When you're invited as a visiting preacher the stakes are a bit higher and you write at least SOME of it in a decent amount of time. The rest... Well... I've done my fair share of last-minute vestry scribbling.
Not that I recommend it, but Ajhan Chah made his students talk without notes, and often said, "go on for another hour." Ajahn Brahm of Australia trained under him. I enjoy his talks, but they get a bit repetitive after a few months.
I think he too has rewritten his sermon!
But I'm quite glad I had last week (though Remembrance in the week Trump got re-elected with an on going genocide was enough)
Back in Sept. '23, ‽istis pondered the 'sins of the fathers’ in a blog entry: https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2023/09/istis-ponders-sins-of-fathers.html
And God, missing in action‽ A blog Oct'23: https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2023/10/pistis-wonders-mia-awol-weekending.html
#WhatWouldOccamSay? #WWOS?