Things not to say when someone tells you they’re autistic:
- “Everyone’s a bit autistic”
- “Officially diagnosed or self-diagnosed?”
- “But you seem so normal”
- “You must be just like [name of another autistic person] then”
- “Seems to be a trend these days”
- “You don’t look #autistic”
- “Everyone’s a bit autistic”
- “Officially diagnosed or self-diagnosed?”
- “But you seem so normal”
- “You must be just like [name of another autistic person] then”
- “Seems to be a trend these days”
- “You don’t look #autistic”
They're lucky it's not legal to smack 'em upside the head.
"Oh I bet you are good at cleaning, you should come over and clean my house".
You wouldn't want me to come over and clean your house believe me.
My brother-in-law saw me clean a table for the first time just over a year ago when he visited my partner’s and could not believe how painstakingly intense it was for me. It took me 15 minutes of vigorous scrubbing, and at home I do this for literally hours (alongside many other cleaning rituals)
They call it a disorder for a reason.
Because I wanted to write something about that and realised that it's not easy. Which may be part of the reason why people default to these generic knee-jerk replies?
What do you think?
In terms of how to respond, I think it depends on
Provided I have the energy, I’m always happy to talk more about autism with people if
So there's a reason I was seeing a little bit autistic everywhere.
But it's a learning curve, I hope I'm less dismissive and irritating.
That’s fair! I use both, often depending on context. Definitely agree about medicalisation/ pathologisation though and made a point about this in a reply to someone in this thread earlier
sth is very wrong in our countries…
Chronic underfunding of our health service, which used to be world-leading, thanks to austerity & neglect via government decisions 😔
It’s devastating and we have similar problems with social care, hospital discharge, mental health support etc too
My niece's neighbour's nephew's boss's son is Autistic.
I know some one who is autistic.
Neither of the above r helpful or indicate the speakers level of understanding ND.
I think Love in the Spectrum on Netflix should be a recommended watch to anyone willing to open up.
As for common misconceptions as to what constitutes autism, sure, it can be irritating, but it's a great starting point to enhance understanding. Again - context matters.
1. Functioning levels are not a real thing.
1a. People deemed "low-functioning" are denied agency; those deemed "high-functioning are denied support.
2. Thanks, I'm masking my ass off.
3. You should see me at work if the fire alarm goes off.
4. Fuck off.
Very important point about privilege, too.
Smart people, but willfully stupid.
Willfully stupid is the opposite of smart; how the heck do you be both at the same time? \ humour
When I sense that they’re not open to informed, new perspectives, I generally avoid them.
I remember being 4 years old and being super-fond of Einstein.
Pattern recognition was going strong, even then.
(One of us!)
I get dismissed when I recall this, but there was a thing about him, like me!🥺
He had support, imagine if all did!
But also whenever anybody talks Einstein I tend to get mushy. 🥺😁
Good idea on your part!
All those things
But! actually make perf sense when realizing these folks are deeply fearful of us. Sadly, this includes beloveds, family.
If you're feeling spiteful, just blurt😭 into their face, Why are You So Afraid?
(I know why I'm afraid;It powers me💪)
Recognizing my fear, embracing it, using it to power my for me, but may not work for you*. Tho less Monotropic now, This is me: Lexapro/Cannabis+☕-using FemAutistic, dob late 59, TO-born palelady w a hx of physdomestic abuse victimizn/
Maybe just where a tshirt that says:
As in doing something despite?
But also doing something *for* spite? Take my spiky skill set, shake it up, mix, combine w spite?
It is powerful.
I used some spiteful words this morning in truth, but also, in spite.🤔
Warning!Rude words!
These people act like little minions, tell them 1 million times the truth? If it does not fit their narrow world view? They will reject you/ it out of hand.
You've just wasted spoons!
Another breath.
Not worth