Trump should really get a personal beating from Californians for all of his trash talk and especially from the farmers who he fucked over draining their water supply.
Cali needs to borrow all it can. 😂 Fiscal year 2022, the states with the highest total liabilities were:
1. California: $498 billion
2. Illinois: $247 billion
3. New York: $245 billion
4. New Jersey: $225 billion
5. Texas: $221 billion
This is why we need to do a #RedStateBoycott! Let's dump our useless fascist ex. He only wants us for our money, abuses and gas lights us, and then steals from us every time we turn our backs on him.
The red hat idiots blame POC for their lack of education & jobs. When the truth is billionaires & large corporations are to blame along with themselves. Dropping out of school companies outsourcing jobs innovation tax cuts for the rich while excessive taxes on the poor working class & elderly
I have a petition is at I call it: An Amendment to the US Constitution, Checks and Balances. Here is the link. Add to that recall petitions across the country.
Recall Trump, the GOP Congress and for good measure Democrats as well. The idea is to see just what the American People are thinking. To establish how they expect issues to be dealt with.
Ted states are always complaining about federal spending but they are by far the largest recipient of federal transfer funds. Always looking to cut spending but not in their states.
As Elon Musk’s DOGE chainsaws through federal agencies with budget and staff cuts, Tesla and SpaceX, cornerstones of his wealth, continue to benefit from public money. They probably wouldn’t have succeeded without it.
Except the Red State roomie doesn't *ask* for that $20. They just take $100 from your wallet every week and then call you an "evil commie libtard" while accusing you of "grooming" kids.
California has more resources than burned out Appalachian states too.
Have you considered the greater ramifications of not helping others? Doesn’t sound like it
I'm in a Blue State. I am JUST waiting for the Congress to actually carve out exclusions to Medicaid, Medicare and Food Stamps from RED STATES and only apply reductions to BLUE STATES. Just watch. They have already tried.
State governors need to work together to increase their state taxes as federal taxes decrease to provide base medical and social security needs to their residents who have lost services.
In this case, the roommate was told over the last few decades that they’re useless and should maybe learn how to code or something. Doesn’t change much in the moment other than to provide insight into someone’s situation.
Yes. Indeed. But I live in one of those red scabs. I am also of Musk's "Parasite Class." All I can do is apologize for my state. If it's any consolation, my parish votes BLUE.
Support independence if you don't want to be subject to a king and his intolerable acts while paying for the abuse.
1. California: $498 billion
2. Illinois: $247 billion
3. New York: $245 billion
4. New Jersey: $225 billion
5. Texas: $221 billion
Let's get out of here! #NationalDivorce.
These times are not for such considerations.. you should keep the pigs away from your flat!
#Freeloaders #HideTheSnacks
Have you considered the greater ramifications of not helping others? Doesn’t sound like it
And I say that as a native Californian.
Both CA and TX have secession movements.
When 2 parties hate each other, it is time for divorce.