The backfire is getting bigger each day. Keep it Congress at 202-224-3121 and ask for your representative. They are under fire and need to remain so...
Well, if you know, you can’t lose any more elections because Trump DOJ will challenge any Democratic win as being rigged. Why do you care about your constituents?
Because if people not agreeing with them in town halls is not legitimate, people voting against them is also illegitimate. Thus, no election necessary.
Yes, though my money as an intermediate step would be banning town halls in general. Anywhere people publicly gather to express anger, disappointment, and dissent.
I would say they'll pay at the midterms, but I'm not real sure there will be free and fair elections by then. I'm also somewhat skeptical, based on Trump's public statements in 2024, that the 2024 elections weren't... problematic.
More people need to protest in the streets, constantly calling, emailing & showing up at their Representatives’ offices. If Americans don’t aggressively push back, our Constitution will be a bygone, defunct document people can reminisce about. Remember the good old days when we had a Constitution?
Tbh, it might be? They’re coming for your right to protest. Right now, college kids. Next, all of you. And your national forests. And none of of you really act in the critical way it warrants. It’s shit scary to watch. Like a slow boiling frog.
ALL of US should protest in #DC. Fill the streets. In front of the #WhiteHouse. In front of the #Capitol. Clog the streets and shut everything down. Show the whole world how many of us do not want this.
If Republicans don't come out and face the hardships they have voted to impose on their constituents, people will find them. Guaranteed. Office, house, store, theatre, restaurants.... they'll find them. The more dire it becomes, the harder constituents will look and demand answers. #FAFO
People in those districts should have town halls without their reps and voice the same concerns as if they were there- and put them out on social media and the news
The DNC has to fill the void in every swing district, providing the truth in real time. Town halls, internet chat rooms, local new shows, ads, billboards, … everywhere!
They’ve become adept at avoiding the inconvenient truth. Most notably that their President, who they worked hard to get elected, may well be a Russian asset.
They do not govern to the public. They govern for republicans. They view Democrats asking questions at their town halls as illegitimate. Thus, best to do Fox News [sic] softball interviews. They lose no support in any form.
If this doesn't wake the Republicans and others that voted for these representatives, I don't know what will. The conservative members of our community need to get together and really talk about what they want and what is important. What do they stand for? Nobody knows anymore.
IF, we still have elections in 26, they are going to lose like no one has ever seen before.
No campaigning needed.
Actions or Lack of speaks louder than any campaign promises.
And if they're not home, the restaurant the go to, the store they ship at, the shows they go to. It's time to make their lives a living hell. Nowhere they go is safe, and it's time to let them know.
Don't do your job! Do the republicans think this is just going to be okay? All democratically elected republicans need to answer do you support the Constitution, America & Americans or is it all about money, greed, power, control & corruption. Looking in from the outside it appears to be the later.
If the local politician refuses to hold a town hall, then the district should just home one without them. (Like we did in Tom Emmer's district last week.)
Honestly, it was probably better without him there, so we didn't have to hear his bogus lies and excuses.
Tom Emmer's district held a town hall last week without him. He was invited to participate in person or via zoom, but he chose not to. That didn't stop his district from holding one anyway.
Jasmine Crockett is meeting with her constituents but only Bernie is on a mission. A mission to educate American voters on the dangers of American Oligarchs.
What other Democratic or Independent politicians are going across the country educating voters on the dangers of the American Oligarchs. I haven't heard of any besides Bernie.
All the Republican politicians are hiding from their constituents.
I’ve been calling in and tweeting at them since the election. I posted the pictures of Bernie and the crowds he’s getting in GOP districts to some of them but unfortunately, they don’t seem very interested in doing much of anything-except for tweeting statements and going on MSNBC or CNN 😑
Democrats need to get way more aggressive. I'm tired of their bland & weak messages. We need more AOC, Bernie Sanders, Jasmine Crockett, & Chris Murphy energy!
We need to land some hard punches, calling out the absolute Anti-American Robber Baron Coup taking place!! Corporate Democrats have to go.
This is CRUCIAL! Now is the time to hit up Trump's voters. They left US because and turned mean when they felt taken for granted. They desperately need US to come back, listen, and have a ****ing message better than 'Vote for US because RED sucks.' They need us/WE need THEM. Win/win. DEMS, go NOW!
If I remember right, he has only had 1 event so far in Omaha. They sad he drew a really big crowd.
I'm not sure when his next event will be held or where.
It’s been so popular they’ve had to get bigger venues and still don’t have enough room for everyone that wants to go. We’re going to try and see him in Detroit on the weekend
Yes! Politics is a TV show now. So, democrats need to take the spotlight. Also, better candidates are needed in districts that usually vote Republican. Alternative candidates that look good on TV and can actually win in those districts are needed.
That would be too logical. Dems are still hiding under beds, the new DNC chair is at a secure, unknown location working through PTSD issues.
POST TRUMP SCARED DEMOCRATS is still a work in progress.
MI Representative Tom Barrett did a phone town hall yesterday eve, all constituents muted and only vetted and acceptable questions allowed. It was a FREAKIN JOKE, just a ridiculous mouthpiece of regurgitated propaganda saying how great the orange traitor is.
You KNOW where they live, where they will be (look to family's location), where they eat (see last Trump time period), where they go to have fun (fitness, coffee, etc.). HUNT them down and make them fully aware of your position. NOTHING changes unless they experience direct personal consequences
If they do this do not let them have a moments peace. Harass them at the airport, on the plane, on the highway, at their homes. Everywhere they go. They are traitors!
Not here it wont be. Americans are entitled as fuck. Theyll just start showing up at politicians homes at all hours and harassing them til they do their job. Or we go back to tar and feather tactics if that doesnt work
Fine, let them hide like the cowards they are. Their actions should have an impact on their lives. If fired federal employees can't go to the grocery store because they've got no money, and Nana can't go to the doctor because her Medicaid was cut, then these treasonous enablers shouldn't be able to
I like your way of thinking. While we have no peace, neither should they. I think the entire governmental system and all in it should be abolished and restarted from scratch. Sadly, I have no way to cause this.
Heckling JD Vance on his trip to Vermont on a family vacation was perfection. I won't get the opportunity to do that since I will never be that close to him. Keep up the pressure.
Let the Dems do them & encourage Everyone to attend. Contributers/speaker should have to apply by email to speak & rcv acknowledgment to be able to speak for no more than 3 minutes which allows the host to best determine the total amt of time for the Town Hall. With tight framework, this is doable.
I can't believe Orange either believes that or expects anyone else to. "The problem with all this COVID is the testing, once we stop testing people for COVID, it'll just go away." THAT'S FUCKING INSANE!!!
The very very very!!! most important thing to him is that he not look bad. And he's so blinded by his stupid shitty psychosis he can't see that everything *everything* he does just makes him look worse and he already looks like the worst thing there has ever been.
1) We should demand they stop receiving a salary since they're not meeting with us, and they're not in control of spending which is their job.
2) We should stop paying our taxes. No taxation without representation, right?
They stay home and guess who WILL be doing town halls - their opponents! Who will be discussing all the ways they are destroying this country. And they call other people snowflakes - how rich.
Republicans are living in a bubble. They have all the power with control of the house, senate, white house, and Supreme Court. They don't need the voters. MAGA is waking up to the nightmare they helped create.
Yeah that was also the way to fix COVID: stop reporting on the cases! And that's also the way to fix the bird flu: stop mentioning the bird flu! So to keep constituents from being upset: don't talk or listen to them! Problems solved!
Republican voters, if you are disillusioned with your party, stop voting for these saps. Change to independent and vote for the Democrats. Or just don't even register a vote
Putin, musk are not in your best interest. Neither is trump.
These testosterone-challenged white guys (and the women among them) need to be voted out. They've no interest in serving constituents (but for other MAGA dimwits). And they certainly have no interest in protecting the Union or Constitution. They should be charged as accessories to trump's treason.
I wish the Republican electorate tell them they don’t recognize them when they run for reelection! Wishful thinking on my part! They will vote for even a cardboard cutout if it’s Republican!
For now, I guess. But, there aren’t really any more options imo — they won’t listen to reason, they openly back a fascist who is clearly a Russian asset…. Next will be canceling elections altogether, wait for it.
I believe you're right. I keep asking others "What's next?" and they go silent. We know what's next. First elderly and children will start dying. Then MAGAs will go hungry. Then it's the pitchforks. And not a minute before.
Yeah the fake Soros funded activists have been a bit of a thorn in their side
No one really listens to those obnoxious blue haired weirdos anyway but it is a nuisance that needs to be dealt with
Because they don’t want to hear how angry Americans are with Felon47’s policies and seeing the press report on it. It is better for them to pretend that everyone is happy in America Land.
Problem is they forgot who they work for. Vote them all out and put term limits on every single elected official. Put something in place to keep this cultish nonsense from happening in the first place. This is no longer about blue & red. It’s about survival.
Republicans are too embarrassed to show their faces. They know that Trump is destroying America and they're a bunch of chickens who are AFRAID to stand up to him, until it's too late.
Yeah, well, I don't think Americans are gonna take this lying down. Cancel the townhalls, we will show up at the office and / or the home of the representatives that are playing this stupid game.
You can now assume that any information the formerly sane US was trying to keep secret from Russia is now in Putin’s hands. If the US doesn’t impeach and remove trump it will never recover its standing in the world. But trump will have hotels in Gaza, Moscow and Panama
They’d prefer to see protestors in front of their homes? I think all Americans are waking up and it’s not going to be pretty. 💙🔥
If Putin is as smart as Trump thinks he is, he should back away from Trump now before he gets pulled into the shit with Trump. The protests that will ramp up as the weather warms up could be contagious. Same goes for Republicans in congress
Oh, but didn’t you hear the republicans saying that democrats are showing up to Republican town halls? Always a conspiracy with these people. Liars and snowflakes all of them! Democrats need to start having town halls every week in every city across the nation.
Tomorrow: They'll stop allowing elections.
It’s martial not marshal.
(that ain’t ‘puppies!’)
Time to bus constituents to their offices and demand they meet.
The DNC has to fill the void in every swing district, providing the truth in real time. Town halls, internet chat rooms, local new shows, ads, billboards, … everywhere!
They don't go to offices.
Homes are public records required for holding the office
PS he’s gaslighting his base and telling them these are paid disruptors.
No campaigning needed.
Actions or Lack of speaks louder than any campaign promises.
Hiding like a bunch of scared children!
Can't take the heat being caused by THEIR leader!
NONE of these people deserve your vote EVER again!
Honestly, it was probably better without him there, so we didn't have to hear his bogus lies and excuses.
It was great.
All the Republican politicians are hiding from their constituents.
We need to land some hard punches, calling out the absolute Anti-American Robber Baron Coup taking place!! Corporate Democrats have to go.
I'm not sure when his next event will be held or where.
POST TRUMP SCARED DEMOCRATS is still a work in progress.
They are just sitting on their hands watching the carnival!
Thin skinned cowards, but we already knew that about most of the GOP
Seems like a shoot yourself in the foot decision. Unless they plan on no elections in the future, which is a chilling notion.
Government will be like facebook.
If you have a problem, deal with it or DELETE yourself.
Please list them
Mike Lawler
Rs on Long Island
The nut job on Staten Island
C’mon let’s go!!!
If you stop the testing, the Covid rate becomes zero.
Campaign to take their seats.
If they don’t want to do their job, replace them
2) We should stop paying our taxes. No taxation without representation, right?
They talked about how Harris hid in the shadows for 4 years & avoided tough interviews when she ran for President last year.
Now these same ppl who went on FOX every night saying all that are now HIDING from THEIR voters.
Now voters, republicans, stop voting completely. They don't care about you either
Putin, musk are not in your best interest. Neither is trump.
COWARDS made the bed but don't want to sleep in it!
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
No one really listens to those obnoxious blue haired weirdos anyway but it is a nuisance that needs to be dealt with
Most don’t have a real pair, especially the ‘male-at-birth’ R’s.
Cruel sadistic jerks is all they and their rabid cult members are.
Trump won't NEED them much longer any way.
1. Most of the people attending are concerned constituents.
2. If you can't handle these engagements, then this isn't the right job for you.
Still solid advice to cowards.
And it should apply to every single politician on this planet.
Filibuster that SAVE act, dammit.