Republicans are ALWAYS the victim.
Not a very “masculine” trait
Not a very “masculine” trait
If the House files articles of impeachment, it goes to the Senate for the “trial”. If the Senate then votes to convict with 2/3 of the body, they can remove the president.
There’s no direct precedent of this though— succession has happened after assassination and resignation, which should be close enough.
So far as elections go, the successor would serve out the rest of Trump’s term, to be replaced or elected in the next presidential election in 2028
If trump wants to play king let's name him Czar Nicolas Romanov. Who fell.
By 1938 Stalins USSR defeated capitalism. the bourgeoisie& oligarchy lost their heads. BernieAOC are not to be taken seriously. Just libs. Don't trust the liberals they will betray you V Lenin.
so everything is “poor me” and “it’s not fair”
Musk had a botched pen!s surgery and fat bastard, well we all know that story. 🤮
They hate because: their family hates them, animals hate them, we hate them,
Thank you for helping me see my own entitled bias.
Always something to learn.
They're now MAGA Tech Bro Crypto Fascists.
I'm from the UK, and I'm no fan or Republicans or Conservatives.
These people aren't part of your clan.
At least that became the case when nobles started becoming clergy and abusing their authority for sexual predation while pretending to be celibate.
But nevermind the law
Let make the 2026 midterms a loud & clear message that we reject this regime & we are fighting back full throttle!!!
The left invented the victim Olympics
Funny how that works...
Whiny, selfish toddlers.
Also Eio- that kid, yeah that one SNAP , kick him to the curb, greedy lil bugger...
I hope we all SHOW him, what it means to come from the : Home of the Brave!!
Vote for you. Except that I am Canadian.
The boohoo brigade
Extraordinary turnoff
All That Whining and crying
Even bigger turnoff?
Whining and crying from millionaires and billionaires while America’s families try to figure out how to pay their mortgages after losing their livelihoods.
Schumerial Bitching does nothing.
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at & State Legislatures at
I think there is money in a tee shirt design. 😂
Eagles fly alone
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
More pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Spartans, who is your scapegoat?
And a gentleman.
Take care my friend.
Authentic manhood protects and nurtures. Not bullying and whining. And it doesn’t kill health and human services.
Hubs had shoulder surgery & got a nerve block, pain meds BEFORE surgery, pain meds after surgery, and a nausea patch.
He’s getting more pain relief than my chemo and amputation!!!
Big loser wusses.
And flying the Nazi and confederate flags show that they idolize losers.
Losers, losers, losers.
Nothing but losers.
(Don't be violent, but it is ok to be angry and show it.)
Immediately, I was like holy shit this is familiar....
Dennis Hopper as Hitler explaining that white people are the REAL victims!
My MAGA buddies hate the - "no responsibility / accountability libs, and claim to be the 'good guys', that do the right thing, treat women with respect, etc.
Then they literally worship tRump...
They are twisted, shallow,convincing posers & liars & are complete fuck ups who turn to their ploy regularly.
He’s a Rapist.
always identify as
Por favor, hagan lo que nuestros senadores democráticos deberían haber hecho. ¡Llama y firma para una huelga general! Necesitamos 11M para que sea viable
Persecutor: Cause a problem
Savior: Fix the problem
Victim: Why don't I get credit for solving the problem.
just curious, are you aligned with any party these days?
I'm not saying tanks or mech infantry, but something either is qualified to do in today's military, like slopping up some mashed potaters in the mess at chow time.
I was asked to describe the current #GOP a few months ago. My answer, "Whiny Bitches".
Just point out they're being whiny little brats who couldn't recognize responsibility if it bit them in the ass. They're not grownups
But saying "not masculine" is a bad thing... is a little closed minded.
Accepting credit for platitudes and casting blame for specifics