Starting an avoidable trade war is not strength. It’s weakness.
Strength would be able to fix this without pouting and throwing a fit. Trump is still a child, a weak, scared, whiney, child
Strength would be able to fix this without pouting and throwing a fit. Trump is still a child, a weak, scared, whiney, child
Makes me think of the blimp Londoners put up as a protest, back during his first visit to the Queen (yes, that time when he walked in front of her in Windsor) 😏
Hope We Don't Have To Use It But Just In Case
What are we going to do to fix the problem? The problem being Trump...
Not even one week in and they're already on a path of self destruction. The collateral damage will be devastating.
Your part of the problem
This was the time they were celebrating the success of Putin's audacious scheme to install a Kremlin asset as President of the United States of America.
We’re being ruled by a dumber Verruca Salt.
Misinformation is the basis of MAGA power! Dispel it at every chance!
Time to choose another currency as the world standard.
Do you have suggestions?
Thank you for saying so.
Watch China get closer to our allies while anti China Republicans keep their head in the sand.
They’ll probably just resort to drinking liquid shit when trump tells them to.
I do hope you are teaching your children that just because they are children of a former Congressman & military veteran, they must work towards solutions, not cause problems.
If Republicans trusted one another they could unite against him, but they don’t because they know none of them are trustworthy.
Ironic that the anti-government sentiment so prevalent in the MAGA movement ignores the blind bootlicking & hypocrisy of that party. Were not those traits causal factors in the MAGA movement to begin with?
He probably only got 75 million. (21%)
Harris probably got 80 million (23%), per my estimates.
Harris was leading in the swing states 51 to 46 -until the counting machines started to flip the numbers midday.
90 million registered voters did not vote or did not get counted. 100 million more never registered but qualify as citizens. Illegal and legal immigrants are not included.
Only 1/4 of us are brainwashed Trumpers
But that’s after hacking!
Harris 80
Trump 75
Not 49/48
Trump is who is talking about..and the entire GOP
BTW Americans are divided regardless of what I or anybody else posts. Nothing is gonna change that! Inspite of being offended or not.
BTW, Americans are already divided NOTHING I or anyone else posts will change that. Dispute being offended or not.
the disciplined Putin allows himself a maximum of 3 seconds of amusement before returning to work.
Like a judo match against a Santa Claus costume.
They bused some poor humans to a weaker nation for the "likes."
Sad sad sad man boy
Domestically, his biggest tool is whining like a big baby (ie, the way a little kid does that'll make parents break down and give in just to make the kid shut up) ☹️
It’s within our differences that we find our strength.
Colombia bent the knee.
Sends a message to any other country that defies him..
Vile - but don't diminish it's overall import..
And imo that is really what's most important here. 👍