How do you feel about what videos get more popular than others? Is it usually expected? Are you surprised?
Any video where you really hoped for a bigger audience and was disappointed?
You have 16.6 million views! That’s called having an impact. Great job. I know making these videos is hard work. Your audience is benefiting and I’m glad you are too.
Quitting your job to exploit the trust of people who look up to you is a popular career move these days, are you thinking of pushing Raid Shadow Legends or do you think you'll try your luck with one of those "How do they even make money off this" sponsors?
While I would appreciate more frequent videos from you, I think the world needs brilliant minds like yours working on big problems more. Congrats on 250k!
Or join an existing one. Like, a sci-fi book club or something. Maybe with a guest appearance in a couple weeks, and then joining permanently later in the year 👀
congratulations Dr Collier. you got this. This should be the book channel numbers and you shoud have at least a few millions on main. (book channels should have more views but hey)
With respect to the number of subscribers? If so, yes. And congratulations! I think your irascibility and exasperated take on things is very relatable. I feel similarly much of time, too, but I think my feelings arise more from my own ignorance than my understanding. Education is the only salve.
Woo! Love videos like yours where an expert in a field just talked about it. I'll never go to school for science, but your videos talking about your experiences getting your PhD are exactly my jam
How do you feel about what videos get more popular than others? Is it usually expected? Are you surprised?
Any video where you really hoped for a bigger audience and was disappointed?
i am not sure... heu pas sûr
Lol congratulations