They have been suffocating American Education since Reagan was in charge. As the statistics state, highly educated people tend to vote for more liberal policies, unless they belong to top 1-8% wealth owners.
That's why Trumpo said he loves the poorly educated.
Lying is essential when no one in the upper ranks is good. Those who seek destruction or total control will not let those who seek creation and sustainability in.
It is way too late for that. As any parent can tell you kids learn 1000 times better from what you do then what you say. America’s children, see clearly that lying and cheating and being a horrible person is no barrier to reaching the top. In fact these days, it seems like a prerequisite
I teach middle schoolers. Even during the first Trump presidency, I could convince them to at least stand and be silent during the pledge of allegiance. These days they just roll their eyes, laugh, and ignore it. They see clearly what a farce it all is.
I gave up standing for the Propaganda of Allegience in the 70s when I was about 11 yrs old. The first president I remember was Nixon. Trump isn’t surprising to me.
I used to at least ask them to stand out of respect for their fellow citizens who felt that it was important. And used to be able to have some good discussions about civic duty and how to interact with others. But since Trump? I can’t even pretend.
Block everything. Stop playing nice. They have no shame or conscience. They are lawless and will ignore the courts. This is not normal.
Start defending We the People, not just blaming the GOP cult. Create a new reality that we can live with. This is a choice point for humanity (47 is like Hitler).
I don't hold out much hope for our kids..seems they've all bought in to the rhetoric, whether in the USA or Canada. I guess they'll just have to live through the consequences of their choices. Good luck with that and I don't even care any more.I'm tired of compensating for assholes.
but it's o.k. if people that tell you want you want to hear do it right...80% of Americans voted for Trump..why because millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet and yet our elected representatives contributed BILLIONS to help Ukraine defend it's sovereignty
yet we're told we must be bigots if we want to defend our own, the educational system convinced kids that a physical state is an idea and that believing it strongly enough lets them embody the attributes intrinsic to that state....can my left arm become benzine if i believe hard enough?
80% of Americans? Why are you lying and spreading false information? Only 49.8% of the 63.9% of US voters voted for him. Don't pull random numbers out of your ass that are easily disproven.
Our kids should grow up in a world where they understand context, and don't blindly share memes without understanding the context. The context, in this case, being that TIME didn't feature these two to celebrate them. Doing this makes progressives look as dumb as Trumpsters. Hysteria isn't activism.
Where CERTAIN people can lie and cheat their way to the top. Most people’s kids won’t have access to that concentrating and shrinking demographic. If you’re not in the con already, you’re the mark.
Isn't the "Person of the Year" award from Time meant for the person they feel had the most impact on the world's events for that specific period of time, and not supposed to be an endorsement of that person?
Just realized yesterday my granddaughter is in seventh grade and she hasn't been taught about the second world war...she didn't know what a Nazi was.🤯 That shit ends today.🤬
Yes, the lesson here is that Hitler and the Holocaust was not a singular event, it is a repeating pattern throughout history. After everyone that survives these horrors dies the proceeding generations do not learn these lessons of human nature.
Then burn amerikkka to the ground and get rid of capitalism. Otherwise you will always live in a world where liars and cheats not only win, but ALWAYS win. Every one of them has been a liar and a cheat.
We have, but after 10 years of hammering them with this message, and watching Congress and the courts fail them, it’s hard to keep talking about it. They deserve a world with these guys forever silenced.
He hit that mark around 8 years ago. Do you think he stopped? Then let me show this lovely bridge I have on sale cheap . It spans the east river connecting Manhatten to Brooklyn.
It’s about affecting culture at a higher degree than others…It’s not a fucking ‘Oscar’.
I LOVE that the moron is so mentioned! It’s just more opportunity for his pairing with his despot brethren.
U We no longer have models Never lose aspiration, Empathy, and all the things trump is an Antithesis of. To just have a child to grow up as cruel as trump alone, would be heartbreaking in itself. Not Policy! He is Faustisn choice.
What do you mean? I’ve been living in that world for my whole life.
Elon Musk is a year older than me, illegally migrated here, has more money than I, or anyone I will ever know, will ever see. He pump & dumped stocks, rigged an election, raided the treasury & is apparently a Nazi.
Time magazine doesn’t put these people on the cover because they are necessarily good, the put them on the cover because they impact the world in the biggest way. When time magazine published hitler the second time it was because he stated WW2 they weren’t saying he was a good person at all.
To be fair, the ___ of the Year is supposed to be featuring a person, group, idea, or object that "for better or for worse ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."
Certainly, Hitler fit the bill back in 1938, and so did Trump in 2016 and 2024. Both for the worse.
Time Magazine insists that being so featured is not supposed to be an honour. They put Ayatollah Khomeini there in 1979: he surely influenced that year greatly. If they stuck to their guns they would have put Osama bin Laden in 2001, and SARS-CoV-2 in 2020, but looks like they sorta folded.
Too late for that! 🙄
Maybe with a little help from “David’s Angels”,, our kids might also learn that in order to take out these rich white homophobic racist rapist Nazis, you need people of color and women with backbones to do it!
So will he or won’t he have the biggest impact, good or bad, this year? That’s what person of the year is. It’s NOT a celebration of that person. A person who reads TIME would know this. Did you even read it?
That is exactly where we are. The dnc put the entire country at risk with their primary games. Same strategy, same opponent, same results. It was a gift. Two wings. Same Bird.
Time magazine person of the year:
Convicted felon
Sex offender
Bankrupt businessman
Serial liar
Now there’s a role model and something to aspire to! 🤔
Unfortunately, this is the world they will grow up in. It is already a world that our children have been growing up in for generations. It will make our individual efforts as parents and grandparents of these children, to try to teach them how corrupt our system is, all the more important.
I agree, if anything DT is worse than AH as he tries to be the wolf in lamb's clothing - failing dismally. I fear for our young all over the world - there's no rational middle way, no peaceful way, sadly the world is filled with hate and threat and murder, HJ, Epping, Essex, England
Perhaps we should encourage the sports world to "take a knee." If the children are taught the act of simple resistance, i.e., members of the high-school band play the wrong notes during the National Anthem. Peaceful resistance but RESISTANCE! "Do you recall what was revealed the day the music died!"
Been longer than that. Any time you have people who want power over others, there is lying, cheating, and dishonorable shit going on.
Those who want power never deserve it. If we ever create true AI that doesn’t immediately kill us, I’d vote for it. Replace the shit stains not artists.
I saw this magazine at my dentist office the other day and I couldn’t believe he was on the front cover for person of the year last year!! He’s such a POS. Boycott Time magazine and don’t trust that company.
Or build bioweapon labs in a foreign country and then launch a war on their nosy neighbour whilst collecting billions of tax payers dollars and then pardon the criminals.
Trump is a cat's paw for Elon Musk. Elon Musk's goal is a Darwinian dictatorship of survival of the fittest billionaires. His ideology comes from The Dark Enlightenment. He will eliminate Social Security and Medicare and everything else that helps the poor, old, sick, and helpless. He wants themdead
The problem here- the 77m that voted and love him ALSO have kids and usually procreate more quickly than educated people, therefore perpetuating this BS
Was there ever a time in US history when wealthy but mediocre white men didn’t lie and cheat their way to the top? I’m not condoning it at all, just pointing out that every American has grown up in that world. Our job is to make a future generation the first not to.
That's why Trumpo said he loves the poorly educated.
Start defending We the People, not just blaming the GOP cult. Create a new reality that we can live with. This is a choice point for humanity (47 is like Hitler).
When they see this, they will already know it's vile.
We can take back the House of Representatives 217-217
I have always been honest kind and hardworking. I make an effort in everything I do.
I should have been going through life tripping old ladies and face palming babies. I’ve never even shot one of my dogs……
No wonder I’m not rich.
who cares if it's normal or not (although it is in iterations throughout history). it's not acceptable.
and have been doing so since at least 1980.
We need to stop setting kids up for failure and surprises
I LOVE that the moron is so mentioned! It’s just more opportunity for his pairing with his despot brethren.
TIME Magazine sucks.
To change the world, change yourself first.
If you change yourself, you can change the world.
Elon Musk is a year older than me, illegally migrated here, has more money than I, or anyone I will ever know, will ever see. He pump & dumped stocks, rigged an election, raided the treasury & is apparently a Nazi.
That classes.
How Weak Humanitarian Diplomacy Abetted a Cataclysm
Certainly, Hitler fit the bill back in 1938, and so did Trump in 2016 and 2024. Both for the worse.
Maybe with a little help from “David’s Angels”,, our kids might also learn that in order to take out these rich white homophobic racist rapist Nazis, you need people of color and women with backbones to do it!
least prevent them being revered for it.
Convicted felon
Sex offender
Bankrupt businessman
Serial liar
Now there’s a role model and something to aspire to! 🤔
They’re ripping up your education department..
🇩🇪1930’ s parallel is alarming
Those who want power never deserve it. If we ever create true AI that doesn’t immediately kill us, I’d vote for it. Replace the shit stains not artists.