If universities allow their students to be disappeared in direct contravention of all applicable laws for espousing the principles they have been taught in the classroom, then they have officially abandoned all pretense of mission.
Something for those employed by Columbia to take under advisement.
Something for those employed by Columbia to take under advisement.
Their B-School probably teaches that ploy
this is the future they want...
so now one must say, maybe students who believe in the rights of those in america should avoid columbia like the plague.
the last student expelled from Columbia for protest was in 1936
protesting Columbia's apologia for Hitler
There is no point in obtaining an advanced degree in a Fascist police State.
Quit today. Resign tomorrow. Leave Columbia University
Their reward was a huge cut in funding.
You reap what you sow.
Turn it up! https://youtu.be/hvtdbfI1sqQ?si=fe38Z0b85vD7m9K_