Do you still talk to any of your former colleagues or did they all blacklist you? Please use whatever connections you have to talk sense into members of Congress to start reining this in.
I realize this is probably a futile post but hoping there’s a way to make the corruption and treason stop.
Why should anything surprise us anymore? Elon Musk is running a shadow government inside of ours. It’s a fucking coup, and we’re just sitting around watching it happen.
As a British person, I can't do anything about it, but looking at it from an outsider point of view, if the American people don't get off their ass soon and start to do something radical, then you can kiss goodbye to the U.S.A as you once knew it forever!
As a Canadian with an outsider point of view, I heartily agree. And... I think it may already be too late. Once they start impeaching and getting rid of judges whose decisions they don't like it will all be over. Unless... unless the American people stand up and fight, fight, fight.
Some of us are out there, I’m spending every day I have off out in the streets. The worst part of this is our congress is sitting idly by and allowing this to happen. I’m not giving up without a fight, unfortunately too many others won’t until they actually feel their own pain.
I genuinely wish you all the luck in making the changes needed to rescue your country. If I could, I would stand alongside you, but all I can do is watch in frustration as a country that I have spent a lot of time visiting and exploring has been hijacked by extremists.
The sad part is that our reps won’t go out to protest with us. Citizens are telling them that they will get arrested with them.. still nothing.
The sitting around doing nothing freaks me out. I don't understand why more aren't out protesting. Has a general strike been planned? We will have to START with the strike and escalate until Elon is gone. Boycott everything Musk. If he loses enough, people will stop doing his bidding.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Since there is precedent for US companies to successfully sue US government for damaged caused by US forces to their factories in enemy countries, he doesn't need to worry too much.
ITT were able to sue for damage to its FockeWulf fighter factory bombed by the US Air Force during WW2.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
while it's possible he's on the spectrum most of his behavior is not very indicative of that
most of what he does and says is completely opposite to most people i know who are actually diagnosed as being on the spectrum
most of his behaviors seem more typical of malignant narcissism and affluenza
Adam all that information needs to be hidden and the only thing handed to them is a Chinese menu quite literally and I wouldn't worry too much because you know the 20-year-olds that he's going to send in there will definitely buy it and I'm not talking about what's on the menu
The Greatest Con.
Ya gotta kinda chuckle (if only it weren’t so tragic).
Those MAGA folks were so petrified of a New World Order - they ravenously consumed guns & conspiracy theories & believed monsters hid in shadows.
Hoodwinked, MAGA got a NWO, just not the one they feared!
I think they said they're going to try to only take the guns if political dissidents (people they label as criminals). They'll let the brown shirt wannabes keep their guns.
The plan is to start with the left and eventually the right. Dictators don't allow armed citizens because armed citizens can revolt. Once the right is deemed a threat to his regime, they lose their 2a rights like everyone else.
The first step of resistance is to start calling it what it is already:
an autocratic, criminal and illegitimate *Russian puppet regime.*
The second step is starting to make everybody else call it what it is. ESPECIALLY the media who are helping to keep up the pretense.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Why is this even a possibility? He has NO SECURITY CLEARANCE! Of course the convicted felon is probably passing every confidential file he has access to on to his Russian controller!
We are not going to be safe in this country for long! Convicted felon & his billionaire will do ANYTHING FOR MONEY!
Sounds familiar. Maybe a rewording of ‘Little Musk’ saying, “We’re Space-X, we can do whatever we want.” I was particularly interested in his repeating, “They’ll never know,” while laughing maniacally. Little pitchers, big ears, and all that.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Why is Bernie one of the few out with the public? I don't find cowardice sad, I find it treasonous. Those in places of relative power who have enjoyed benefits for years have a duty to step up. Like parables of old: comfort the afflicted but afflict the comfortable.
The comment about roosters screaming to start the day is a good one 💙 And, yes, it is treasonous - out on a book-selling tour during a constitutional crisis? and who would read that crappy book?!
Imo, this is why Elon is tearing up through our government stealing every penny he can before Americans wake up and stop him. He steals from the low income people because that causes less of an uproar by the people than stealing from the middle class. If given enough time, he'll get all our money.
Tim Walz is out doing town halls in Republican districts. They think they don't have to show their faces until election time yet they don't understand there will be no midterm elections period.
For MAGA freaking out about Democrats leading us to the New World Order... We are now closer than ever to a World government run by Putin, Xi Jinping and Trump. One step away from a totalitarian nightmare.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
You know those burial sites where kings and emperors after they died had all of their servants, wicea and retinue new killed or buried alive with them?
25A will NEVER happen…. His entire cabinet are sycophants benefiting from his actions.
Let’s focus on keeping in person and economic boycotts going as well as pouring away on our reps to keep the pressure on those cowards who refuse to stand up against this fascist.
Unfortunately, if the 25th amendment was used, and it may be used because Trump is not going to make it mentally through the next 4 years, then we get Vance. Just great.
But, the positive side is no one likes Vance. For some reason, these MAGA fools are on trance with the orange turd and once he's gone, maybe they'll snap out of it. The Republicans will probably go against Vance because he's a weak link.
I seriously doubt that Republicans will go against Vance. As long as he appears to hate people on the left as much as they do, and try to make Democrats as miserable as possible, they will stick with him.
I was thinking the same thing. This all doesn't go away if just Trump goes away. There will still be all the people pulling the strings behind the scenes. They're probably looking forward to Vance taking over, because he's even easier to order around than Trump.
Musk is Trump’s safety net as well as his bank. The actual Vice President is in a donut shop in ‘somewhere America’ while an unelected oligarch takes over.
Why is this child always "at work"? He should be playing, resting, having fun, and eating healthy snacks, not being dragged around as his father's protective shield. As for what the story is about, my words can't be written.
Yup. My Christian pastor dad drove all over town to collect pamphlets from inpatient programs for “troubled teens” and threatened to abandon me at one of them in front of my friend.
He thought I was “insolent.” It turns out that I was just autistic.
Likely because that child overheard and might repeat things that were said by adults in the room prior to the election. If he's close he can be monitored.
I want a behavior watch on the little one Elon carries around. WHEN that kid starts talking like Alexa, he should be inspected for surgery scars. I'm positive that's why his mom wants him out of Elon's custody.
😳 Do you think he’s going to try his neurolink on that poor child? Or maybe he has him loaded up with surveillance devices. Someone definitely needs to rescue him.
Well a recording smartphone in the boys jacket is elementary (the much searched for leaker) but yes, I do believe Elon is selfish enough to do unregulated human trials on his child.
A lot of people believe that Putin has compromising information on Trump and that he is blackmailing him. Others believe that Trump has been a Russian agent since the mid 1980s.
If they can't get people rioting in the streets (explain to me why that's not happening???) as an excuse to declare martial law they will start an idiotic war and say that everything they're doing is 'for the war effort'. Fascists are so freaking transparent.
It IS happening, but no outlets cover it. Regular protests are happening. But people also have to choose to be able to afford their home, their food, their family. And it’s been winter. The summer will bring more of it, but they’re also afraid that martial law won’t take much from this lunatic.
No one is going to cover gatherings of 100s or 100s. We need MILLIONS, yet we can’t even muster 6 figures.
When there are MASS demonstrations the media will cover them.
You know he will bring a hidden video camera or ,knowing how fucked up this admin is, he’ll just bring his kid and use him as an excuse to phone film everything! “It’s for my family album”
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
No, it’s not insane. “Insane” is expecting a different outcome. It’s time to fight and take some risks. Adam, you are doing exactly that. Where is everyone else? Wake up and fight!
WTF..what does he know about warfare or military tactics to advice? He knows about as much of this as his co-president Don..the dynamic draft dodging duo.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Kristinfo...thank you for this but thought you would want to know the links you have in your post aren't working, I'm getting a server error. You may want to update for maximum impact! ☺️
It is and Hegseth lied that this information was not true. Then someone from the Pentagon came out (whistleblower) to say it was true. Now, we will learn of who this person was and Musk will very likely obtain this intel to sell to China and Russia.
It’s unbelievable what’s happen in America when a judge ruling is questioned but no republicans question why an unelected person gets to see a secret plan for a possible war with China.
And very openly working with Putin. Maga is now all approving of becoming like Russia. The fools don't understand that they won't be the elite class.
Keep boycotting everything Elon touches.
Woooow... now china is gonna get involved because america is involving china on warfront... someone stop this already. It seems its never going to stop unless someone silences this pos before it gets worse... worse means war, war means death, death means loss and hate...
never. these guys only ever get arrested for money reasons
he's stealing from the government and he will be arrested for it. If he were a politician, he would be safe. Geaorge santos? matt gaetz? Immune to prosecution. Musk isn't and that's where he fucked up. He'll go to jail in the end. (or run)
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
No. He does not. Can you imagine for one new york second what would happen if Biden tapped a NONELECTED billionaire progressive to infiltrate every institution in our government? Republican leadership and their followers would not sit around whining.
Yes. We are in a Dictatorship now and Musk is the head of State. Trump is just the Minister of Culture. We’ve never been here before and must shift our thinking. Keep fighting back.
When MLK organized Sit ins people were worried that the protesters would be lynched & the protests would be ineffective. But the protests hit the wallets of the business owners and there was strength in numbers. Join me; #CallIn to the Trump hotel, Lunch every Friday 1(855)878-6700 #resist
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
I think Fox entertainment, News needs to be occupied by the American people. many hosts become administration. they are the voice for Trump as state media. they lie all fucking day long. Fox News supports Russia. They push so many of Trump‘s lies It’s time to stop it.
I wish there were someone in this supply chain that had the patriotic courage to show this charlatan the wrong plans. Like one they put together decades ago to invade the USSR. But I'm afraid they have fired anyone with the willingness to do that.
the only real question that remains is whether the united states’ military leadership is strong enough to survive a dictator. i‘m not talking about a drunk fox news secretary of defense, I mean the actual competent staff who runs the military and know what’s at stake.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
People joke that musk is the president. He is. Does he have clearance? He does if Trump says so. They plan to go to war to never have elections again. The noose has tightened so much we are noW swinging by our necks and we don't know it. Well some do but most don't. Anyway it's Trumplandia not US.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Insane and Scary. The president of the United States encouraging the Secretary of Defense (Secretary of Offensiveness) and Elon Musk to review top secret military plans and/or tactics generally and specifically regarding China. The Country China, not dishes you have in your kitchen cupboard. Damn.
I hope that one day, there will be a documentary that tells this story. It will show how musk was shown fake plans, which then showed up in China, and he was shot for treason.
Sounds about right, but the end of the story is that he was not the one to disclose to China--his sponsor did it in exchange for "certain things" and made *him* as conman#2 face the consequences.
If he’s not a Russian asset then 1) he’s doing a great job convincing us that he is and 2) it’s amazing that the US intelligence agencies are letting it happen.
I guess so…no background check, security clearance or anything. I had to provide 10 years of personal & financial data and employment history and all I got to see was the same info we see in the news while Musk gets the keys to the kingdom. SMH
I know it seems crazy, but how else will the Chinese get them otherwise. I wonder if by coincidence the Chinese state is going to start buying up Teslas.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
You are correct. Adolph Musk has secret deals with the Chinese. He even unveiled his new Tesla in China first. And is letting them invest through the back door in his companies.
Musk is definitely, without a doubt, the president.
Obviously he wasn't eligible to run so they just used trump as a faux candidate. That's why trump is always golfing and Musk is scouring through departments, meeting with congress and getting briefed on war plans with China.
I truly thought racist care bear (vance) would be the de facto president due to his footprint all over 2025. Musk was definitely the dark horse, just thought he'd be a teat sucker of the gop not the president.
Regardless how/when T leaves, Vance would assume the faux presidency face, but Musk will remain in charge. I think Republicans will allow him to be in charge no matter who the future candidate may be.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Do you think vance will be more of a block to musk? His rise to power has been swift and I can see conflicts btw the 2. Altho together, musk will control day to day gov, while vance destroys human rights-abortion, no fault divorce, women and LGBTQ+ rights. And I'm sure they'll do it all gleefully.
He who holds the purse, holds the most power.
Musk purchased the US, will pick the bones clean, pull off the greatest heist of the Treasury Dept/Fort Knox, sell off the carcass to the highest bidder. As a quadrillionaire he will potentially go on to rule the world.
Not at all. Tbey share philosophies. Check out Dark Enlightenment, Peter Thiel, Curtis Yarvin. Only the very rich should have power; should rule everyone else in city states "without regard to the desires of the residents." Vance is all in on that.
Musk has made hundreds of tweets devaluing the core values of our democracy, like common welfare and racial diversity. Trump is acting just like a Russian asset ordered by Putin to disembowel our nation with Musk’s help would.
I have a different view. Trump wants to harm the USA economic and political competitors: China, primarily, and the EU. Russia is not a competitor. In order to achieve these goals, he needs Russia on his side: its resources must not go to China, nor Europe. Putin has good bargaining cards.
I'm sorry, but Trump does not give a solid squirrel fart about anything that doesn't directly impact himself and that very much includes geopolitics that aren't about pouring money and ego stroking directly into his coffers.
he doesn't want tariffs because he wants to ruin the economy, he wants them because for whatever fucking reason he's fixated on tariffs. maybe he likes the word. probably he thinks it's the same kind of high pressure "deal" making he used as a jumped up slumlord.
giving the whole government to Musk is just the amped up version of taking top secret documents and stuffing it in his bathroom. they're good for trade, they're good for impressing people, they're good for blackmail, they're good...just in case, you know.
No republican law makers in Washington are lifting a finger to reel him in. Does that make them Nazi sympathizers or trump "rump" lickers... Also, ewww!
Ooo. I hadn't thought about it that way! That will be the thought exercise for tonight [all night] while I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling! Thank you very much!😆😆😆
A huge number of us have been calling this out for years and have been accused of being conspiracy theorists all the while. And the media have abdicated their responsibility, allowing the “Russia, Russia, Russia / no collusion” narrative to predominate unchecked.
Yep. I’ve been with you. The resistance has been strong. Everyone else is catching up. We saw this coming. But I have faith in the American people. I have faith he will be stopped by people vs. government
You do know Canada is next don't you. I'm half Canadian. We get so much oil from you. Trump wants to steal it. First Nations know this game well. It's BS. Time for everyone to learn to trade fairly, not route sovereignty. Here, Ukraine, Africa, Asia, Everywhere. Fair trade, respect all citizens.
That creeps me out every time I see Elon dragging that poor kid around, in case he needs a shield. The mother should be investigated by child services for neglect and abuse.
She probably can't afford to, even if she could he has the capacity and money to make her life hell, we've seen what he's like in the open, imagine him behind closed doors, she's probably afraid of him
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
My Republican representative is Pete Stauber and he does not care. He is a trump boot licker and a complete asshole. We have been calling. He'll never do anything. My Senators are Klobuchar and Smith and they are well aware of the moment we are in.
It's like everyone woke up Jan 1st and had a collective brain fart And only this far in now everyone has the runny shits with a fever. Not even the most drugged up film writer could have written a script like this.
I don’t understand what’s happening. Why does he get this information?? What’s the purpose of him being involved in any way. I thought he wasn’t in charge of anything
Fuck the Republican Party and their traitorous enabling of this.
No Republican who lied when they swore their oath to uphold the Constitution should ever be allowed to hold office again. The party needs to become obsolete.
Never mind his tiny hand NEVER touched the Bible. If he were a self-proclaimed Atheist or Agnostic, then so be it, BUT he "claims" to be a "Christian"!! I don't recall any Christians like him in the Bible!!! There's no amount of Holy water helping that orange demon!
Many evil people have sworn an oath with their hand on the bible. So it really doesn't mean a thing. In fact, failure to keep church and state truly separate is why the USA is in such a mess today.
To Readers: Apparently very few of us have been calling / emailing our reps & senators demanding impeachment. Please turn this into a nation-wide movement.
📰 The prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump again in his now second term has become a focal point of national discourse. Several actions attributed to his administration have raised concerns regarding significant potential impeachable offenses.
📰 Some time ago, the WP estimated 33% of Trump’s supporters “view themselves as Trump-first rather than party-first.” This suggests many of Trump’s votes came from people who either generally support the Republican Party’s dogma or independents and Democrats who aligned more with Trump’s agenda.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
Someone needs to do a psychological study of them. Mass Stockholms Syndrome, Catatonia..some part of their brain has shut down for survival while under threat. This is a Kakistocracy. Putin's nonlinear psyops warfare has effectively shut them down. This is beyond immorality, it's insane.
Insane. But also insane that these plans exist. That this is what US war machine does. China is not a threat. They are successful, house & feed their people. Real wages have gone up 400%, poverty eliminated. China has attacked ZERO countries, the US attacked over 100 last 50 years. Stop wars.
I don't understand why what they're doing doesn't qualify as a massive data breach. Elmo should have to pay for credit monitoring for every US citizen for the rest of his life.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
This is what i was thinking earlier tonight as well. isn't it a HIPPA violation!? They have no need to see our personal medical info, but were given access. Per the court case today, it's unauthorized access. That's a HIPPA violation.
Republicans are 100% responsible for this and every other fucked up thing that's happening in this country. They are 100% responsible. Why are they talking about war with China? I thought this was the "no wars" president
The military's job is have such plans ready AND keep them away from the eyes fucking morons, but the last is impossible with the current US administration.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
The majority of the Conservative Party is compromised. Yes it feels like “insanity” to the rest of us, the USA the world… because it is not the expected. We must expect the unexpected. Out think them… infiltrate them. Like the police go undercover to get information. Investigative research.
It only sounds insane to those of us who think our president should have America's best interest in mind. If you look at it from reality, it seems less insane but far more sleazy and corrupt.
Elon and Krazump (Truznov?) are both working for Russia's best interests.
As long as Trump can golf every weekend and sit at the desk all week writing executive orders while Musk breaks the republic, everything is okay with him.
Cardinal Fang voice: Nobody expects the MAGA Inquisition! Our chief job is... Pardons, and executive orders. Executive orders and pardons. Our two jobs are pardons and executive orders. And theft. Our three ...
That was his only goal. But he also won’t let a good grift get by him either. He will profit off his position as will his billionaire boys club. Dismantle all government institutions so the for-profit private sector can swoop in to “save” us. 😡
If you watch him signing 'his' proclamations, he doesn't even read what he's signing. I'm not sure he can read them. He seems to be able to read as much as the average 6 year old and comprehends what he reads like a 4 year old.
It's becoming clear that Trump is not really in charge. He's a doddering old "prop" blathering away to divert attention to the fact that Musk is literally running roughshod over the country, doing whatever the hell he pleases with little or no constraint, even by the courts. It is effectively a coup
It was the only way he could stay out of prison! I wonder if he’s sorry now that he made those deals? Watching Elon’s kid tell him he’s not the president & his responsive slouch tells us a lot.
Unless the military steps in or there's key assassinations America is gone, we are now the United States of MAGA
There is no more constitution, judges and laws don't matter anymore
Civil War is our only option
...and now the other side is trying to actually sit this out and is assuming there will be elections in 2 or 4 years. Pathetic. Not according to the Fascist Playbook. USA... Resist... while you still can
They like his money and the fact that he has American government contracts in important areas. Also, he has no loyalty to America whatsoever and is easy to manipulate. As for the Chinese public, they know what they're told.
The Republicans in Congress are damned if they do, damned if they don’t. The GOP is in too deep. At this point, if you are still a Trump supporter, enabler or minion - you’re a collaborator and you need to burn right along with Trump. Trump needs to be ousted and all off MAGA needs to be purged.
True, but if Congress > the federal judiciary fails to bear down hard and fast, the constitutional Republic will cease to exist. There will be #NoGoingBack unless there is a second American #Revolution
Technically, only Congress can declare war. However it’s never declared war since 1941; so who knees? Republicans don’t care. Never once have they cared, nit been stopped by Congress.
You need to call (off hours if you need and leave a message) your electeds in the Senate and House of reps and demand Trumps impeachment and removal from office. immediately. And arrest of Elon.
That, doesn't matter anymore😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
This country is STUPID😒
I realize this is probably a futile post but hoping there’s a way to make the corruption and treason stop.
People were just going about their business then, and they will largely continue to do so now.
Neither Hitler NOR traitor trump won by force. It's all about gaining power by way of VOTES. Hindering theirs whilst enhancing ours BAMN.
(or ANY of the things he now has full access to.)
This truly is insane.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
ITT were able to sue for damage to its FockeWulf fighter factory bombed by the US Air Force during WW2.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
most of what he does and says is completely opposite to most people i know who are actually diagnosed as being on the spectrum
most of his behaviors seem more typical of malignant narcissism and affluenza
Ya gotta kinda chuckle (if only it weren’t so tragic).
Those MAGA folks were so petrified of a New World Order - they ravenously consumed guns & conspiracy theories & believed monsters hid in shadows.
Hoodwinked, MAGA got a NWO, just not the one they feared!
an autocratic, criminal and illegitimate *Russian puppet regime.*
The second step is starting to make everybody else call it what it is. ESPECIALLY the media who are helping to keep up the pretense.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
We are not going to be safe in this country for long! Convicted felon & his billionaire will do ANYTHING FOR MONEY!
idk man.
This is a massive conflict of interest.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Just because Elon couldn’t get security clearance so had to sit out of SpaceX meeting.
Just because he talks to Vladimir Putin of a regular basis.
Just because his wealth would be tied by being able to sell more Tesla’s in China.
Pfft. No big deal.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Yeah that's what the billionaires are.
Let’s focus on keeping in person and economic boycotts going as well as pouring away on our reps to keep the pressure on those cowards who refuse to stand up against this fascist.
No one in the GOP cares? Where is the screaming and fighting against this being allowed?
He thought I was “insolent.” It turns out that I was just autistic.
He’ll never meet his grandkids. 👍🏻
Pretty telling if NBC refuses to poke a camera outside their own building in NY when it's completely impassibly packed with people protesting MAGA...
When there are MASS demonstrations the media will cover them.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Keep boycotting everything Elon touches.
he's stealing from the government and he will be arrested for it. If he were a politician, he would be safe. Geaorge santos? matt gaetz? Immune to prosecution. Musk isn't and that's where he fucked up. He'll go to jail in the end. (or run)
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
(Why the access, not why insane. It's so obviously insane 🫨)
Fly him to El Salvador!
Besides him gaining billions of $$ l
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Is the BIGGEST enemy of what's left of this country.
The people who act *through Trump* are the biggest enemy.
And they're all oligarchs.
if they fall, the world falls.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Sure seems like his mental decline has become rather obvious if he’s letting this SAF Shitgibbon act like HE is president.
All media and reporters should be pounding on this like they did the Right wing talking point on Biden which was 100% projection.
The resemblance is uncanny.
Chairman Musk & Chairman Mao
It is time to ACT.
Too late will be too late.
& we keep getting closer & closer to "too late".
Do I actually need to explain the "frog in slowly-increasing boiling water" analogy?
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
STOP the madness
Obviously he wasn't eligible to run so they just used trump as a faux candidate. That's why trump is always golfing and Musk is scouring through departments, meeting with congress and getting briefed on war plans with China.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Musk purchased the US, will pick the bones clean, pull off the greatest heist of the Treasury Dept/Fort Knox, sell off the carcass to the highest bidder. As a quadrillionaire he will potentially go on to rule the world.
racist care bear
its perfection as a collection of words for JDV is a balm against the anguish of everything
and maybe petty, personal revenge. But that's it.
the phrase "useful idiot" has never been so apt.
oh and sorry I forgot Trump does also genuinely enjoy persecuting brown folk, it's kind of his thing, and is a sadistic creep in general.
but he's also totally out to lunch these days.
Musk: also a fucking idiot. but, younger.
A huge number of us have been calling this out for years and have been accused of being conspiracy theorists all the while. And the media have abdicated their responsibility, allowing the “Russia, Russia, Russia / no collusion” narrative to predominate unchecked.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Now the question. At what point do we do something to stop this.
He does business WITH THE CHINESE GOV.
Insanity is right!
Other than fuck who ever lets Trump do anything with china.
Fuck the Republican Party and their traitorous enabling of this.
No Republican who lied when they swore their oath to uphold the Constitution should ever be allowed to hold office again. The party needs to become obsolete.
Country over Party.
They have completely abandoned that for Vladimir Putin and his puppets.
Put the ashes in an Edolf rocket and when it inevitably explodes, the ashes can burn into even tinier ashes. Maybe even vaporize.
Please enter your ZIP code and CONTACT. Tell them you are a constituent and you want them to vote to impeach.
Mind, always be careful about putting your personal info into sites like these for petitions. Make sure they're legit.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Oops, forgot the link
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.
Elon and Krazump (Truznov?) are both working for Russia's best interests.
Both business as usual and standing by expressing dismay seem too wimpy at this point. What can we do??
There is no more constitution, judges and laws don't matter anymore
Civil War is our only option
I sure as hell wouldn't
“add words like, "psychopathic and dementia?”
Or some configuration of the Legislative/Judicial Branches declare/charge the sum total of actions since Jan 20 as constitutional Treason?
From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp
Be unrelenting. It may seem useless but it’s not.