Don't exaggerate.
She was 17. Plus, it was not merely sex, but prostitution.
I know it's hard, but let's try to keep our MAGAt felonies in order. Perhaps a spreadsheet would be useful?
Does Musk not realize how stupid you have to be to invoke a made up affliction to try and cover for Trump's racism, misogyny, incompetence, crimes, and outright treason? Trump stooges are the most gullible people around.
If only there was some term to describe it when someone tries to convince you that you have a mental disorder for correctly remembering harmful actions.
He’s right!! It is very real. They are the ones who are deranged. They are worshiping and racist, rapist, felon and are doing everything to turn this country into a dictatrorship.
Funny how it is expected that everyone excuse Elon’s halfwit statement& nazi affinity because “he may be on the spectrum”. Yet DOGE & Trump are eliminating any help & support real people with those challenges need.
Musk’s in his own bubble. Derangement syndrome needs to be classified as good people normally that are fooled and follow a lecherous,felon,enough to cheer as he destroys our way of life.They believe he cares about them and what happens to them. He’s always said it was about him and his revenge.
14 others were arrested in Bloomington for solicitation. Excellent work from Bloomington Police. While praising the Police one great consequence after George Floyd is most all of the racist older bad cops are long gone and replaced by residents of Minneapolis who while short staffed are doing great
The only people who want to study this fake disease 🦠 TDS, which is not based in science 🧪, are the same people who would still pay to attend the now defunct trump University
They think we’re obsessed with trump because we criticize him. I’m not obsessed with him, I’m mad at him because he’s destroying our country. If he stops messing with the government I don’t care what he does. He can play golf all day or go to hell where he belongs. I couldn’t care less.
trump/gop/musk are lawless/white supremacist/authoritarians that work with authoritarian putin. they have no intention of governing. this is the rule of force replacing the rule of law, just like in authoritarian germany. they will ignore all US laws. Only lawless, violent trump is their law.
Republicans couldn’t have a more disgusting reputation right now. Hope they all jump ship and join the Dems to save our Democracy before it’s too late.
i would not mind TDS being a real illness i can claim for benefits. like I can't come into work today because my TDS is acting up. or I can refuse service to a trumper because they trigger my mental illness. or I can claim discrimination from a business displaying trump paraphernalia.
Notice now Elon is using emojis this way as well. He’s mimicking the way they interact online to appeal to them. It’s the dumbed down simplistic message to keep them in tow.
I hate the idea only because it delegitimizes serious mental illness and makes it sound as if it is something willful, or something that someone can just stop doing if they try hard enough.
I get where he's going, but this has real-world impacts on a group of largely already marginalised people.
Creepy perv aside, see what they attempted to do here and expect more. Tony Perkkkins playbook to declare everyone they don’t like in this group. We are already seeing the language being built up by space nazi and others.
Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a setup by them! Unlimited funds and such a simple trap on a dumbass republican. Hook, Line, and Sinker. Especially if musk is posting it like that. A criminal always circles around the crime scene!
The only problem was that Minnesota state Sen. Justin Eichorn misunderstood: he was trying to get disability for HIMSELF, but thought "TDS" stood for "Teen Diddler Syndrome" and applied for what he thought would be easy money! logs all these right wing pedophiles and sex offenders. There is hardly a single day goes by you don't see an evangelical pastor, youth pastor, police officer, or MAGA politician busted for being a pedo.
When I hear trump derangement syndrome, I assume it is about people who are so attached to trump that they are deranged. That people think it’s the opposite is a kind of projection.
I think it’s all of us who are so horrified and anxious and enraged about his disgustingness that it is affecting us and we all need to sue him for causing us so much harm and grief
Is our country falling apart like Musk's Cybertrucks because someone used the wrong glue? HELL NO! It's being systematically dismantled! Republican HATE, TREASON, CRIMINALITY & STUPIDITY is dissolving the Glue of Democracy! NATIONAL UPRISING ON THE HORIZON!! TERMINATE THIS WHITE SUPREMACIST REGIME!
As I watch this neverending onslaught of unacceptable acts from known predators... it makes me sad to know they are all criminals and everybody( me too, because it keeps going on and on and on) just sighs and says yeah... they're just like that😭😡WTAF has happened??? This is not ok!
Are we at the point that our hate for republicans is such, that we are going to lead people to believe only republicans commit rape and molestation on children? That is sick! Where are we getting our statistics? I am ashame of what we all have come as a society!!
What specifically is leading you to believe that it is implied that only Republicans commit rape and molest children?
Curious, because I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing someone pointing out that a co-sponsor of a ridiculous bill is, by definition, themselves mentally ill due to their actions.
If I told you a story about how my orange tabby is sick, would you take that to mean I think all orange tabbies are sick?
I think you're reading more into it than is there. I saw you mention you were traumatized in the past -- which is absolutely horrible, regardless of who they are.
Not focusing on Republicans or MAGAts, just those hiding and using their political positions as a facade. It just so happens they are MAGA Republicans. If you know of a rapist speak up!
It is implied! Each party in office does it to the other! You can cut the hate with a knife. It wasn’t like this when I was growing up. Both parties had their differences but they tried working together, for the sake of the country!
It's disturbing that you seem more concerned with decorum than with the fact that rape and molestation are happening. This is not just a difference in party policies. This is something all sides should be against.
Oh please! A rapist is a rapist no matter what affiliation he may have. I happen to be a survivor of molestation as a small child, so let’s not go there! You don’t know me.
Listen, Joann with two N’s—perception is reality. And the reality is, Republican men have really committed to branding themselves as the party of rape and child molestation. Bold strategy. Started with Trump, now it’s a whole franchise.
Being a rapist has nothing to do with one’s party! It has to do with the person themselves. You got a problem of the way my name is spelled! Take a look at your name.
Not at all. I’ve got zero issue with how your name’s spelled. I’m just stating facts—like when I say, “I’m Karol with a K.” No big deal. I say it all the time. Unfortunately for the Republican party, they’re putting out a straight-up rapey vibe. It’s not a good look.
Illnesses aren't defined by laws. They're defined by solid medical research and with peer-reviewed findings published in renowned medical reference libraries and journals.
Delusional MAGA can't just make shit up and snap their fingers to make it true.
Anything to keep us speaking out against their fascist takeover.
From 0 to fascism in less than 3 months.
"Derangement" generally means a state of mental disturbance or disorder, often implying a loss of control or reason.
TDS is very fitting for the guy that they idolize..🤔
Believe your eyes. Watch what they are doing. Remember, they are all pathological liars.
Another Repugnant Maghat Pedophile
All this insanity is making me believe that the Franklin Coverup was actually real. Sick fucks the lot of them.
Muskrat is describing his own mental health issues
But, since he kissed the boot...
When does Bondi step in at trumps request to have the charges dropped or lowered?
Or will he just get a full pardon as a thank you?
~ Elon and the sponsors of the bill
MAGA dogwalker: "Sounds like you have Dogshit Derangement Syndrome."
Kill me. 😖
Anyone who accuses you of having TDS, in fact has it.
It’s “terribly wrong” if you are an adult male, an adult male who’s married, and an adult male who is married and who has children!
Which is a crime, a felony if harm results
This applies to Medicare/Medicaid, abortion and reproductive health, drug policy, transgender care and other areas
It is absurd
Why can't they just admit they don't really give a f*ck about.. well, anything that isn't white and Christian? Or putrid and orange?
Seriously. Just admit it. You all don't need to keep whispering in the shadows. We know what you are.
Interesting prospect.
It would certainly cut down on the medical bills we can't pay because we don't have universal healthcare.
Try it big boy. Go out in public without a security detail, and see if you make it home, without at least an entry wound.
I guess what I'm trying to say Elon, is you're already dead.
Hopefully they bludgeon you with Mini Me's corpse.
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
Yeah. Trump Derangement (aka MAGA) is very real.
Go for it.
Truth is the cure
Guess this wasn't his first rodeo but it was the first one where the bull rode him.
Run scared, MAGAts.
Two can play at this game.
She was 17. Plus, it was not merely sex, but prostitution.
I know it's hard, but let's try to keep our MAGAt felonies in order. Perhaps a spreadsheet would be useful?
That’s pretty on brand.
You are not funny.
You are evil.
I get where he's going, but this has real-world impacts on a group of largely already marginalised people.
Same. Day.
"Make laws, break laws, who cares we're in TRUMPS MURICA" - Every bad faith actor calling themselves a Trumper.
Curious, because I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing someone pointing out that a co-sponsor of a ridiculous bill is, by definition, themselves mentally ill due to their actions.
Someone just posted to me an accused person wearing a mega hat!
I think you're reading more into it than is there. I saw you mention you were traumatized in the past -- which is absolutely horrible, regardless of who they are.