I’ve repeatedly been scolded for sharing direct reports, from scientists that I know personally, about disastrous orders coming from the current administration.
I’m told this hasn’t been vetted by a news organization and so I shouldn’t post it here.
No. I believe my colleagues.
I’m told this hasn’t been vetted by a news organization and so I shouldn’t post it here.
No. I believe my colleagues.
Please continue communicating Carl, it’s important, vital, necessary!
Provide context where available. And voila - we're doing what the press does.
1. You’re not a journalist.
2. Direct testimony is very relevant if comes from verified persons.
3. Usually journalists would reach out to the administration before publishing, but you can’t do that.
4. This being shared increases chances of proper news picking it up
But don’t police the way that scientists are communicating here just because reality is too scary for you to want to accept.
Nah, we’ve seen how MSM handles “getting info to us.” YOU KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING.
When a fundjng system stops functioning correctly at a national level. The loss clock starts, it doesn’t 🛑 once fixed
The costs and indirect costs and collateral damage is staggering.
I speculate the overall loss will be in the trillions and wouldn’t even end right away even if it was fixed. Not to mention the loss of trust talent snd unknowns. This is an unnatural disaster.
Self evidently you're quite a reputable source.
Who are these people? Reply guys?
I don't even recognize those words anymore.
We need honest information
Thank you
truth always gets the upper hand ... eventually!
Carry on and be true!
more people need to read/absorb this:
They are still listening to the exact same people who lied about climate change for decades ffs
Large media are proving their incompetence at this on a daily basis
Playing by the rules when the rulers have subverted the rules is particularly futile.
Source: People who kept telling me lawyers would never do exactly what they were doing & refused to look at the evidence because I sometimes said fuck.
Seems like you’re using sound practices.
I block them.
No more mainstream media both sides bs.
Not sure that'll satisfy the willfully blind, but it *might* be worth a shot.