Jesus said :" Whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do onto me". How are Trump and the GOP caring for the poor , the needy, the elderly, those who depend on Social Security, or Medicare, or Medicaid? Who are they serving? It looks like they are serving the rich, while punishing the poor?
I've talked with christians who believe that the eye-of-a-needle quote was just saying that the rich and powerful will be slightly inconvenienced if they want to get into heaven rather than impossible. They probably never read it because it wouldn't make sense for him to say that.
Considering there are literally no contemporary accounts of Jesus existing or any of the events in the NT taking place, I'd imagine the needle is moved a little bit towards non-existence.
And it could well be, as old as I am, that I’ve simply forgotten. The point was that it isn’t a darn needle. It’s a narrow pass that a camel can get through, but it’s difficult. And the larger point being that these fake Christians pick and choose parts of the Bible that the quote/read.
That particular passage has discomforted Xians for 2000 years, and as a result has led to numerous stories to make it not say what is clearly said. Be it gates, ship's rigging, or now mountain passes. W/o a citation, a place, and historical references, it's BS.
Yeah, not sure which Bible they're reading. Even the Wicked Bible only commanded people to commit adultery. Maybe it's one of those Bibles the child predator is selling. I haven't read those.
All religions,
are and have been falsified!
It was never and is never about the truth!
In the end,
it is ONLY AND ALWAYS about:
brotherhood and love,
sisterhood and love
Never about anything else
and nothing else, Jesus REALLY preached!
Read and think and reflect!
Among other things,
the sick, perverted faith in America is
definitely a reason
to vote for inhumane laws,
politicians, Trumps and co.!
And such assholes,
even blasphemously,
invoke God and Jesus...
Jesus, would stay out of it,
if he were still alive today!
Give to Caeser what belongs to Caeser, and to God what belongs to God. Funny the MAGA cult has an image of Trump as Caeser, and you know what Caeser's contemporaries thought was due to Caeser....but Trump is safe all the Republicans are too scared to move. Lol 🤣
You must not have read the Bible, King Trump Edition (yours for a mere $99 plus shipping & handling!).
It explains how Jesus forced him to defraud the IRS out of $400 million, and how the bit about him being a "humble carpenter" who helps those in need is radical-leftist spin.
Paula White is certain Jesus said this, and also support a felon and sex pest who hates the poor, is a bigot, misogynist, and charlatan. She must use another bible version to me !
Jesus was not a criminal. Even the Roman governor Pilate said he was innocent. Criminals sentenced to death have earned their judgement due to their murder, rape, terrorism and so on. Therefore they neither willingly or honorably give their lives.
Not every incarcerated and executed person is guilty. I personally met with two men who were sentenced to die and were exonerated and released. Their lives prove innocent blood gets shed to grease the wheels of death. I know of four historical cases where the accused was exonerated post mortem.
Jesus also said: 'Love your neighbour' and 'consider others as better than yourself' and he had a lot to say about the importance of giving. Write your objections (eg tax) to your local millionaire and billionaire.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.”
He was all about love….
The word 'hate' in Hebrew has different intentions. In this context it means that we need to love Jesus so much that we are willing to put Him first, before all else. That is what it means to hate father and mother, and even our own life. Nothing we have to give up compares to this.
Let’s hear how hate in Hebrew doesn’t mean hate.
It really doesn’t matter what the book says, does it? If somebody doesn’t like it, well it just doesn’t mean what the words say.
Pretty convenient.
Because there are many deliberate and mistaken mistranslations from Greek to Roam, Hebrew to Greek to Roman to English, etc. Just as saying one should fear the Lord is incorrect. Love and fear are incompatible. The original meaning is to be in awe of God. Lots of good literature out there explains
Thanks for that! I've been looking into that recently. It's a fascinating study. Our God is awesome in power and might and I'm so grateful He loves me.
Is your point that hate here actually means less love? Isn’t hate literally the opposite of love? (And no, indifference is not the opposite of love. Pretty sure German Jews would have preferred Nazi indifference to their hatred.)
No not at all…it’s a comparative love. We are called to love people but that love doesn’t hold a candle to the love that we have for God. I LOVE pb&j’s and I LOVE my children but it’s not the same type/amount of love. If that makes sense!
So you have to hate your children in order to like pb&j’s?
Thats how a perfect god communicates to his subjects?
Glad he didn’t write any other instruction manuals…
Jesus was absorbed into the Roman Empire. The word "Catholic" comes from the Greek word katholikos, which means "universal". Standardizing religion in the empire.
Jesus never held anyone down and forced himself on them, but the Christian Nationalist scum can’t handle a world where everyone is free to decide on their own.
I had to come back for a second post after thinking about this one for a bit. Paul mentions Eunuchs who where made that way by men, and he speaks highly of Eunuchs. Matthew 19:12
“House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and his leadership team had a highly scripted plan for how the party’s reaction would go. Party leaders urged rank-and-file members to show restraint and not mount a high-profile protest.”
Hakeem Jeffries told the entire caucus to basics roll over and play dead. Every single Democrat who takes money from oligarchs, corporations, or AIPAC, need to be kicked out of the party.
Yes, I don't get the reasoning of all the other Dems. Were they afraid of getting excommunicated from the chamber? If so, I'm not impressed. Making enough "good trouble" that you get in trouble is a badge of honor.
By the way these folks are Old Testament "eye-for-an eye" they pronounce their 'Christianist' but fail to read the red-letters portion of the Bible in the New Testament.
Yes, if I were so sick,
believing in the sick belief,
the sick interpretation
of American Christians,
Trump, Musk, Vance and Co. are
>THE ANTICHRISTS< of this time! Yeah!
It is the interpretation that is the problem. Evangelicals use the Old Testament as it suits them, ignoring that Jesus fulfills the law, not them. The only reason the Old Testament is even included with the gospels is to provide context for the reader to understand how he fulfills its prophesies.🤦♂️
Wow that's a reach. When did that omnipotent, "perfect" god decide oh whoops can I take backsies all the genocide, wiping out an entire planet of people and animals, all the rape and stuff?
New book: do over
Why respond to my comment if you've already made up your mind? What could I POSSIBLY say in 300 words that would ever change it? I didn't post here to preach or convert anyone, but to explain how some people interpret the Gospel wrong. Read it and see for yourself. Or don't. 🤷♂️ You're an adult.
You mistake literal truth and literature. Stories about what was do not condone repeating what was wrong. You misunderstand the use of parables and oral tradition, as well as the 1st century and prior Jewish context
People need to reflect on the sin of Judas. Judas betrayed Jesus bc he wanted Jesus to fulfill Judas' political desires of bringing down Rome. Don't use the Lord's name in vain is not about profanity. Be very careful when anyone says GOD wants me to do this. It's one of the top ten for a reason.
The Greatest Commandment: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matt. 22:37-40
Yaaaaas! Read 👏🏼 your 👏🏼 Bible 👏🏼 America! 👏🏼 Blessed are - the poor in spirit, they that mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers! 💗
Folk get so angry when you mention religion, in 42 years iv never had anyone push religion on me, but iv listened to 100s of atheists aggressively tell me their beliefs, people hate religion but most of them don't even know why.
Every time religion is used to justify laws, religion is being forced upon us. The banning of abortion is mostly pushed by religious people. As a former Christian who abandoned the belief, I don't care what people believe as long as they don't use it to manipulate others.
Trump is using religion as a scape goat to ban abortion, personally I think that's man using religion for his own ends, its not the religion, trump is the least religious person on earth, and people have been moaning about religion for years before trump did that, most of them don't even know why.
What I was referring to predates Trump. There are a lot of American Christians whose litmus test for voting is the opposition to abortion rights. Trump is a symptom. There are many Christians I respect, but evangelicals have destroyed American Christianity, and are losing their youth because of it.
I don't know anything about America tbh, im in the uk, here if you mention religion there is always someone highly opinionated about it, because its like a fashion, if you actually ask them why, they have nothing, no past bad experience and absolutely 0 reason to hate religion.
Fair point. American Christianity is highly politicized. We are experiencing a major increase in Christian Nationalism amongst evangelicals, like Pentecostals and Baptists. Our politicians often use religion as a tool. It is one of the reasons atheists in the US are so reactionary to religion.
They tend to be kinda like fascists, angry if you don't agree with their beliefs, im agnostic, but saying that isn't enough, they want to smash any idea of a god, despite the fact they've had litrally 0 negative experiences
The white, christian (little c not big) nationalist movement interpret the Bible differently. All for godhood. They don't care about the essence of the Word.
You don't get to "no true Scotsman" this. They're Christians as much as any other. As much as any televangelist, as much as any southern church telling people to vote republican to save our country, any church telling gay people they are going to hell, & that women don't deserve bodily autonomy.
In fact, a vegan who regularly consumes meat is not a vegan just because they claim so. Is Christian Nationalism a Christian problem? Yes. Is it Christian? No, easy as.
What are you even talking about? Apparently you didn't comprehend what I'm saying, because you are literally attacking my post while agreeing with me 🤔 Everything you just stated falls in line with the white, christian nationalist movement....🤦
I am not a Christian, but I would argue that most Christians have no idea what Jesus taught. Most of his teachings are pretty decent and can summed up in, "don't be a dick".
They are literally the false prophets if you believe in that sort of thing.
I just mean, I gave up on good ol' Jeebus long ago. But I think a lot of others who never really believed in him at all LOVE to proclaim they do.
about the sick faith of American Christians!
THAT is the main cause of America's problems!
are and have been falsified!
It was never and is never about the truth!
In the end,
it is ONLY AND ALWAYS about:
brotherhood and love,
sisterhood and love
Never about anything else
and nothing else, Jesus REALLY preached!
Among other things,
the sick, perverted faith in America is
definitely a reason
to vote for inhumane laws,
politicians, Trumps and co.!
And such assholes,
even blasphemously,
invoke God and Jesus...
Jesus, would stay out of it,
if he were still alive today!
--Pontius Pilate
pretend fake christians worship money more than integrity ....
It explains how Jesus forced him to defraud the IRS out of $400 million, and how the bit about him being a "humble carpenter" who helps those in need is radical-leftist spin.
Where's Alexander 👁️
Please forgive me, I literally cannot with all of these humans with God complexes and zero ties to history nor reality.
Ps. Rapture, maybe?..
Hold please
He was all about love….
It really doesn’t matter what the book says, does it? If somebody doesn’t like it, well it just doesn’t mean what the words say.
Pretty convenient.
Thats how a perfect god communicates to his subjects?
Glad he didn’t write any other instruction manuals…
Matthew 10: 34-37
believing in the sick belief,
the sick interpretation
of American Christians,
Trump, Musk, Vance and Co. are
>THE ANTICHRISTS< of this time! Yeah!
New book: do over
No! Wait!
Democratic Elites Do NOT Get It:
At the moment prevail egoism, greed and ruthlessness in the American government.
I could do this all day.