So what? They ran for the job. They took on the responsibility to represent their constituents, not toe the party line. If they can’t stand up for what is right, they need to resign.
Not going to happen. They are all grifters benefiting from the power their unwitting constituents have vested in them to fight the fake culture wars, and they all take bribes from the corporations that undermine the health and wellbeing of Americans for the benefit of their stockholders and C-suite…
Oh…Muskkk is definitely gay, and in the closet. Why do you think he uses IVF to make all his babies? He can’t get it up for a woman….bet he’s doing Krasnov though
I think it's worse than that - Think snuff tapes....
Plus the fact everything in Donvict's name is actually Russian owned - either oligarch or Putin himself. This would ruin his business reputation. Remember when he was a broke joke when his casinos were bankrupted ?
This regime cares about money, power, greed and control. America has abandoned traditional allies & now support the "Axis of evil". Was this part of the republican campaign? Did I miss Americas' voting about who allies should be? You can't monetize loyalty and trust. Sorry you can if you're Trump.
I'm worried that at SOTU trump will announce pulling out of NATO. This is why I wish dems would cause pandemonium and shut him down. Ruin the announcement.
YES! Because America has aligned itself with Russia, a malignant corrupt state whose only real industry is oil and gas, and your dumb ass money obsessed politicians worship at the altar of money not servitude to the people that elected them, America is weak corrupt and pirayah state
America has been one of the bad guys for a very long time.
Iraq, Afghanistan (pushing it into war with Russia, and invading it), Vietnam, Libya, Syria, Iran in the 50's, Attempting to invade Cuba... Oh the list just goes on.
Once upon a time, there was a sovereign nation Canada that was democracy. The sovereign nation lived next door to an evil dictator who didn't want the sovereign nation to remain part of the free world. So the evil dictator invaded & went to war against the sovereign nation Canada.
Also once upon a time, the evil dictator invaded its prosperous neighbor to steal its resources- trillions in rare earth & other minerals, rich agricultural land, warm water ports, & robust manufacturing. They lied and said it was bcuz of NATO & Russian speakers in Ukraine. MAGA repeated those lies.
Just remind you how spineless and cucked the Republicunt party is. How as a man or men can these slugs look at themselves in the mirror, is having a few million dollars more worth looking like a fucking pussy worthless cunt in front of the world. But even worse,in front of your family, seriously!
There's unfortunately a few fascists in the bunch :-/
The far-right stench is alive and well in EU as well. But yes, at least the EU as a whole has not turned its back to Ukraine.
Once upon a time (1994) there was a former soviet state with a metric assload of nukes that was given security assurances if those weapons were given up........
Yes, I’m a bit worried that ship has sailed. Have you noticed who’s in charge! His appointees they’re all fighting for Putin’. The ones who aren’t fighting for Putin and remain comp-licitly silent are useless and will allow the takeover of our democracy! We have to fight back! We need allies!
Not being a part of the world leaders who want freedom should make everyone including republicans afraid. The United States will not be the United States much longer, at least not this version of it. Look for states to secede soon. Worst of all look for the sick, elderly, and young to die sooner.
Sorry Joe but America was never the leader of the free world. It's one of those things they tell themselves. Like the USA is a free country, a democracy, the best in the world. None of which are true.
Joe, you typically have a big following on your social media accounts. Why not try to organize a huge rally or something? Posting is great. Speaking out is great. But we need numbers and this needs to grow.
Imagine Mexico bombing Texas, then Spain & Canada telling Mexico they can keep Texas IF they get Texas' mineral rights. Then bringing the president to Mexico City & berating him by calling him stupid & telling him to just stfu & sign the papers. Bonus points if they remind the world that he stinks.
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
Yeh, it most certainly is not the 1st time that toxic shithole has been on the wrong side of history. But it’s certainly the worst and the most dangerous.
I agree America joined the other side however, I feel Russia will obviously break the U.S. to its core and leave them stranded. Putin doesn’t want to be buddies. He wants America to suffer alone.
Pretty rich coming from a guy who worked in lock step w/ other Rs to get us here.
You might have changed your tune today, but you're no longer in Congress thus you're just like the rest of us.
Had you used your backbone when in office I might feel differently.
What a sad tale. I’m ashamed to be living through it.
As discouraged as I’ve been since He was elected, I will not bow down, I will not give up, I will resist, I will protest, I will pester my representatives at home and in DC and I will join with my brothers and sisters standing up to Trump.
Thanks Joe. This sums things up, and very sadly - as a European, we sadly no longer see the US as the ally you once were.
We can only hope that the US people come to their senses and rid themselves of this scourge on your country.
thanks to forty years of ever-stronger nazis on one side and an absolutely ruinous "opposition" party led by jurassic millionaires and their pets on the other
Sounds horrific! Hope for a happy ending, where Patriots wrestle control back of America, the regime of the evil dictator collapses & everyone lives happily ever after in Freedom & Democracy (after they nationalize and tax the shit out of sycophant Oligarchs).
technically russia is the same as the u.s: a pseudo-democracy ruled by oligarchs. ukraine would be the underdog under a nazi regime who the western oligarchy needs to weaken the european oligarchy because they think they're still a communist country
I can't imagine what liberal and left-wing Americans must be going through right now, but this definitely isn't the "very first time" you were "on the wrong side".
Please understand that many in the UN including America promised Ukraine security against Russian aggression if they got rid of their nuclear weapons. So they did. We on the other hand did not keep our word. The document is The Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine should thank us for nothing. It's our war!
In the 1994 Memorandum b/t the U.S., Russia, U.K. & the Ukraine, it was agreed that, in exchange for Ukraine agreeing to be a non-nuclear state, the other parties agreed to respect the independence & sovereignty of Ukraine & to refrain from threat or use of force against them. Our word means nothing
Nice fairytale, but with respect Mr (Congressman?) Walsh, isn't there a more practical line about Enemies Forgein and Domestic that's in the OATH that every decent and honorable servant of this country took?
Is it time yet?
Hi Joe,
Its good to tell it like that
Someimes poetry and or a fairy tale style days much more that pages of dry analysis .
We remember these fire side stories better 😍
Thank you x
To all the GOP former defense hawks who were anti-Russian until Trump got elected, and now they’ve suddenly done an about face and are kissing Trump‘s ring in order to keep their political careers, vs US security - we will never forget that you sold out. WE’LL NEVER FORGET! You’re gone in 4 years.
A true assessment of what has taken place. If you need proof look at the headlines of newspapers in other democratic countries listen to the statements of other world leaders they saw what we all saw Zelensky was betrayed only people who don't know that are the sycophants that are standing by Trump
For tRump and Sofa Vance to claim Zelensky doesn’t want peace is insane.
Of course, Ukraine and all their people want peace back…that existed before they were invaded…but without 100% recognition of who was the aggressor is denying truth and giving Russia a pass.
Not to downplay what’s happening right now, by any means, but America has been on the wrong side many times. Nicaragua. Vietnam. Iran. Afghanistan. We can’t forget all the bad we’ve done. This one tops the cake though.
However…the story isn’t over. Now we need to write an ending that goes like this.
The people RISE UP against the #EVIL dictator & his minions & storm the streets like NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE & they run him out of office & take back their #DEMOCRACY.
The End
That is all true, but the story's not over. We all have a part to play in how it turns out. We have to fight against this we everything we have within us in every way we can!!
If you watch, listen or read about American history you'd think America was the only country fighting the Evil Axis in WWII. It took them long enough to figure out Hitler wasn't fucking around...Now they have their own Hitler and evil axis allies.
Where does this constant “leader of the free world” come from?
No USA president leads another country than the USA.
And by now, you are not free yourselves.
This is similar to a dream recalled by a beleaguered disciple of a crucified man claiming unity WITH God in his heart who urged all to find that same inner connection. See Revelations Chapter 18 and 19 KJV.
I’am quite positive about Ukraine. The whole Russian army bogged down & nicely trapped in a small landstrip outside their country ready to be eliminated. No need for US. With EU help, LET THE ENDGAME BEGIN.
And, in continuation to the story, We the People realized that they could help Ukraine 🇺🇦 monetarily by donating to since our government won't.
Except that the USA has been killing and being killed in big or small wars endlessly for decades now. How has this ever been the right side? (N.B. I'm pro Ukraine and hate T-M)
I’m with you except for the “very first time” phrase. I love our country, but it’s ok to acknowledge our errors so we can hopefully learn from them. I love what we have been at times and what we aspire to be in our mission statement. But pretending we haven’t made mistakes before isn’t honest.
Nah, not the first time. Our first time was when we went along with stealing land in the Middle East, giving it to Jews fleeing Germany, and ARMED THEM TO KILL THE PEOPLE THAT BELONG THERE. We have then spent 70 years covering for war crimes and genocide, while we call the victims terrorists.
I’m sorry to tell you but America has been on the wrong side of history several times (VietNam and Iraq quickly come to mind). Canada opposed both those wars - I wish you’d start more seriously consulting with us.
So very, very well told! I'm ashamed, disappointed, embarrassed and disgusted by our WH miscreants in office & their disgraceful misbehavior. History, as always, will surely reflect that those of us who are not MAGAt misfits were on the right side. In the near term, we sadly deserve what's coming. 😑
Who would have ever thought it could change so quickly? The founding fathers knew about it, but never expected the Supreme Court and Congress to turn quickly, too.
Only the fat orange leader and his pack of sycophant keepers are truly evil. But some 40 something % of Americans need metamorphosis back from sheep to people!
They’re fully invested and past the point of no return.
They’ve been fully compromised.
I believe it has something to do with Epstein.
Heavily redacted means guilty, guilty and guilty forever.
Are you listening MAGA??? Turn your brains on!
Plus the fact everything in Donvict's name is actually Russian owned - either oligarch or Putin himself. This would ruin his business reputation. Remember when he was a broke joke when his casinos were bankrupted ?
Because I know that good Americans, who value freedom and democracy, will never stop fighting, both for their own country and for Ukraine.
Do you have any idea how much Canadians hate America right now?
Iraq, Afghanistan (pushing it into war with Russia, and invading it), Vietnam, Libya, Syria, Iran in the 50's, Attempting to invade Cuba... Oh the list just goes on.
Trump is a cancer. Only remedy is the complete removal.
Congress failed us after J6 and now again. It’s clear that it’s up to the every day American to figure this out and now.
Trumpism will become synonymous with fascism, hate, betrayal, and chaos.
putin must be under real pressure to let
trump acting this way.
This would be absolutely on brand for America is Zelensky was a leftist
The far-right stench is alive and well in EU as well. But yes, at least the EU as a whole has not turned its back to Ukraine.
You and others in the GOP put him in the White House knowing he was Putin’s puppet. WHY?
“There are two people I think Putin pays—Rohrabacher and Trump. Swear to God.”
- Kevin McCarthy, June 2016
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
You might have changed your tune today, but you're no longer in Congress thus you're just like the rest of us.
Had you used your backbone when in office I might feel differently.
As discouraged as I’ve been since He was elected, I will not bow down, I will not give up, I will resist, I will protest, I will pester my representatives at home and in DC and I will join with my brothers and sisters standing up to Trump.
We can only hope that the US people come to their senses and rid themselves of this scourge on your country.
- "In line with our vision" Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said to Russian state television Sunday.
The new US administration is rapidly changing its foreign policy, now turning its back on the Western world and embracing its old arch-enemy Russia.
Shame on Trump and MAGA! 😡
Which begs the question,
Without freedom, what is America anyway?
... until the US instigated a coup in 2014 (Can't prove that, but the US do have form on that front, and it very much suited them for it to happen)
Then Ukraine attacked the people of Donbas, who didn't want to be led by the new government. That led to war in 2014.
I take it neither politics or rhetoric are your strong suits.
Is it time yet?
Oh Lordy, I swear, I'm just old/pre-dementure, not a Ruskiyy bot
I mean, WTAF!
anyhoo,... FOREIGN!
Its good to tell it like that
Someimes poetry and or a fairy tale style days much more that pages of dry analysis .
We remember these fire side stories better 😍
Thank you x
Of course, Ukraine and all their people want peace back…that existed before they were invaded…but without 100% recognition of who was the aggressor is denying truth and giving Russia a pass.
However…the story isn’t over. Now we need to write an ending that goes like this.
The people RISE UP against the #EVIL dictator & his minions & storm the streets like NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE & they run him out of office & take back their #DEMOCRACY.
The End
My father served in the 🇨🇦 Navy in WWII and he was bitter that America sat on the sidelines for two years.
No USA president leads another country than the USA.
And by now, you are not free yourselves.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
PS. Consequences: No EU help in US-CHINA showdown
Embarrassed in America
The End
#TreasonTrump #traitortrump #PutinsBitch
We're definitely on the wrong side.
And when we entered Afghanistan.
And when we entered Iraq.
A whole bunch of South America.
A coup in Iran.
This is us.
Thank you.
Whether it's Jeff Epstein or Vladimir Putin.
Never on the side of decency.
To think he--or Vance--will ever side with the weak is a dangerous delusion...
Soon will be time to act accordingly.