The funny part of this is that Republicans in Congress have been pleading for someone in the WH to get Musk to stop talking about Social Security, then Nutlick steps up to make the best ad for Dems yet.
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Folks. Stop saying Musk. Yes he's doing a lot of crazy dumb sh#!. But Trump is the one who is allowing it. Notice how the media says Musk all the time. It's strategic because they want R voters to blame him and not Trump.
Wait….what??! I fucking care!! I have a 3 day grace period on my rent….i don’t pay, I’m homeless….im not exaggerating here. I’m already rationing food, eating much less than I probably need….the fuck is wrong with these people???
Cruelty is the entire point…
We need an army of Luigi’s…
Does anyone remember he was a senior person at Cantor who someone survived 9/11 but turned around and screwed all of the families of his employees killed ?
These people Truly live in a Fantasy world, I Personally know many people that depend on getting their check on time. I am Retired, and don't ever recall a time that my SS taxes didn't get taken out "On Time" from my Paycheck. This is the Stupidest, most Arrogant, Administration in a hundred Years.
“She would get in line and obey. It’s pretty easy, just shut up and there’s no problem. Why aren’t people happy with the glass ceilings and crumbs us righteous ones provide. We’re the altruists here, I mean come on people”
That Comm Secy's argument's beyond ridiculous. To date, Soc Sec. direct deposits come like clockwork. Only reason they'd stop is if an overpayment was caught or an individual glitch. In either case, you'd CALL. No online way to get help exists. It literally doesn't exist. Call or in person only.
There isn’t a Republican that isn’t a pathological liar in this country, well I hope the White House sets up
A lot of the space in in the White House for all the homeless seniors
I watched a longer clip of this and it’s not what I perceived him to be saying. It seemed to me he was saying that she at 90 is so kind hearted she wouldn’t even know to pursue it, while tricksters will definitely notice, make noise, and figure it out.
That's still bullshit. She's part of a billionaire family and they wouldn't even have to have her live with them. They can afford to have her taken care of. Even sane conservatives like Otto von Bismarck set up health care, pensions, and unemployment benefits.
Republicans have wanted to gut SS for years yet old folks still vote for them. It’s ridiculous. Then Democrats never say they want to end all gun rights yet maga is convinced they do.
May Yahweh reduce Lutnicks monetary value to the value he puts on seniors. Take away his billions and see if he crawls back into his snakepit without saying anything.
I keep thinking I’m beyond disbelief at this years-into-this-nightmare point and then something like this statement by the current cabinet-level commerce secretary has my jaw dropping open in utter disbelief. The ignorance of what social security is and how it works are beyond callous and inhumane.
As well they should. Because it’s not the governments money. It belongs to the people who worked hard to earn it. And the government just took it and said “oh, don’t worry. You’re too stupid to plan for your retirement, so we shall do it for you. Whether you like it or not.”
His message:
Your check may not show up but if you complain, you will be investigated for fraud. Coercion tactics.
Fear tactics.
Against senior citizens.
If I go to the ATM at my bank to get money out for groceries, would I expect Howard's face on the screen telling me "nice try fraudster. We're not giving you your money". It's the same. The bank doesn't own my $ to do what they want with it.
Your parents, who are now living off their social security $ that the federal gov is solely a trustee of - are such fraudsters for expecting their money. That's great logic by an out of touch, fraudster billionaire.
You just could not write a more "let 'em eat cake" moment than this. they just do not understand what the 99% goes through, and worse, they don't care. Why anyone votes for Republicans I will never understand. They've never done a damn thing for average Americans.
If you have a socical secuirty number now is a good time to file you breach with Socical Security could be up to 10,000 when the litigation is over.
With Elon being kept away from the Socical Security computers this is a good time if you are on medicare or medicaid to file your HIPPA complaint - up to 50,000
I've said this all over this platform. Why isn't the dems taking this video? And then going out to Ruby red counties and asking people what would happen if they missed their social security check? Show THEM the clip and then say, what happens to you if you do not get your SSI check.
Better to write a stern but polite letter asking for clarification, and post it publicly for all to see if they want to find it. What you’re suggesting goes against tradition and decorum, democrats don’t do that.
"Democrats don’t do that" may be why Dems lost the election. I wish decorum worked but it's a new generation & the country is experiencing unprecedented change. Political tactics need to change. MAGA clearly doesn't respect tradition or decorum so they will tear up a letter and throw it on the floor
#MAGA dismisses written or spoken political messages as conjecture and leftist propaganda. That segment of the population is predisposed to lower literacy rates, and highly suspicious of any information presented. If you leave it to them to verify on their own, they won't. Video proof may get thru.
Democrats don't do that is exactly why Dems lost the election. You don't go into a real gunfight carrying a squirt gun. These people don't play by the rules. They're criminals. And "We go High when they go low" is a really crappy Epitaph to have carved on on one's tombstone.
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That guy lost his heart and soul on the way to becoming a billionaire. Or maybe he never had them; is a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist, or just a complete asshole. What a dense, cruel bastard.
Don't mistake age for infirm. 62 million pissed off older Americans with torches is still 62 million people with torches. It's not called the Third Rail for nothing, dimwits.
It has been the Republican plan Since FDR Democrat the greatest president in American history Started it 1935 it’s against their principals that we are all human Orwell told us about the Republican plans this is the latest breed hyenas
My birth mother barely got by on Social Security. There was no pleasure in her retirement. An unexpected expense often meant sacrificing something else. And not a frivolous item, but an essential like keeping a medical appointment or filling a prescription. Rural America will be hit hardest.
Another billionaire spouting garbage. He has never had to struggle month to month. His mother in law is probably living in an exclusive retirement home.
"Tell your meemaw if she complains she's going to starve bc Musk stole her check that makes her a fucking criminal. And if she sasses you back, call her a cunt."
DEMS NEED to be making ADs EVERY DAY using their own HORRIBLE Monsters' material.
Despite serious competition for the "tone deaf" comment of the month for March 2025. We have a winner. That is the winner of the "tone deaf" comment of the month of March 2025.
Of course she doesnt fucking care, she knows her old ass is loaded for life... Assuming her psychotic demon of a son in law doesnt tell her to die in a ditch if she needs help
For sure it would be a great ad. It’s a shame there isn’t a single person in Democrat leadership or their comms ops who are any good at communicating this stuff to the general public.
And he was confirmed by the Senate. Meaning his words are an official voice for this administration. There is no confusion on the direction they are taking.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
98% of people on Social Security disability live paycheck to paycheck, and this would be devastating. This billionaire does not understand the reality for real America.
Poorly paid workers need every cent they earn to survive. Contributing to a IRA or 401k isn’t an option. Social Security is ll they’ve got and that isn’t their fault.
So I was having a conversation with my dad- who is a far right trump lover. “If they mess with our Social security you are going to have some mad old people. We don’t have anything to loose!!! “ So we will see?!?!??? Sadly, I have said they won’t care till the first check is missed.
MAGA won't mind having billionaires strip them of their Medicare and Social Security benefits. They love these guys. Billionaires are their buds. It's fun watching them tear down every hard won benefit for working people.
Got a chuckle when he said it wouldn't bother his Mom if she didn't get her check. Like there's not millions who have payments set up based on getting a check. They will be spitting nails! No sense of reality.☮️
I do not care for his arrogance
I do not care for his lack of awareness -
I do not care for his lack of empathy or his ugly heart -
He is a rich man that is taking perks from this rotten administration -
How dare he voice an opinion that is so wrong, he just can't relate, what a rotten thug -
The delusion of grandeur seems to be a common trait amongst the stock heavy billionaire class of today. This guy has the look of a former Harvard club squash singles champion trophy engraved: I own the Wall..
He has the look that cries, "he needs the shit kicked out of him and often," demeanor.
I am sure his 94 year old MIL would never miss her SS so why complain. Millions of people would have problems buying food,medicine,and paying rent with a single missed check. Imagine all the nursing home residents who had to assign their SS to qualify for Medicaid.
The state of panic seniors are in now, across the nation, is affecting millions of families.
Billionaire Howard Lutnick couldn't possibly imagine we live on our SS income - - nor does he care. Each day one of them irks the world more. If it's not Bondi it's Leavitt. If not Leavitt it's Musk, if...
The times have really brought out everyone’s creativity! The other day I saw someone refer to a cyber truck as a #wankpanzer and proceeded to cry laugh for 5min strait
Oh, but they will. I’m in Wisconsin watching Crawford run some of the lamest ads over and over. Schimel has given her so much to work with but she hasn’t used. I’m afraid.
Maybe all this chaos is making me paranoid, but Lutnik's statement could be construed as: if you complain about your SS check, then you might be a fraudster, and we will investigate you.
He’s not going to last long. Neither will Nunes. They’re being scapegoated. Remember the turnover last time? We need to set some odds on what cabinet members will go and when.
Seniors are gunna show up at his office in hoards with their canes - he needs an attitude adjustment. Yeah, they paid taxes for over 50 years…. Every damn paycheck- they expect what they were promised. Ohh, this is gunna smart. You bet they should complain if a check is late or short!
Yes, regardless, it’s a debit from our paycheck. And a balance due at the end of the year if you didn’t pay in enough. It is most certainly taking from our bottom dollar which we earned.
If I don’t get my check, I will be protesting outside the fake White House in Florida as fast as my senior citizen ass can get there. I will be bringing all my retired friends. This is our money and we absolutely care. You have not seen the whirlwind you have reaped.
They live in the rarified air of the filthy rich who don’t understand what it is to not eat so your kids can! Or which bill to pay this month. Or hustling between three jobs.
Oh he won't come for it, you just won't get it deposited into your bank account. I can't believe he is so ignorant of how so many retired folks live on that deposit with no other income. I couldn't pay my mortgage without it.
Cruelty is the entire point…
We need an army of Luigi’s…
Stealing your SS and Medicare even though it’s your money to cut taxes to hand $$$ to our oligarch overlords. My MIL doesn’t seem to mind.
Right now, one of our overlords seems to be having a problem. Can you help him out?
“Buy Tesla stock!”
A lot of the space in in the White House for all the homeless seniors
Your check may not show up but if you complain, you will be investigated for fraud. Coercion tactics.
Fear tactics.
Against senior citizens.
Tell It Like It Is!
This #Lutnick Person-Is A Despicable Human Being!
We ALL Know Someone Who 1) Paid Into Social Security Their Whole Working Life , so 2) Has Earned Every Payment!
We ALL Also Know Someone Who Depends On Each Payment.
SHAME On This Heartless Lutnick Person!
Treasury Sec Bessent is worth half a billion and says he’s not worried about the collapsing stock market.
A pattern.
Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says
that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks —
and that anyone who does complain is
“a fraudster.”
Commerce Secretary’s unconscious “Projections”
the Dangers of Psychological Projection
He received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 1927
and then continued to study medicine at the University of Berlin.
He met C.G. Jung first in 1933…
About Scapegoat Psychology
"Tell your meemaw if she complains she's going to starve bc Musk stole her check that makes her a fucking criminal. And if she sasses you back, call her a cunt."
DEMS NEED to be making ADs EVERY DAY using their own HORRIBLE Monsters' material.
NEVER AGAIN frame anything again as to suggest Dems can campaign on *not Republicans*
That is what causes despair & independents to outnumber Repub & Dem voters!!!!
- and to checkout of civic duty & politics!
Busted character.
I've been paying into social security since I was a teenager, why shouldn't I get something back?
The fuckers a billionaire, of course his mother in law is not going to care....
Of course she doesnt fucking care, she knows her old ass is loaded for life... Assuming her psychotic demon of a son in law doesnt tell her to die in a ditch if she needs help
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
There will be millions of us who will show you how much we don't care.
We have nothing to lose at that point.
Democrats fumble response to a person's statement on Social Security
My hubs & I have paid into the system, It’s ours. This dude, musky, doge & the entire Republican Regime can keep their hands off our money.
I do not care for his lack of awareness -
I do not care for his lack of empathy or his ugly heart -
He is a rich man that is taking perks from this rotten administration -
How dare he voice an opinion that is so wrong, he just can't relate, what a rotten thug -
He has the look that cries, "he needs the shit kicked out of him and often," demeanor.
My Dutch husband would say *what a nonsense*
I think that fits better than simply “what nonsense”
I don’t know why but it dies
They need to tread VERY carefully, if they value living anyway.
Billionaire Howard Lutnick couldn't possibly imagine we live on our SS income - - nor does he care. Each day one of them irks the world more. If it's not Bondi it's Leavitt. If not Leavitt it's Musk, if...
It seems when there is enough money involved,yourlife,my life, no one's life matters.
I still can't believe he's married to a man and has children with him.
What kind of self-loathing must this take?