I was closing in on 300 followers on the former bird app.
Due to how obvious bot accounts are, I know that my 30 on this app is closing in on double the amount of humans than over there
It's great to see your posts again on here.
You were one of the first people I followed when I originally joined Twitter years ago.
I missed how it used to be but now it feels right again.
Thanks for sharing what you do.
Used to follow you on twitter until you stopped. So glad to see you here,it's so different to the other place. It's like having a cuppa with friends as against chucking out time on Saturday night in an inner city pub!
Hi Jack! So lovely to see you on here. How’s your gorgeous dog? Apropos of nothing, here’s my Heidi, wearing my glasses for brief comedic effect. X #dogsofbluesky
And I imagine the engagement is (hopefully) much more pleasant! I followed you on Twitter but left that hellscape many moons ago and have missed your voice in my timeline. Happy to have rediscovered you!
I used to run the numbers every now and again and very few were bots, but, I think towards the end people just got fatigued with the toxicity over there and disengaged.
Hi Jack, I mainly lurk but I am interested in the things you do. What I don't mention in my bio is that I run a large foodbank in the North of England and I am invested in the elimination of poverty. Good luck on this app.
For all their bleating 'OOOOOOH OFF TO YOUR LIBERAL ECHO CHAMBER, SCARED OF FREE SPEECH DISCUSSIONS' nonsense, this is a huge driver for many of us in crossing over. Why hang around in a hellhole when there is no upside?
Its a bit like going to a huge concert where you are standing right at the back where you need binoculars to see the stage and then going to a better concert where you interact with the band.
I haven't seen any of your posts on the other place for months - all the algorithm was pushing at me was US politics and horrible TERFY nonsense. Really had to search for the stuff I was actually interested in. Sooo much better over here.
Due to how obvious bot accounts are, I know that my 30 on this app is closing in on double the amount of humans than over there
You were one of the first people I followed when I originally joined Twitter years ago.
I missed how it used to be but now it feels right again.
Thanks for sharing what you do.
It is appears a lot faster, like it is serving up content not working through algorithms and adverts...
It's certainly very peaceful
Much nicer here.
Night and day comparison
I staunchly refused to ever call it "X" (Perhaps until just now?) but I guess I really don't care what it's called now.
Thanks for what you do! Your colcannon soup is one of my staples. And made the kale, cumin and pearl barley one last night. ❤️