Don’t shoot the messenger: #RecipeOfTheDay is Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows! In fact, after initial hesitation, I’ve grown to see the once-a-year appeal of the dish. Happy Thanksgiving! #Thanksgiving
Woke up decided to do a Thanksgiving Dinner.
Dreading the (your) sweet potato casserole 😅
One year my mom tried a more "grownup" recipe, with pecans and apples on top. We (the kids, in our 30s and 40s) cried out in protest. Nevermind the other dozen dishes she had made! She had to last minute throw some marshmallows on top and brown them with a blowtorch.
Still love your work. I swear.
Rice em' like any other potato after a steam.
Putting aluminum foil around them is a waste of aluminum foil.
N, a few Christmas’s ago I asked where you got your fairy lights from, you did tell me, but I’ve forgotten where you said to look (must be an age thing) would you remind me again please? 💕
I am sorry, but this is just wrong,in my opinion.
What is the origin of this dish?
Give me green bean casserole any day!
Often just cooking it once or frying it only starts turns release of the starch, the second heating always finishes that process.
Love the science of starch
Sweet potato really does live on that pastry baked good line and I'm not mad about it just respectful of the intent lol 😂
That's it. Nope, do not need to try it to decide.
This is bothering me more than it should..😳
Thanks x
I have never understood the marshmallows, I will never understand the marshmallows
Sweet potatoes are delicious in their own right however