The fun thing is that the Windows executable only takes up 10% of the floppy
They actually managed to fit the music on there three times (Windows, x86 Mac, ARM Mac), with room left over, and included an oscilloscope emulator as well
You get my respect! Mad this Xmas when every store I went to no longer carried xmas cds. They said last year was the last time they had cds. I was being nostolgic.
So I hurried home ordered them AND more dvds!
Back in the day we called the 3 1/2" disks "flippies" if we wanted to distinguish them from the 5 1/4" (or 8"!) "floppies". Usually, tho', everything removable was just a floppy.
Hard disk - never. Even tho' the 3 1/2" removable were "hard", "hard disk" referred to an internal hard drive.
You’re welcome to look at, for example, the Wikipedia article for floppy disks, which refers to them as hard disks exactly zero times. You might have called them that, sure, but most people did not.
I’ve never in my life heard that, having been around computers since they were introduced, through their heyday, their demise and the retrocomputing movement. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There is a funny family story about that from when I was a technologically naive teen way back when the Tandy 8088 was a new fixture in our living room and my mom worked for a major chip developer. 😂🫣
CDs have a bit of a revival right now. Not hard to understand, it's great sounding format, there's billions of used CDs out there and used players are plentiful and cheap (and you can even get new ones).
I try not to be that guy any more, but when words are used in an actively misleading way, I draw the line. Hard disks are spinning metal platters that live inside a sealed enclosure that is permanently placed inside your computer. 3.5 inch floppy diskettes do not meet these criteria. That's it.
Nice to meet another aficionado of taste and quality. I have had them since 1981 when I was 16.
I flipped a lot of burgers and threw a lot of newspapers to get them that summer.
My stepdad was green with envy and tried to start charging me rent. 🤣
I’d be happy with a pair of those, despite never a fan. I’ve got four Fraziers that don’t require the power or equalization of 901s, but they take up too much damn space.
I actually don’t believe this, but for shits and giggles, what machine works with this? You can buy record, cd, tape, radio, and mp3 players. This is something I’ve never heard of on a system that would even work now
There's a way to run Wine even on Android (if necessary in a virtual machine, which is also possible to run) so you can run it on a smartphone too (if you plug in a USB hub you can have a full mouse and keyboard setup)
I can’t visually see that being connected to a phone. You have an external disk drive connected to your phone to download music? Do you have a photo? Also where are you getting the music from? You still need a disc computer no? Another external drive I guess?
It is because Iphones don’t have usb ports.Aside from that where are you getting the music from that, that is even needed? Aside from downloading and streaming right on your phone. Most records, tapes, and cds can be transferred to mp3. U than pop that in your computer and it’s already on your phone
To see how this all works you can watch this:
Do you even CRT bro?
They actually managed to fit the music on there three times (Windows, x86 Mac, ARM Mac), with room left over, and included an oscilloscope emulator as well
unfortunately he didn't get the best results because all of his audio interfaces were AC-coupled
Installed 1T SSD.
Purely for music which may or may not have come from Limewire.
A 3.5" disk.
Aren't you modern, show off.
Too good for 5.25" are you?
Dual sided, double density 512kb each
Had to tweak the BIOS to get them to werk.
CP/M and Forth.
So I hurried home ordered them AND more dvds!
Hard disk - never. Even tho' the 3 1/2" removable were "hard", "hard disk" referred to an internal hard drive.
Naturally that includes cassettes. Perhaps reels, too.
I can't imagine anything sampled would fit much, unless it's either encoded to a weak bitrate, or in an 8-bit/16KHz format a la Amiga IFF 8SVX.
Soundtracker modules, MIDI or chiptunes, maybe?
A software synthesizer goes way beyond that in defining what the instruments actually sound like.
The software here also includes a oscilloscope emulator to show the visuals.
It arrived in a large box. Three quarters of the box was taken up with paperback manuals. The product was stored on 42 3.5" floppy discs.
That's how things were done then.
But imation branded them diskettes, as well, and they were the ones I used. But, still, only ever heard floppy used by people.
Even in the 90s, I couldn't justify €40 for a floppy!
Might get the digital and copy to a floppy and get a drive, and I think you've inspired me 😄
If you're talking about floppy discs more generally than it only beats the CD (just).
Companies that made them often labeled them "diskettes", but even that was never the common vernacular.
I flipped a lot of burgers and threw a lot of newspapers to get them that summer.
My stepdad was green with envy and tried to start charging me rent. 🤣
It's very much real and it's extremely cool
There's a way to run Wine even on Android (if necessary in a virtual machine, which is also possible to run) so you can run it on a smartphone too (if you plug in a USB hub you can have a full mouse and keyboard setup)
Sony gave in too early on that one.