They try to silence us, hold us back, and strip away our rights, but women always fight back. This #WomensHistoryMonth, we’re doubling down, because when women lead, we all move forward.
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Ooooh, I love your energy and enthusiasm, but you're in a very real, existential crisis and your country is descending into facism, where the constitution will be ripped up, and the global liberal, democratic order is very probably ending. Holding signs and wearing pink won't cut it.
But true. Sth Carolina is about to execute someone by firing squad. Universities are being silenced. CIA, FBI, SCOTUS, owned by Trump, whole departments, gone, DEI dead, US now align with Russia, global world order is shifting etc. The symbolism move is not enough.
The Dems in attendance last night thought that coordinating pink outfits and politely holding little signs was a sufficient was to fight facism. GOP is fighting with fire and Dems continue to be polite.
Dems were performative and tweeting away while only Al Greene fought.
Rep Crockett is a powerful, courageous and outstanding voice, but she left quietly. Not a single Dem supported Greene. They have the resources to fight but instead they play dress up. This isn't a game. They need to match GOP energy. Facism will not be defeated by decorum.
Her, should be leading the party.
Constantly fighting, each with their own style and unique abilities. Thats what attracts voters, gets people energized. Cant just keep relying on Obama
sorry to all the non nerds who have no idea what Im saying
When regressive dem women lead, girls are forcibly exposed to large, naked & packaged male trannees in their locker rooms & lavatories, & then get pummeled by them in their sports arenas. Also, dem women murder 470K girls <1 y/o per year via abortion. State of the Union. Defund Planned Parenthood.
Why did you all ignore the potential evidence of him cheating? Why didn’t you have any objections during the certification? Why didn’t you uphold sec 3 of the 14th amendment?
I do not support liberals, or even Capitalism, but I will give my life to restore the rights of women and other minorities that have recently been taken. I wish you well on your journey.
move forward into what? genocide, stagflation, and holier-than-thou bullshit? left wing fascism is just as repulsive and ugly as right wing fascism. A pox on both your houses.
You are so right. If women ran this country we would have a balanced budget, we wouldn’t take crap from bigoted men and dictators would think twice about how they would treat the woman who is head of a country. You’re the best, keep it up. Thank you.
They still were back in 1865. We all know that the republicans don’t care about people only themselves and the people that will be hurt from acts like this are more than likely people who are struggling financially or people of color.
Ooh, you sound like a typical disgruntled anti woman male. She didn’t win because she was “black”, maybe you’re a racist also. I think you should be on “X” not Bluesky, you sound more like a Republican and someone in my family who I have purged myself of.
I hope you won’t be attending tonight’s farce. I would prefer nobody attends tonight, but if you do, I hope you will make a big show of standing up and walking right back out the moment that man starts speaking.
Give Women the lead position on everything in your party
Make the choice between the Golfer & Dems so stark
People have to see that women and people of color
Are not the problem, the sick Christian National
Party are, these sick male dominated shits
Keep stealing, because that is what
They do
When when y'all decide to go ahead and cull most the men just to get rid of as many assholes as possible I'd like to volunteer for whatever's going to be left over and whatever Services I can offer or assistance I can give.
I would say that isn’t the only way to use your voice…
All forms of protest are useful— sometimes people are overwhelmed and use the best way they know how to respond. It also doesn’t mean that is the only way they are protesting, so encourage it all! ✌️💪
I recently started following you and listening to you. You are a breathe of fresh air and exactly what is needed rn...a formidable, smart, strong woman. I love that you are standing up to the status quo and fighting for the Construction and our people. So many Dems look like meek mixe rn.
Your focus on a topic that is so minuscule is the reason you fall for his fascist bull. I know you are just a troll, but it’s crap like this that shows how pathetic, gullible and ignorant you really are.
Yeah. Well figure out a way to get this message out to the masses. I mean, I get it! But apparently there is too much lead in the water and the brain dead are leading the way, and the Republicans speak their language.
It would've been MUCH more effective to follow Green's lead by breaking decorum and call out FOTUS' lies one by one, spaced enough apart to disrupt while they have the disruptor escorted out. Then again. And again. Keep breaking his focus throughout the speech.
Matching outfits and little signs. Walking out quietly. Continuous empty tweets. Mini dry erase boards and pieces of paper held up silently with barely impactful words like some joke the GOP are no doubt laughing at.
Thank you, Jasmine Crockett for having more integrity and mettle than the rest of congress combined. It means so much and gives me hope to see and hear you standing up for us🥰
They have the fucking AUDACITY to say women are too emotional to lead yet look at the two losers bullying, yelling, interrupting and throwing a temper tantrum in the Oval Office when speaking to a hero fighting for his country that by the way was invaded!
Elected Democrats are asking We the People display our outrage by asking us to protest & put ourselves in the path of danger. THEY MUST WALK THE WALK, NOT TALK THE TALK. This is the time! Elected Democrats and Independents must be brave. WALK THIS BRIDGE WITH US!!!!!!
This is what I sent to my senators and representatives: The Democrats MUST display disapproval of Trump! THIS IS OUR SELMA!!!!!!!! You are asking us to display our outrage by putting ourselves in the path of danger. YOU MUST WALK YOUR WALK, NOT TALK THE TALK, too! WALK THIS BRIDGE WITH US!!!!!!
More power to you. But why did you vote for men in woman sports? I know you arnt allowed to agree with Trump but at what cost? Especially during women's history month.
Great to hear but now is the time for action not words. Where is the coordinated defiance. Underwhelmed by Democrat response to date. Being rational and imploring defiance doesn’t work with people like Trump or Putin - they don’t follow those rules
Join the economic blackout this Friday, March 7-14 against #AMAZON
We have to start somewhere and hitting the billionaires where it hurts is where we start showing our #resistance ✊🏼✊🏼 #fucktrump #fuckthegop #fuckbezos
Y’all fight like hell. Don’t let them take anything from the law-abiding US citizens that lived their entire lives waiting for that elusive American dream; and ended up surviving only on Social Security; which they they helped financed all their lives.
Beans, let’s go girl.
I always told ya you’re family.
This is the crunch time we’ve been waiting for. One school nerd from Apartheid and one filthy orange turd left over by Hitter.
Democrats: stiffen your spines or lose them forever. No more nice guys.
Not all of us. I voted for Harris, and would have loved for her to have been president. I have to say, it’s hard for me to imagine why any woman would be stupid enough to vote for Trump :(
I voted for Harris with no reservations. Post election results made me realize men do not care for women. Gut punch, women do not care about other women.
I hope to God the democrats are meeting (like the project 2025 group did) to define a strategy and heavily research the ways we can unseat this POS and other republicans who are currently Facist traitors.
God why can’t the rest of your party figure this shit out. ALL of them need to be doing what you are doing. As usual they’re expecting women of color to pull all the weight while sitting back pretending it’s business as usual.
There aren’t enough of them that are actually progressive. And most are still under the delusion that there will be real elections going forward and think they have to cater to the ignorant. They’re wrong, of course.
I think we can "tea party" this thing. Honestly. If the Rebublicans can go from where they were to MAGA, we can jack this party. Gotta be loud, gotta show up either way though!
Of course I didn’t vote for Stein, I’m not a moron who votes for Russian plants. I’m simply pointing out a point of contention that has likely caused some would-be democrat voters who have been staying home in recent years because to feel dems at the top only want to line their pockets.
Staying home is lazy and irresponsible. There’s no excuse given the options last fall. They might as well have voted for him. The Gaza protest movement was legit for some but they totally ignored the overwhelming evidence that it was being intentionally amplified by enemies of democracy.
I think they know, but corporate democrats don’t want to piss off their donors. They’re also quite elitist, and out of touch. They’re paid off, many of them, if not most. :( Controlled opposition. 😭 It’s so frustrating. 😓
Blah, blah, blah people of color, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile Krasnov is destroying the country, and all she can do is make cuties speeches for views and likes. She is no different, doing nothing. Congress should all just resign their salaries are being wasted.
Not all women lead unfortunately. I saw a segment today where one of our representatives was talking about how parents should monitor the internet more closely. Her daughters watch YouTube and have learned to crochet and cook. I nearly barfed. 🤮
Let’s hope our Congress people will vote against the bill one vote per family - if married the male gets the vote. I would divorce my husband of 45 years to keep my right to vote
Sitting there silently in your pink outfit while Al Green stood on business really showed Trump what you are about.
Lip service.
I may live in Canada, but I am from Texas. I pay very close attention to everything she does and am still a registered voter. YOU have NO IDEA who I am.
well he doesn't portray women for billionaires he betrays the country for billionaires he betrays and demeans women because he is sarcastic arrogant narcissistic piece of shit
I hope when the dust settles and he has been torn from power, you get to be at the helm to help get your country back on an even keel. Your fire and fury in the face of this overwhelming greed and corruption is nothing short of superb. From 3.5 thousand miles away we can hear you. Give em hell!
#DNCWAKEUP #CongresswomanJasmineCrockett
B. "Trump Betrays Women" implies he was ever on our side
Dems were performative and tweeting away while only Al Greene fought.
we need to see more unification in the Dem Party!
The Avengers
The X-Men
Shinobi of Konoha
Constantly fighting, each with their own style and unique abilities. Thats what attracts voters, gets people energized. Cant just keep relying on Obama
sorry to all the non nerds who have no idea what Im saying
Our time as the 'stronger sex' is over, and rightfully so.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come to FL in March and lend your voice to help us get Josh Weil elected!!!Special Election - April 1!!!
We need your help to move forward!!
Sucks that mostly only women seem capable of leadership in DC
She walks into the fire
She brings the fire
She is us.
No more fucking around.
One person at a time!
They did it to previously Blue states...turnabout is fair play
Make the choice between the Golfer & Dems so stark
People have to see that women and people of color
Are not the problem, the sick Christian National
Party are, these sick male dominated shits
Keep stealing, because that is what
They do
is not what's meant by using your voice.
All forms of protest are useful— sometimes people are overwhelmed and use the best way they know how to respond. It also doesn’t mean that is the only way they are protesting, so encourage it all! ✌️💪
Golda Meir
Performative crap won't end facism.
mostly because
you are the primary gender
this would make you more valuable (than men)
when they take your vote
you will never be able to dispute
this chicken and egg theory
Periods make us more emotional bc we:
1-have more testosterone in our system. We are more like them, more emotional.
2-are dealing with the patriarchy while simultaneously having cramps that would down a man
Safe happy waves from a Canadian fan
Speak sincerely and with conviction. 👍💪🦅❤️
In my opinion, I don't think it would be good for them to do that.
We have to start somewhere and hitting the billionaires where it hurts is where we start showing our #resistance ✊🏼✊🏼 #fucktrump #fuckthegop #fuckbezos
After this week, we can find alternatives for likely 90% of what we buy, often for cheaper direct, and this will scare the hell out of them. #resist
Keep up the fight, we are with you!
wouldn't have a job #1
and really should be in prison #2
Silence is acquiescence!
I always told ya you’re family.
This is the crunch time we’ve been waiting for. One school nerd from Apartheid and one filthy orange turd left over by Hitter.
Democrats: stiffen your spines or lose them forever. No more nice guys.
Thank you incognito. You really need to be while Texas 😉lol
pink dresses are too close to "Silence is acquiescence"!
At an immigration rally yesterday (it was awesome & so important) every speaker listed all of the groups targeted by Trump.
Not one of them said women. Not one.
R v W, tRump was handed back the club.
They should fire all the DC consultants they've been using ASAP.
Lip service.
Give me a fuckin break!