Trump hugged the flag, then stabbed veterans in the back. Cutting 80,000 VA jobs won’t improve services-it’s a betrayal of those who served. Veterans kept
their promise, why won’t he? Read more:
their promise, why won’t he? Read more:
Uh, that’s not right.
Oh…the carve out exemption gives tax cuts to people who dodged the draft, citing bone spurs.
Commander bone spurs is a weak, impotent coward.
'Cadet Bone Spurs'
He has proven this over and over again. Won’t visit veterans cemeteries; disrespected Arlington; HATED John McCain… there’s more, but needless to say,
It would be nice to know the numerator and denominator and exact details of this "survey." I was never questioned and many Veterans I know were not questioned.
Lies, lies, lies...
Actions speak louder than words.
He doesn't care about you!
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment |
- If you are a Draft Dodger.
80K people w/ families, health costs, mortgages, and loans all cut lose without notice
imagine the impact these people will need from the public safety net that is also being withdrawn
what will increase? abuse, homelessness, loan defaults, and more
groceries, clothing stores, auto repairs shops, and a plethora of others.
as people get poorer they pull back and spend on only necessities. they delay major appliance purchases. the don't renovate homes. etc
well all those kids no longer need that and the daycare centers just lost all those customers. in turn they lay off workers who also will need a safety net
so now daycare workers are out of a job and on and on and on
It is a fascist dictatorship halfheartedly cosplaying constitutionality while it purges & weaponizes the Fed Gov against We the People.
March with us Veterans Friday March 14 in D.C. & every state capitol.
I oppose dictatorship.
vets vote republican
unaware he just poked the Hornet's nest
Veterans experienced war many suffer psychologically
coping with daily issues
we too have problems we've not experienced war
not good Trump
Social Security next 30 to 90 days.what are old people gonna do
Do you really think he cares?
Knowing of Trump he was probably trying to hump the flag.
Trump is the AntiChrist.
The dead-letter-literal-interpretation of the Bible,
evangelical fundamentalists white nationalists churches
have been warning about the man of sin" and "son of perdition.
And when he appears, they elect him president.
Boycott the churches on radio & TV.
Doug Collins effectively dismantling it is on brand.
I have nothing to say about him but a swift trip to hell ASAP
a stupid person.
a person of low intelligence
Unfit to be President of the United States 🇺🇸
Ya all got tRumped. He lied (as always) to get your vote, then he turned around and crapped all over ya. Dems. had our back.
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Thank you sir may I have another??🤷
1. He makes them (or says anything) to get people to trust him.
2. He is the most disingenuous person to ever walk the planet.
Speaking of America, they are betraying us all.
RIP 131k post 9/11 veterans who have committed suicide to date.
how many are generational and take pride in defending the same constitution their Grandfather and Father defended?
"If he slashes the VA, fine
If he slashes my benefits, no prob
We hate liberals so hard, we will eat our own faces b4 we let them gain control"
There exists no voting bloc so radicalized by right wing propaganda as vets for Trump
It really is that simple.
He's not fooling anyone but himself.
Looked at through mortal eyes, it's one we can't allow to continue uninterrupted.
Beirut was horrifying and killed 307 total, of which 241 were US military and 58 French military. My Corpsman friend died. I remember it as if it happened yesterday because I was on duty in the ER.
A. Because Trump has no use for veterans other than to use them as props. He believes that they are "suckers" and "losers."
Charles de Gaulle