I was thinking. No matter how much we compare him to previous #bad or #incompetent #potus, we have to remember, none of those prior to now went into office w/ the #specificintent to #annihilate #america
Trump ran specifically to fulfill a promise to #ruin our country.
The GOP has always been the party of rapists and pedophiles. They just didn’t know it. A power structure that puts men in power above the defenseless inherently invites pedophiles and rapists. Please see the Boy Scouts or Catholic Church for the examples.
Well from what the rest of the World sees today's Democratic party isn't democratic your parents Democratic party, unless your parents were cowardly 2-faced Nazi enablers who refused to stand up to an enemy within, and in fact emboldened them
Same in Australia. Today's Labour party ("the left") are basically what the Libs ("the right") were a decade or so ago, and the Libs are now the fundy-far-right-Trump-is-awesome party. The whole bunch have moved right.
We need Greens and (the sane) independents to fill the void quickly.
Oh, dude! I'd trade Trump for Dubya any day of the week! He may have been a dribbling idiot, but at least "most of our imports come from other countries!" Is better than weaponizing tariffs to isolate us from other countries!
What really pisses me off about “Dubya” is that if he had raised Holy Hell to the GOP right after Jan. 6,’21 MAYBE we wouldn’t be in this shit now!! Had HE stayed true to HIS sworn oath and reminded his buddies, they might have been shamed. But he remained SILENT!! And subsequently complicit.
Even though then retired, he might have held onto enough sway within the GOP to remind them that 1/6/21 is NOT what America stands for! That it was NOT okay; that Trump is the greatest danger to this Country.
But … he was silent.
Today's Republican party is an extension of your parents and grandparents republican party. They've been a criminal enterprise since Nixon and science deniers since Reagan.
Nixon & Reagan were Saints compared to the off-the-rails MAGA movement of Trump. This is NOT yesterday’s GOP. That’s over. This is something far uglier and vastly more dangerous.
It pissed me off every time I saw his too close together, beady eyes and smirk. It felt like he thought he was getting something over on us that we knew nothing about.
W was just dumb, well-meaning born-again who likes to trail bike and paint. Mafioso Don is Nero, Marie Antionette narcissistic buffoon being played by master KGB chess Voldemort and spectrum nepo baby raised in apartheid calling most of humanity NPCs. Meanwhile Xi is quietly enjoying his popcorn.
George W. Bush was a Choir Boy and an INTELLECTUAL compared to TRUMP. Now, we all know Bush (the younger) was no brainiac! I don’t think he was an evil person. I think he was raised on Republican BS. He was still a million times better than TRUMP. I think Laura was lovely. I think she’s a Democrat!
Trump ran specifically to fulfill a promise to #ruin our country.
Remember that, always.
I’d go there. I’d even take dub ya.
Yep. Found it.
We need Greens and (the sane) independents to fill the void quickly.
But … he was silent.
When he said "Don't worry about the votes - we've got LOTS of votes", its like the cat who ate the canary, feathers in my mouth.
No one investigated the election. That seems criminal to me, given that a criminal won...