A reminder to you that graduation is just someone else recognizing that you've already done the work. Breathe, slow down, and if you have to, don't wear heels. You're just getting your flowers! Enjoy it 🦋
you’re gonna do great, back when I graduated I’d proudly gotten a traveling salesman job which somehow telephone gamed its way into the entire rest of my class thinking I’d been suckered into a Cutco knife pyramid scheme
if you don’t have to spend all day saying “NO I’M NOT SELLING KNIVES” you won
You’ve done the work, you’ve earned the diploma- take a breath and show the world what you’re all about!! Chin up.. eyes on the horizon!! You’re gonna do great things!
Here’s the advice I would give my kids: You get to smile as big as you can! You get to show off all of your joy in completing this chapter of your life. It’s the celebration of one end and the anticipation of a new beginning. Make it memorable. Soak it in.
Congratulations 🥰🎉❤️ One day, you’ll look back to this day and reminisce how proud you are of yourself! Remember to make it a fun day~ (if it helps, I was soo nervous and later found out my friends were too! It was relieving to know that we all were nervous and excited together❤️)
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein
For more: https://epic-quotes.org
if you don’t have to spend all day saying “NO I’M NOT SELLING KNIVES” you won
Hope it goes well. Enjoy the moment, you've earned this.
- Albert Einstein
For more: https://epic-quotes.org
I am sure it will go well...