Truth is the Truth whether one believes or not. Belief has no power over the Truth. Truth defined as facts, reality, or what actually occurred. One may believe Trumpty Dumpty's lies to be the believe a lie doesn't make the lie does mean the person refuses to face reality.
Except... all of the scientists that have been ruined for their findings, papers and then vindicated much later.
Science is still a corrupt political system that will not always admit to being wrong or fund ideas that will open new information because of the huge egos that hold it back.
Much like you can't tell a wise man by the color of his skin
Mother nature & science could care less about your religious or sexual orientation. It is a reality-based fact driven world, you can't cheat or trick the Natural World. The Golfer = death to planet & people, to stupid & greedy to get it.
Just like those who "believe" their facts and proffer their wisdom based on their "believing" this fact or that. In fact, one must knows fact, think about facts...
Oralè Resisters
He survived an assignation?
Hell, We survived a Pandemic, that could have been avoided, if he only
Done his job instead of worrying he would be blamed for it! And now they’re running away from the measles epidemic!
#SOTU #Covid19 #Measles #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
Food for thought: how can one god can be better than another god & how is everyone’s religion the “true” one. NOBODY KNOWS what’s out there. Why do we pretend we do & kill because of it? What would happen if we didn’t have faith in invisible gods but instead IN EACH OTHER? What could we accomplish?💙
Having faith in one another and having faith in God are not mutually exclusive; indeed if we followed Christ's commandment to "love one another as I have loved you", they would be the same thing.
Oh yeah? Wait until MAGA theocratic legislators pass laws mandating science change. What will you do then huh? Trump will impose tariffs on QED or gravity. You watch - you'll be floating in space because you couldn't afford your gravity tax.
Unless big pharma or insurers pay drs and sham scientists to make fraud science that protects their profits! Plenty of fraud science out there. Know this.
Science is never right or wrong. Science is just science, and your conclusions are typically derived from the scientific method, but those conclusions are not the science itself. Respect the scientific method as a road to a destination, not the destination itself.
Science doesn’t agree or disagree; what you mean is, “I hope using the scientific method warrants my untested beliefs, but if it doesn’t, I need to change my beliefs.”
Trump said scientists spent $8 million dollars on transgender mice - I think he meant transgenic mice that are used for gene studies -we’re in serious black hole trouble ….
Not so. Disciplines such as praying, meditation and mindfulness, whether practised within a religious or a secular setting, are the processes whereby we process facts, ponder decisions and choose courses of action; whereby we invite inspiration; and whereby we gain confidence in our abilities.
You may climb a hill and scream that climate change caused by humans is not real.
Nature doesn’t care and will unleash greater heat, droughts and wildfires on us. Insurance costs will rise. And the world will become less stable as people are forced to migrate.
Doesn’t make you a woman to fashion a vagina out of an inverted penis. Just once, I’d like a man to tell me what it “feels” like to be a woman. Until you’ve had cramps up to your tits, don’t talk tell me what it’s takes to be a woman.
True, but since isn't immutable or unquestionable. If you can't question a method of investigation or its conclusions, it's not science, it's dogma. Science absolutely evolves over time, and it can be wrong.
Oh yes it does. Do you discern what you read, fact check and go deeper. Do you understand real medical peer review must list if there are conflicts of interest , meaning do these drs work for a big pharma company? Real peer review has that notated.CDC have been lying extreme dangers of mold for yrs
Unfortunately there is a lot of fraud medical science out there paid for by big pharma!
Only read peer review with no conficts of interests noted! It’s required! To Find the truth , One must dig deep learn science.Do not put anything in your body or on your skin if you don’t fully know what it is!
It does not. Heyyyyy, what if scientists start posting results of actual studies on right wing media, but posting them as a message from God OR claim that the lying Dems said the opposite result, then they'll believe the real one! Yayyyy!!!
“Well put…”
Ya gotta inferno from contacts because of &$@#in’ spellcheck.
Actually disabled *all* auto assist from my phone text messaging. Got tired of correcting the same miscorrect 4 times, or changing back to text from cartoon image.
The diseases 🦠 and pestilence are coming for Trump-Elon Republicans, it matters not one iota how much money they have once they get infected and Russia has cyber attacked and infiltrated all United States hospitals.
This video is close to going viral on YouTube! Please watch to the end and help get the word out 🙏🏻❤️
If you are a YouTube member please like/share/subscribe 🙌🏼
So true.
that automatically turns you into a BELIEVER.
let that sink for a bit.
Then tell people you do not believe in climate change, the world knows you are a liar.
Science is still a corrupt political system that will not always admit to being wrong or fund ideas that will open new information because of the huge egos that hold it back.
Mother nature & science could care less about your religious or sexual orientation. It is a reality-based fact driven world, you can't cheat or trick the Natural World. The Golfer = death to planet & people, to stupid & greedy to get it.
Read that again.
He survived an assignation?
Hell, We survived a Pandemic, that could have been avoided, if he only
Done his job instead of worrying he would be blamed for it! And now they’re running away from the measles epidemic!
#SOTU #Covid19 #Measles #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
I want one !!! 👊💥
and equally easy to make nonsense sound important/profound
unless it’s psychiatry/psychology
in which case your feelings are very important
Galileo~ 600 years ago.
Same person: here’s some directions on boiling raw milk…
When you hate to be fact checked
When up make up numbers
When you are Trump - You hate science
You may climb a hill and scream that climate change caused by humans is not real.
Nature doesn’t care and will unleash greater heat, droughts and wildfires on us. Insurance costs will rise. And the world will become less stable as people are forced to migrate.
But you can only know what exists.
Only read peer review with no conficts of interests noted! It’s required! To Find the truth , One must dig deep learn science.Do not put anything in your body or on your skin if you don’t fully know what it is!
So, I’d take moment at the start of my demos to explain the difference; telling my audiences:
Ya gotta inferno from contacts because of &$@#in’ spellcheck.
Actually disabled *all* auto assist from my phone text messaging. Got tired of correcting the same miscorrect 4 times, or changing back to text from cartoon image.