That “weave” thing is the excuse he came up with due to normal people ridiculing his random association blathering. For the trumpaholics it’s a Rorschach diagram, they each hear what their confirmation bias tells them he’s talking about. Like an ink blot, nothing’s there.
We should all promise not to discuss every shocking thing coming from the Weave-master in the media :-) That will make them stop. Kidding, I know we won't stay away
Yes, but don’t you think the strategy is to make sure he gets all of his get out of jail free cards and then claim illness (or actually stroke out ) and hand the presidency over to Mascara Boy?
At least now I have a chance of finding out if better to jump in water and get electrocuted or eaten by a shark. I was seriously worried I'd never get resolution.
You mean 4+ years… The SC gave this idiot the right to never leave the Presidency! We know Dump will do everything in his power to never leave the WH! Sigh id really like a recount or something because i do not believe he won fair
I had successfully avoided seeing her hearing him since he won. It is my goal to have him dead to me in my life. I will read the news, but I will not look at cable shows or watch any of his speeches.
Rambling will be the least of your upcoming woes! I'm still in shock and find it unbelievable that decent Americans are going to allow the coup to succeed.
What four years? Ever since that fool met Kim Jong Un he has been obsessed with absolute power and naming himself President For Life. That’s partly why unlike other former presidents, he wouldn’t go away. Thanks for trying. We really appreciated your efforts.
If only fellow Cubans realized just how tiring Trump’s rambles are. It’s the same as the four hour speeches Castro used to do. They drive you into delirium, maybe that’s why they work. You are half asleep and awake, so their bullshit doesn’t get audited by your rational mind.
Why won’t anyone address the Russian, Israeli and U.S. interference in our elections? HE has had the voting machine software since 2021. This was NOT a “free and fair election” at all. It was massively fraudulent.
🇺🇲 Adam: promise you'll stand by your words/posts/tweets when you start running for President, dont go back on your ethics or beliefs to win votes. I almost voted for McCain, I've nvr voted Republican.. so dont lose your grit & gravitas! 🇺🇲
You know it’s a lot worse than that. We will never recover from the insane judicial appointments and the exodus of qualified people in every branch. hate to be dramatic, but we are pretty much doomed. There’s no assumption whatsoever that the Democrats take over anything in two years or four years
I didn’t have a president from 2016-2020 and won’t have one from 2024-2028. News channels are blocked. Do not need to listen to the lies. I can get the highlights here.
Honest question. The base loves the circus clown. The entertainment. JD has zero charisma. How does that work unless they grind the constitution into dust? I don’t disagree, but I’m curious how they think this works.
MAGA will wake up as soon as they start cutting veterans benefits, Medicare coverages, Medicaid coverage, food stamps, etc. They will 100% go after these things and more!!
While he rambles and schemes, I suggest those of us that don’t like koolaid Keep our eyes and mouths open for the ultimate goals of the group guiding him. Voice our concerns loudly and often to get the message out that may get adults back in control
It is an opportunity to do much more than ramble. Both sides have moved toward extremes, and a center needs to be found. Conservative Dems and Liberal Republicans are close. Finding common ground is a start toward building a coalition.
He won't last for 4 years. Instead, there will be his much slicker, smooth-talking mini-me that's been groomed to take over, and lead the next 4 as well
And we'll never hear the end of him talking about "the late, great Hannibal Lecter". I wish Anthony Hopkins would come out and say publicly how much he hates that orange thing. Maybe then it will STFU.
I’m guessing The Rolling Stones. Keith Richards has always referred to their sound as “the ancient art of weaving.” Well, Mick & Keith HATE him. (Keith once stabbed a table right in front of him.) And Mick has always spoken against him when on tour. (Probably right before Sympathy for the Devil. 😎)
I would bet my life that some ass-kisser made it up while trying to comfort him about negative press that mentioned his rambling, and he’s so effing insecure about his (in)ability to speak coherently that he latched onto it and make it part of the act
I’m not sure he is going to make 4 years. If he makes it to mid-terms, and the Dems take both chambers, that might do it. But how much damage can be done before that?
It’s genius!
Be weave me!
I had an uncle who once drove past MIT
We have a madman who'll soon be running the country and who's setting the stage to burn it all down.
wait a bit so Vance’s two years don’t count as a term.
Like drunken grandpa in a golf cart
That type of weaving
Trump handpicking a cabinet that wouldn't dare 25th Amendment him even if he becomes a babbling idiot?
Well he is already that, but you get the point, surely.
Not interested.
This is the saddest picture of presidents in the
White House in my lifetime!
These are the types of important policy issues for which the American people deserve serious consideration from the upcoming admin 🦈⚡️🔋
My American identity has been shattered.
Cause those mofos can’t do ANYTHING without creating chaos first🥴