Here’s the secret on Trump and tariffs: he gets to look tough by threatening them but he’s scared to death to use them or honestly, to actually do anything. This is why he only picks on our friends because he looks tough but isn’t.
Unfortunately, he learned to use proxies who don't have the problem.
When ppl realize the overstuffed bully is afraid of Animals, Rain, and fighting w an intelligent opponent he crawls back under his safe rock. Then sends out who he thinks is smart. Which in his admin is the biggest joke.
9:45 PDT
Isn't economics taught in high school anymore?
Magas believed the Liar rather than credible News sources!
He is the stupidest POTUS to ever hold the office, but is made effective by his handlers, donors, and the corrupt motherfuckers in the GOP.
60%? 50? 45?
TRY 24%. What's more, almost half of Republicans view MAGA negatively. MAGA is viewed more negatively than either Party, than Joe Biden for Chrissake.
And since literally everyone, even his allies, told him not to do it, he's having a real hard time backing down and still saving face.
— Eric Trump, 3/2025
exactly as a King
of old
Tariffs the one pronouncement directed at each and every country of his choosing
you and you and you
so satisfying the power of the king of the world
the world's countries lesser subservient in his eyes, he see no equal
the king has spoken
Pay a burial fee on a golf course he supposedly owns
Starlink affilliated businesses:
Bezos businesses:
Total - Shell Eggs fresh/preserved/cooked (dozen) [1] exports 2,333,876 imports 47,257,427
The bluster has always been to hide his cowardice.
It's time to take away his snake oil and take down his tent.
He might look “tough” to himself and his uneducated minions ..
Looks entirely like an idiotic clown to the rest of the world.
Here's an egg
Seen them talking about it.
The problem with that is all nations crave stability. They need it as stewards for their citizens. So, logically previous allies refactor and exclude the US from decision making. You guys don't get to be in the room.
Why would the EU or BRICS do a trade deal seeing whats happening to USMCA?
Why would anyone buy US bonds when Trump can tank their value by tweet?
UK 12 eggs, large, free range = $4.19 (no additional sales tax). How does that compare?
We also have economic inflation and grocery store profit inflation.
DT's Runaway Inflation
House Republicans -......................................... silent
More than twice what they cost just 9 weeks ago!
Starlink affilliated businesses:
Bezos businesses:
He has no clue, and while he's figuring it out, the markets are taking a sledgehammer.
Every time he announces tariffs, market drops. Every cancel or delay causes it to pop back up again.
The palace becomes a circus.
….cereal again…….
Don't tread on us.
But these are the days of President-For-Life. May his days be short and painful.
Trump’s dream is that the tariff plan is implemented, makes America rich, erases the debt, and everyone says “he really was the greatest president ever”
Every time he tries it- it backfires
Our parents were WW2 vets.
Our childhood was immersed in Cold War threat.
The 9/11 dead looked like us.
We watched our young return from Afghanistan in caskets. We stood along Highway of Heroes.
We will not trust you again that quickly because the people who supported Trump won't disappear either including all the oligarchs and media organizations who all led to that point and enabled it.
Sorry pal, but this will take a president on the level of Bernie and many years
You direly need non partisan media organizations that do not stand on the side of either party.
The party affiliation can kill the quality of reports and leave out essential info
On Oligarch takeover, they own more than we know know and are working on owning everything.oh and German SS killed 13 of my relatives just a few generations ago btw
Stop the whataboutism. Jesus, I'll stop saying where I'm from if that is what it leads to.
Currently the biggest elephant in the room is that the USA is going down the drain of fascism if no one really stops it.
You are part of that problem "BTW."
Politico belongs to Springer which the infamous BILD belongs to as well. BILD is almost as bad as Fox News is.
Here I have you an image on who owns how much of the Springer SE company (Döpfner is the CEO btw):
A monopoly on media companies is nothing but a danger to democracy. That's why I think they should be forced to stay independent by law. They should also be able to get subsidies if they really need them to protect freedom of speech.
Not because you woted for Trump twice - but due to you willingly are becoming a fascist state witout a fight- where are the mass protests, strikes, blocked roads etc?
It will take many,many years.
We are not a trustworthy country.
What Trump did this time will take decades, and even then we will likely not be buying American as much as we have.
That is too much of a risk.
Canadians will remember that for a damn long time and this is likely generational damage to rectify.
Screw Musk - enjoy a SpaceX Take Down
How about a #CuckElonathon and call legislators today & DEMAND we #SeizeSpaceX for the common good
A clear threat to our national security. He used StarLink to screw with Ukraine - we can show cause
Hound Dems To Hound GOP
If he'd followed thru on 'em Maybe!
But this back & forth makes him a coward!
I'm ok with That!
Also shows his fan base his lack of fortitude & dementia!!
Its a 'dump and pump'. He's telling the other richies when he's going to threaten tariffs (dump) and then when he's going to pull back (pump).
Selling HIGH pre-threat and buying LOW post-threat.
They make money regardless of market performance.
It is impossible to prove it.
In the meantime, the rest of us have less money to afford daily living.
SS will not be abolished. It will be decreased, not sent on time, taxed.
People will end up on the streets. Hungry.
I hope also angry.
They are covered in the USMCA agreement and hasn't changed since he signed the original USMCA in the "greatest trade deal in history".
You simply cannot trust anything republicans say.
Trump-ty Dumb-ty is about to have a great fall.
At the end of the day, the American market isn’t worth the long term grief and instability which has been created by this insufferable nutjob.
Way to go Donnie.