Member of the gop what do you expect. They have physicians voting in vaccine deniers. As a group the party has lost any sense of humanity. These folks are abominations and at some point hopefully sooner rather than later need to suffer the consequences of the vapid craven behavior
Schumer and too many others are working for the Republicans. For this and so many other things - impeach and begin the long process of reform. All Americans need to demand an end to this mockery of our ideals. This administration is disastrous.
If you have anger, write it down in a journal. If you post online, it’s with the hope that others will see it and agree with you and feel confirmed in their beliefs, or that you’ll convince others. Congrats, you hate Democrats: I want you to tell me how that’s effective in fighting Trump.
Genuinely, who the fuck does this help? Do you think Democratic leadership will see this? No, all this does is encourage in others apathy to the only viable opposition party to literal Nazis.
Ahh, just your average Sec of Defense casually dropping top secret war plans in a group chat with a journalist. Maybe next week Hegseth can live-stream a nuclear briefing on TikTok?
This isn’t “oops,” it’s treason-adjacent. If there’s any integrity left in this administration, he resigns yesterday.
It should be, but won't. Remember, lots of people were warned, but voted for the Orange buffoon anyway. Why people still vote Red is baffling. Repugs don't care about the regular American, they don't care about Democracy, and life's everyday issues. They care about the wealthy and Corporations
Should be the only issue in his next election! He showed his constituents and the country how utterly incompetent and unfit a “Senator” he is! 😡 Absolutely no higher judgment capacity in his empty head or soul!
Hillbilly VP’s tie-breaking vote was the cherry on top of Tillis’ icing on the damn cake
I had some hope for Cassidy once, but when he buckled on the border security bill- that he helped to write- i knew he was just another self-dealing weasel.
Cassidy is up for reelection in 2026. Word is that John Bel Edwards (who won the governor’s race twice) will run against him. If he throws his hat in, that could be a flippable seat.
I can not keep up with all the #GOPCowards hiding & cowering in fear but thankfully she is
My best is to show you as many as I can & those who stand out like this bastard @RepJimBanks (IN-03)
Not only a no-show but mocks voters?
Here's another republican coward hiding from citizen voters:
@RepBuddyCarter GA-01. He thinks pre-screened telephone call-ins and radio talks are "town halls.
What is MISSING - to begin with - is the US Military Assessment that Houthis in Yemen posed a national security risk requiring the Killing.
The WH Incompetent Terrorist THUGS rained a heap of killing without PROPER NATSEC PROCESS.
I can only conclude that these repugnicans have been told that they will win no matter what. How else could they think they can ignore our constitution with impunity? It is mind boggling.
Correct. He could have upped his security and carried a gun. Or resigned because he was compromised by fear. But no. Instead just bent his knee to Trump. Sad. NC should vote him out!
Have the problem transferring to printer. The templates I find don't fit the paper I have....I have 6 4x4 per sheet and hate to waste. And poor doesn't help.
Tillis’ statement on 7/5/16:
“Indictment or no indictment, it’s clear that Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers endangered America’s national security interests and reveals a stunning lack of judgment that is unbecoming of any top administration official.”
Tillis is my Senator, unfortunately, and like so many others in both Houses wants to keep his job more than doing what is right for our Country. He knows it, we know it but it's like something stuck on the bottom of your shoe. Try as you might you just can't get it off and the stink lingers.
Email and/or call his office everyday. I do, especially when something like this happens. He used to respond to my emails very quickly but not now. He doesn't respond to some of them.
People have really short, selective memories. They won’t remember this shit in 1 1/2 years. They’ll remember the female volleyball player supposedly getting knocked out by the trans players spike from the other team.
Let's all get together and send these assholes packing in '26! What do ya' say? This is another nail in their coffins, so add it to the list of what Democratic candidates can use against them.
In 2016, on Fox, Hegseth criticized candidate HCR private server . He asked: “How damaging is it to your ability to recruit or build allies with others when they are worried that our leaders may be exposing them because of their gross negligence or their recklessness in handling information?”
My senator,have been emailing him every day . The response has been bull. He’s afraid to do town halls. People in N.C. Let your voices be heard. Email, text and call.✌️❤️🇺🇸
Dems should make this their daily top story!! Too much incompetence in the WH. None of his cabinet is qualified to hold any office in our government. 😡😡😡😡
When Hegseth was confirmed, which everyone (probably including he himself) knew was a mistake, I felt strongly that those Senators should be given no leeway when it hit the fan. It wasn't a passive act. Their country was in their hands.
Every one of them should be getting hounded by the press today.
Lots of the rural areas of NC are wonderful, but they can be pretty damn uncomfortable if you aren't conservative. Besides that, the cities have jobs, museums, schools, restaurants, and other things liberals like.
They're stupid. Stupid people. I've been here 20 yrs and I swear everyday my mouth drops open again about this bullshit these people with 9th grade educations spew. I'm physically unable to leave, I despise this comprised state .
I can't understand why we can’t get rid of the illegal gerrymandering. But look at the NC Supreme Court vote. That idiot that lost is trying to disenfranchise 60,000 voters.
It went to SCOTUS who said, "Do your own districting" leave us out of it . Well since it's already republican they gerrymandered even more. They got representative Jeff Jackson voted out by redrawing the maps & making the district 85%rethuglican.
Yup ..#1 violater. Tim Moore who is newly an US House Representative now. What he did to Jeff Jackson should have put Tim in prison. He gerrymandered the countries last race so he could win. He's #1 on my list.
that’s true for the House districts, but Tillis has to win statewide. last time he was on track to losing but the Democrat Cunningham had a late reveal of a sordid affair. i still suspect he was a Republican plant meant to clear the path. but maybe it was just old fashioned horndoggery.
Fair enough. I live in a bright red district in W NC. We get slaughtered in most elections, Madison Cawthorn anyone? It’s frustrating, but still have to try!
He’s a Senator. Gerrymandering doesn’t play a role. But disenfranchising voters could — see the on-going battle to throw out 60,000 voters in order to overturn the Dem judge who won her election for NC Supreme Court.
His memoir title should be, “How to Regret Your Vote in 64 Days or Less” or “How I Became a Tool for the State” or “National Security for Dummies “ with a forward by Vladimir Putin.
And, as both an ACTUAL veteran AND sexual assault survivor, I honestly was just *SURE* that she would! (But that's why I don't have a gambling addiction: sometimes I guess wrong...)
Serious question. Does anyone believe there will be free and fair elections in 2026 let alone in NC? I don’t think this regime and Project 2025 came this far only to lose power. I hope I’m wrong.
This is a little misleading. JD Vance cast the "deciding" vote. But 50 other R Senators had the ability to take this vote away from him (Collins, McConnell, and Murkowski voted Nay). However, Collins said she had a stern conversation with Hegseth, so they are ALL to blame.
I don't know why he gets this 'cast the deciding vote'. It was clear from emails he sent to us complainers that he found it important to support 🍊 🤡 picks and agenda. It's not like he was wrestling with his decision.
It should be an issue for everyone who voted "yes" for anyone included in that chat TBH because secret plans aside, the chat itself is a problem.
Also every single vote was deciding. Any one of them could have voted "no". Grill them all.
They’re saying it’s a lie and his supporters will believe that. I wish the journalist had taken a screenshot before disconnecting, just as proof. Hindsight.
Yes. Tillis should be labeled as complicit in allowing classified information to be carelessly disseminated to potential enemies of the American people.
Trust me, for those of us who have been paying attention, it's right at the forefront. I'm worried about those who don't listen to real news & blindly vote R every time. We're trying to raise the level of awareness.
No “take it back” on this vote - he knew he was voting for another loser but the $$$ was too good to pass on. Sold American Security to a S African oligarch and an alcoholic liar. He needs to crawl back into his hole of disgrace.
The app is not called "Signal" for nothing. The mistake was letting an editor from the Atlantic in the group. I'm convinced this chat was intended for Russian eyes.
That would be incriminating for him and he’d have to admit he was wrong with his appointment of Hegseth. He won’t do that. It will have to happen some other way.
Let’s just say he thinks they’re all doing a great job … we’ve got the best ppl in national security, the world thinks we’re great now that DT is in charge, DT has saved the world from despots, we s/be thanking him, terrorists are running scared
(His assembled cabal claps in unison)
Blah blah blah
And the greatest hits? 'We're Saving America- they're eating the cats - They're eating the dogs - people from insane asylums - went school in the morning a boy and came home a girl - sir etc'?
With all due respect, had to almost laugh reading this...trump woken yet?! A) It's well-known that trump never admits he's wrong & would rather risk our security. B) He'll never be 'woken' - he's an idiot.
It should be an issue now but it
will be swept under the rug, with no repercussions and by 2026 no- one will even give it a second thought.
Rinse, wash, spin, repeat.
So, if they threaten you or you think they'll threaten you'll do whatever they want? I agree, it must be terrifying, but then you don't belong in this role.
It makes the entirety of the House and Senate as weak and useless as they appear! If they are, or can be, threatened by Donnie’s goons, what value are they?
None are living up to their oath.
It should be an issue for each and every Senator that cast a vote for this miscreant. Clearly, he was just wagging his dick because there was no reason that this group needed operational details of the strike. That is after him saying something about OPSEC. Hegseth is just a poser.
Who’s keeping the scorecard of these scandals and Congress people’s reactions/non response? Musk and Trump are not following record laws, so we the people need to keep those receipts and act on them. Hospitals have a public scorecard from CMS re: patient care, time for a politician scorecard
Gerrymandering is not possible for Senate seats. There are two senators for each state.
House seats are based on population, and the lines for Congressional districts are redrawn following the census counts every ten years. Those can be big fights at the state legislatures.
Every single last Republican in the Senate & the House should B voted out or expelled from office when they come up 4 re-election.They R all cowards & traitors.They R unfit 2 B in office.They R aiding & abetting a criminal in the act, covering up his crimes, & supporting a Russian Asset.
Sincere question
Why does it seem like Vance is getting a pass?
He should have known better than to be in a Signal groupchat as well.
Yeah, why focus in Georgia, a state that now has two D senators and actually swung in 2020 at the Presidential level, rather than the state that thought Ted Budd was a good idea?
Snark aside, I prefer both/and to either/or. And start treating Florida like Humid Wyoming.
Because it BARELY swung to two D senators (both went into run-off), and that was on the back of a lot of usual non-voters showing up...something that 2024 showed we can't rely on.
Georgia hasn't had a Democrat Governor since 2003. Compare that to NC, who have had 6 since then.
I'd be fine with that. I am just tired of seeing such an easy win being neglected.
North Carolina is getting a lot more "transplants." It's one of the fastest growing states in the country and the Democrats are fucking up major opportunities here.
They should care I live in North Carolina Democrats need to run Roy Cooper the former governor of North Carolina for that seat but with these Democrats the establishment you'll never know
Cooper literally dropped out of the Verpstakes to prevent Robinson from becoming governor. I know Josh Stein and he has indicated that that is what NC Democrats are planning to do.
Tf? Harris campaigned in NC nearly as many times as she campaigned in PA. I know, I’m from PA and live in NC. Stop using narratives to guide your assumptions when there are gaps in your knowledge. That’s literally how misinformation and conspiracy theories spread.
Isn’t the lesson we are learning here to stop waiting on the main party to save us? Go pump up the grassroots in NC and fill the gap! Use Tesla protests to build out contacts, door knock your neighbors, etc. NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US
Democrats were on that shit this past election. Voter suppression is BAD, half of my students got purged when I told them to check their voter registration in class.
It's so fucking frustrating. Florida is a lost cause. Georgia 2020 was a fluke...but NC has CONSISTENTLY voted in Democrat governors and Attorneys General. Also more and more Democratic voters move here every day.
We could be the next Virginia but for some reason the DNC pretends we don't exist.
seems like if I had a few billion dollars i could hand-pick and manipulate the leaders of any political party. would not be surprised if the Dems who have grabbed leadership posts based on, you guessed it, fundraising success, are the most prone to corruption and outright betrayal
You're making an assumption here, re: shame; shameful.
That word almost certainly slated for deletion from the Republican Newspeak lexicon. Likely replacement candidate is "unproud" or something equally redirecting.
Time to fight fire with fire!
This isn’t “oops,” it’s treason-adjacent. If there’s any integrity left in this administration, he resigns yesterday.
Hillbilly VP’s tie-breaking vote was the cherry on top of Tillis’ icing on the damn cake
I can not keep up with all the #GOPCowards hiding & cowering in fear but thankfully she is
My best is to show you as many as I can & those who stand out like this bastard @RepJimBanks (IN-03)
Not only a no-show but mocks voters?
@RepBuddyCarter GA-01. He thinks pre-screened telephone call-ins and radio talks are "town halls.
The WH Incompetent Terrorist THUGS rained a heap of killing without PROPER NATSEC PROCESS.
I had a really hard time not sending him 30 pieces of silver after that confirmation hearing.
anyone taking over/under bets on this?
Never forget, never forgive ...
Vote fucking accordingly ...
I need stickers and no company will make them
can anyone help.
Look at this product I found on
“Indictment or no indictment, it’s clear that Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers endangered America’s national security interests and reveals a stunning lack of judgment that is unbecoming of any top administration official.”
He is a hypocrite.
But they don’t care and their constituents don’t either. Ethical consistency is a handicap they don’t have.
Seriously, what's the plan here,
Hold them accountable!
Bigly guy sticks it to the little guy
Big planes, lots of planes. Big bombs, lots of bombs
Big submarines, lots of submarines. Big missiles, lots of missiles
Big casualties, lots of casualties. Big outcry. For a day
New distraction. Corp media conform
Party at MAL. YMCA.
I'm doing everything I can to get him OUT
How much can we bet?
Every one of them should be getting hounded by the press today.
We can do this and Impeach Trump.
But don’t forget, more than just Tillis voted for Hegseth. It’s disqualifying for every person who voted for the man.
EVERY YES VOTE on Senate confirmation should be fired. It’s never just one vote
Also every single vote was deciding. Any one of them could have voted "no". Grill them all.
If memory serves, Senator Tillis introduced Hegseth in his confirmation hearing.
Senator Tillis should be disappointed, at a bare minimum.
(His assembled cabal claps in unison)
Blah blah blah
will be swept under the rug, with no repercussions and by 2026 no- one will even give it a second thought.
Rinse, wash, spin, repeat.
None are living up to their oath.
101st, too.
They are putting your battle plans and movements on unsecured apps.
They won't know you. They won't honor you and your service.
House seats are based on population, and the lines for Congressional districts are redrawn following the census counts every ten years. Those can be big fights at the state legislatures.
Thom the tool is toast.
Why does it seem like Vance is getting a pass?
He should have known better than to be in a Signal groupchat as well.
And the average voter is talking about eggs & illegals...
...but nah, let's focus on Florida and Georgia instead.
Snark aside, I prefer both/and to either/or. And start treating Florida like Humid Wyoming.
Georgia hasn't had a Democrat Governor since 2003. Compare that to NC, who have had 6 since then.
North Carolina is getting a lot more "transplants." It's one of the fastest growing states in the country and the Democrats are fucking up major opportunities here.
I do agree with you about Florida and Georgia
But outside of election years, the state is largely ignored.
I still think that on a national level, North Carolina is the likeliest Southern state to flip and there should be more attention here.
We could be the next Virginia but for some reason the DNC pretends we don't exist.
Because I haven't seen little to convince me otherwise
That word almost certainly slated for deletion from the Republican Newspeak lexicon. Likely replacement candidate is "unproud" or something equally redirecting.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!