They don’t know how bad polio was. They’re not old enough. As soon as someone gets it, they’ll be standing in line to get the vaccine just like we did. Rey Bella too
They only see a financial benefit to people being sick sadly. Let's see if RFKjr suddenly invests in iron lungs because apparently he's ok going back there
RFK, Jr. is a clear and present danger to the health and well-being of millions of immuno-compromised people who rely on vaccinations. Left unchecked, he will wreak havoc.
In what I later learned was an iron lung which developed pressure that caused his diaphragm to contract so he could breathe.
This was the result of polio , so when we lined up at our school or places of worship to receive our “ dosed “ sugar cube.
I often would think of Kenny .
Could see us , while Kenny’s mom would bake cookies for us in hopes we stay longer .
Eventually, like everything else on a warm summers day the topic would shift . “ hey , let’s go ride are bikes to the park !”
And we’d leave Kenny behind trapped
A stupendous huge coffin , angry at the world spewing out HSSSSS ! HSSSS ! HSSSS ! and there in the middle laid Kenny like a helpless boy swallowed by the angry machine .
Each on of us would bend down , one at a time and look into the mirror that was adjusted so Kenny
So we’d go down the street to Kenny’s house , like a motley crew we’d stand at the door and knock.
And eventually Kenny’s mom would answer the door “ hi , boys did you want to come in and see Kenny ?” . We’d all file in and in the middle of the dinning room it stood .
When I was young , on my block where I lived was a boy a few years older than I .
In the summer, we’d all gather on the curb nothing to do until , someone would say “ hey , let’s go see Kenny ! “ .
“ yeah , let’s go see Kenny . Last one there’s a rotten egg “
Another term for it [ population reduction ], They’ll keep the drug’s they need and sell to the highest bidder. Hollywood’s is coming to your local town be prepared.
Should put pushpins on his chair too, because it's not an *overt* act of violence, so he can't claim he's a victim, but also make his job *as hard as possible*
I am so thrilled to see you on Blue Sky. Say HI to if you get a chance. Major influencer (very nice guy) on 'X' getting his footing here. Mikey, can you hear me? Sending love from Sarasota, FL!
Tramp's motto is make America weaker, in any way he can.
His spoiled little boy that no one likes personality becomes:
If they die, they die. We have the preventative for us, there's too many of them and most don't like us.
We're in trouble if we don't see what's happening.
The better question would be why is he trying to destroy health in this country, what is his motive for wanting to end all vaccines?
The Kennedy's hasn't always been a healthy bunch, that's no reason to condemn all Americans to the fate of family. Vaccines saves lives and keep us healthy.
Please all of you... STOP electing the rich and well connected Washington elites to govern us all and START electing WORKING CLASS AMERICANS to government offices for the benefit of ALL Americans. It's time for the next generation of political leaders. It's time to put one of our own into office...
With what we already know about RFK, Jr. there should be no way he should be in charge of anything. I wouldn’t let him take out my trash- he might eat it.
Disgraceful Opportunists
Both Barbara Streisand and Robert De Niro took out PPE loans during the COVID pandemic
- Barbara Streisand net worth $400 million, took out a $200,000 PPE loan
- Robert De Niro net worth $500 million, took out a $27.7 million dollar PPE loan
It’s pure insanity. This people are creating a health care time bomb because they believe in made up conspiracy theories rather than the scientific methods of research. Dark times ahead indeed.
Sometimes, I feel like RFK Jr is the one who has soiled and tainted the Kennedy family name. Way more so than the alleged Ted Kennedy car accident and drowning which ensued in 70s. Don't quite know the story behind it mind you.I wonder how Ethel😇 must feel upthere about it all.. Anyways..
Fun Facts...
This was the result of polio , so when we lined up at our school or places of worship to receive our “ dosed “ sugar cube.
I often would think of Kenny .
Eventually, like everything else on a warm summers day the topic would shift . “ hey , let’s go ride are bikes to the park !”
And we’d leave Kenny behind trapped
Each on of us would bend down , one at a time and look into the mirror that was adjusted so Kenny
And eventually Kenny’s mom would answer the door “ hi , boys did you want to come in and see Kenny ?” . We’d all file in and in the middle of the dinning room it stood .
In the summer, we’d all gather on the curb nothing to do until , someone would say “ hey , let’s go see Kenny ! “ .
“ yeah , let’s go see Kenny . Last one there’s a rotten egg “
I'm on your side.
I will be *that* petty if it comes down to it.
The idea is that if you are too stupid to understand the science behind vaccines, then Elon, RFK Jr and their bros don't care whether you live or die.
His spoiled little boy that no one likes personality becomes:
If they die, they die. We have the preventative for us, there's too many of them and most don't like us.
We're in trouble if we don't see what's happening.
Everyone cough on RFK Jr.
The Kennedy's hasn't always been a healthy bunch, that's no reason to condemn all Americans to the fate of family. Vaccines saves lives and keep us healthy.
Guess his D20 landed in the negative for intelligence check, though
#holidaymediablackout2024 No cable. No social media. No streaming sites. No ad revenue for big Corp. #eattherich
Well, even broken clocks are right twice a day..
Too bad you cared more about digging in your heels and feeding, not eating, the rich, Mitch
Both Barbara Streisand and Robert De Niro took out PPE loans during the COVID pandemic
- Barbara Streisand net worth $400 million, took out a $200,000 PPE loan
- Robert De Niro net worth $500 million, took out a $27.7 million dollar PPE loan
Paid for by American taxpayers
Even diseases and bullets don't want to go near him with a 10ft. pole
Our first case of immortality, because even Death is like, "Uh, no" ?
(Dark humor is my coping mechanism)
It’s disgusting even in a dystopian novel much less in America.
Americans will be unwelcomed in other countries so we can not escape.
Is that the plan?
Legally, it's "downsizing" 💀
Contact Aaron Siri, RFK's polio-amorous attorney who is allegedly interviewing people for DHHS positions...