They're not, they can't. It would take a high level official to even get it going, and anyone who could is gone already. They will continue to do what they're told just as they're trained to do.
I'm not getting your comment, you mean the military IS going to interfere unless they're directly ordered to not interfere? No, I don't think that's how it works.
It is entirely possible I misunderstood something I read from a Cornell article, but I thought it said something to the effect that trained personnel could do so if the President violates his exclusive constitutional authority and the chain of command has been breached.
Interesting and makes sense. Now I'm going to have to look into the specifics of it, cuz I just don't see how the troops are going to rally up. I'm wondering who exactly trained personnel is and what they're considering breach of command. But even by that, does seem a little out of reach to achieve.
The military will never follow orders from trump that are not constitutional. we have not been tested like this and we all know trump will go too far leaving no other choice, nut to stop him. I am betting on Patriots.
Like your optimism. But unless it's an actual military coup in place, then the military will follow their commanders who will follow the president. THIS is one thing that I would love more than anything to be wrong about. And I say that with heartfelt gravity.
The question is would a military Coup d'état be better or worse than the current situation and would who ever lead it peacefully surrender power and hold elections after removing the current admin from power.
Good morning Adam it would be both. That is a BCD with a military tribunal if that was anybody else and they should be no damn different especially the Secretary of defense.
You know what really anger me is how they can quickly make this out to be unimportant issue. They also play blame game! People are not stupid!! Stop all the acting, lies and do better.
I work in financial services. I get training in communications security, because communications between the business and the customer as well as internal communications must be monitored for compliance and preserved. You have to sign off on this. If you go off channel, you can be terminated.
We have a law against this. Our current administration, including Defense Department & Department of Justice ignore it. Espionage Act of 1917, which criminalizes the unauthorized retention or disclosure of information related to national defense, is still in effect.
I can't believe that she wasn't pardoned by the Biden administration. People have been imprisoned for lengthy sentences for much less than what the White House staff just did.
Yes, she should‘ve been pardoned right away when he took office. It would’ve sent a message of truth and transparency about the 2016 election to America and the world. I believe this was the path to bring things to light imho
We have lots of laws this President and his administration pay no attention to. They ARE the law. And 70 million of the American people are perfectly good with that.
[2/2] If you can, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. It's important to make our Democrat & Republican Senators & Representatives confront you, so they can't treat you like a faceless voter.
tRump is not our president. He doesn’t represent us, is not protecting our laws our constitution. He is terrorizing 350 million Americans! Our constitution demands our military step up and back up our judicial system: remove him and his minions. Presidential immunity doesn’t cover this coup!
Actually it's our job to do that, not the military's.
It's going to take us getting in the streets en mass. And if that doesn't work, well taking down a wannabe king seems like a great way to embrace the 250th anniversary of the nation.
Our politicians aren't gonna do anything about this. Unless you want to continue down this road, it's time to stop being scared and get prepared. It's coming no matter what we do.
It's never going to happen, not when Trump loyalists are all in place. We, the people, mean nothing to them. Trump said it out loud at his rallies. "I don't care about you. I just want your vote, and you'll never have to vote again."
Resistors the next work stop coincides with the 4/5 sit in: all 50 states, starting at 12am 4/1 to 12am 4/6. We must remove the orange buffoon and criminals from our government. We must resist as we can to shut down the country for as long as it takes to remove the orange plague.
A military member posting this crap any where would have been both arrested and kicked out. And would would serve numerous years in jail for it. If justice matters let's see it.
Isn’t there a young soldier from New England who used to be in charge of some intelligence and shared some on Discord? And he went to prison for it. I remember it was not long ago. I guess under different administration, the law applies differently.
Reporters need to be clear in their questions. “Now that it’s clear that these people violated the espionage act how do you plan on punishing them?” Don’t allow republicans try to spin this by asking what do you think or something soft.
Just curious, exactly how much was divulged, was it highly sensitive, what if it was a diversion tactic considering the bigger news was trump didn't get the ukraine ceasefire whilst russia continued bombing.
Ok name someone currently in power that can stop him. I don't mean a judge to say that was wrong, I mean who can go to white house or Florida golf course and put the cuffs on any of them.
I do security for my day job. Every member of that chat should lose their clearance just for using that chat for a classified meeting of any kind. It makes me wonder why we even bother.
My god, even a company like Microsoft had a SCIF-level room, and not even in Redmond, where sensitive company stuff was discussed. It wasn't plans for bombing another country type stuff either.
Ordinarily, annual training is required on how to handle classified information and the professional and legal ramifications of mishandling it. Did Trump's Cabinet skip their training?
As a retired dod employee, if i had done some as stupid as that it would of meant my job and jail time.
I would of lost my job for mishandling cui, let alone confidential or above info.
It’s a true embarrassment that they will do everything in their power to sweep it under the rug.
Trump demands it of the SSOs who no longer have any avenue for redress. That's what the OSC was. There is no OSC now. Americans don't understand their govt, its processes, or how each of these events are blindingly dangerous.
Signal messages disappear. Secure messages do not. Yes it’s bad that this was classified but that’s not where the investigation should stop. The entire cabinet is likely using Signal illegally to hide communications that must be preserved.
But if your messages disappear you can do really shitty things against your own people and then blame someone else. This is similar to an old KGB tactic btw.
Whatever Putin or MBS or Elon or Donny want done, to whoever they want it done to, and no accountability.
It's by design.
In what timeframe? News flash, we have this thing called screen shot. Snapchat disappeared too. Guess what, revenge porn all over the net from screenshots. That is a joke.
Not true. Signal has to be programmed specifically in order for the information to disappear. It doesn’t always disappear. Get your facts straight before posting
This is just one breach that we happen know about. At best Putin has unfettered access to all our government networks/data due to doors being ripped off by DOGE. More likely Trump already gave him all the passwords anyway.
I think the U.S. should focus less on the incompetence and more on the danger. Our risk level just shot up. Are these the idiots we want responding to threats?
Right. But this is not the military. It’s a fascist dictatorship. Which the American people voted for repeatedly, over the last half century because it was wrapped in a fucking flag.
Jack Teixeira. Hegseth & co did MUCH worse than Teixeira, who published classified docs on Discord, pled guilty for unauthorized retention/transmission of natl defense info violating the Espionage Act of 1917. They all did SO much worse.
They need to go one every news outlet and podcast and scream what’s actually happening to the Americans people like republicans do when Dems fuck up! How many Benghazi hearings were there? 11? MAGA is still talking about HRC’s em but no one talked about Ivanka doing the exact same thing
What can they do? These are the consequences of voting for incompetent, criminals. The Democrats warned everyone. They all knew who they were voting for. Now you can't expect the Dems to clean it up.
I'm with you. I love what Bernie, AOC and Jasmine Crockett are doing. These Republicans need to be publicly shamed and the American public (those who "don't read the news", sigh) need to be told in every possible venue what they are doing.
This falls on the commander-in-chief. He is the so-called leader and all mistakes are his to own. Any respectful and patriotic military leader would own up and pay the price for mistakes made by those that they command. 
A young soldier who was in charge of military intelligence went to prison for sharing some information on Discord with his gaming group. He was found out and sentenced. It was not that long ago.
Please just agree on this forum. Please get on the phone or e-mail and tell your reps in DC what you think. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
They can’t shut the internet down for us and not them as well; and they are not intelligent enough to practice any OP/SEC. That gives us a tactical and strategic advantage. They’re kinda dumb and easily misled, that can be used against them.
Pete looked buzzed when he got off the plane. He tried to convince the reporter that it was a lie and journalists can’t be trusted. However his stuttered ramblings were more like that of scared frat boy. Anyone with an active duty military family member should be calling their reps.
No shit. But we have known that politicians are held to double standards for years. Just look at the first Trump term & everything that's come after it. Its fucking revolting and nothing more then another major terrible blemish at best or cancer at worst that may possibly be our demise
James Comey said there was no crime committed! Hillary had no classified info in her emails. Her account was never hacked & if these morons expect us to believe that no classified info was discussed, they should be able to tell us, word for word, what was said.
Remember, Pete still cannot believe his good fortune that a creep like Agent Orange would consider a Moran like him for such an important position. - He just has to keep 'acting' important and wants his ex's and drinking buddies to see how important he IS now, he is a Moran!
I seen on CNN someone as Trump a question about what happened. And he said he didn't know nothing about it. The president of the United States don't know nothing about it. #TrumpIsUnfitForOffice
Never knew (on the campaign trail about Project 2025)? Then hired some of its founders and is following the plan, almost exactly ... AND VERY RAPIDLY! Other than his tariff obsession, all policy by them... laid out in B & W!
You mean his slurred, zero affect, on camera statement blaming the reporter and the magazine? Totally idiotic…but not unexpected. The imbecile Trump NEVER takes responsibility for his own or his administration’s actions.
A kid in the air force is gonna spend over a decade in prison for putting files on a discord server - meanwhile an entire administration is using signal to avoid FOIA and accountability. How is that justice?
He's in charge of NORAD so when he's having domestic problems we can probably expect foreign troops with boots on the ground for the first time in history
As they do lie lie lie and point fingers at everyone else. trump and his band of fools should all be impeached before we all die from their incompetence. They all voted this drunk into the office they all need to lose their jobs.trump included. Never forget this incompetence will not be their last.
Most likely kicked out and arrested. So let’s do that right the fvk now!!!! To all of them, they have proven they are too stupid to be in charge of anydamnthing!!!! 🤬
Agreed, but remember he fired/dismissed/discharged all the JAG officers because they were "roadblocks" who's going to hold him actually accountable.....?....besides former military, security specialist and the public....
But they will face no consequences for this absolute failure. Republicans in congress couldn’t care less. How much more government business is conducted over Signal?
Adam. Its not that Trump reflexively attacked the reporter but ya, he did. The reason is because Trump had no idea what happened. He seems to never know anything. The reason Miller and Hegseth were using Signal is because they are ducking the law!!! Presidential Records Act!?!?
Here’s the prob w/our politicians. This Mo F’er begged to be confirmed. He met with Senators who actually said no to his face b/c he is a drunk, womanizer and an abuser of women. But, he cried trying to change their minds promising he’d quit drinking. Who is making sure this MOFO isn’t drinking?
Lol no. Or at least I never had to submit a BAC for mine... If that alcoholism produced legal issues that's different. If alcoholism disqualifies our military... we're stuck with an army of chaplains and maybe 3 of their assistants... 🤣🤷♂️
🇺🇸💪🇺🇸💪 REVOLUTION 2025, APRIL 15 💪🇺🇸 💪 🇺🇸
If you’re a @GOP who can’t stand up for Hegseth in his time of utter failure and humiliation, Musk will destroy your career no matter how much money it takes.
Imagine if it happened under a Democratic president what would be going on right now so much hand ringing, and now it’s more like nail filing, looking the other way.
He needs to be in prison. Remember the young airman who sent info to stop something she had seen was about to happen, because the military wouldn't listen to her? Reality Winner spoke up and went straight to prison for 5 yrs.! They should all be in prison first and tried later, like she was!
What happened was a complete breach of security. Can you imagine if that occurred during the Biden‘s administration. The
GOP people would be screaming. double standard, double standard, double standard. The media is afraid of trump.
My dad was US Army 63-67, CID last year, and he's livid - to the point that I had to calm him down to make sure his call to our congressman was legal. When he found out Eli Crane was Navy, dad was set off all over again. He's writing a letter. 😁
That is exactly the plot.He and the other dictators want to divide the world. Each getting a slice. The oligarchs win and we little people become their sick, weak, uneducated servants.Take away healthcare, education. Force women to have lots of future laborers/kids.Tell them it is gods plan.
Same. My question was do these idiots not know what JWICS is? Like jfc, this was unfathomably stupid. If anyone in the military did this shit they would have been court martial and served several life sentences.
This is what you get when you but unqualified sycophants in charge. Did these clowns really believe that encrusted means highly secure. This national security breach will go down in history as Signalgate!
they may be unqualified to run the country, but don't mistake them for being stupid as some people do. They are cunning con men and women, the capable of deep manipulation, with the biggest money in the world behind them.
I’ve been thinking the same thing because I know what secure comms we have. Why haven’t we started procedures to prosecute/indite/impeach these people?
Yoooo so true that I was like dam, UCMJ, dishonorable discharge and jail.. but them I took a step back and compared to Elon and Xi business relationship, trump and classified documents in a public bathroom, Vance and his 👻trip to Russia.. this is nothing!!
Every day I feel that 1,000’s of our active military decide that they will not obey the illegal orders that will one day come from the likes of ignorant criminals such as Hegseth or Trump.
I’ll take it as a silver lining to all of their daily mistakes, lies, and immoral behavior.
I would argue this public blunder was intentional. It has psychological effects on the American and people in the military. They want us like Russia. They want the people to be disillusioned.
He owed Putin over $400,000,000 for all the loans he got from Russian banks. Since they belong to Putin like everything else does, Putin put the screws to him to repay by destroying democracy in the U.S. I imagine the interest has been accruing for 10 yrs, and he still hasn't come through for him.
Here is the rub... Who is going to investigate this Bongino? I won't hold my breath. In a country where things matter, Hegseth would/should be made to step down. He lied straight to the Americans people, saying it never happened. The fact is that in America currently, norms no longer matter.
Just lucky it was an editor of The Atlantic who received the text - and not some douche from Fox News - or we would never have even heard of this fiasco!
Makes me wonder. Mr. Goldberg said the number of recipients on the message chain was so large there was an "Others" category. Who is all on that "others" list?
Quite so. Horrifying that this set of self-indulgent, no-nothing, entitled old white men were sitting around chatting about dropping bombs on women and children in Yemen.
Or, could go either way or a little bit of both, because NEITHER of us fucking actually KNOW what's going on, ya see what I mean? Your shit is just as likely as mine. So there ya go bud. ☺️
Not gonna happen in the land of the thugs and home of the depraved. We brought this on by allowing this nonsense to happen. We let the RCCDJT run ragged over all dignity and honor by and didn’t stop it when we had the chance.
We'd eat an Article 15. Court Martialed. And either imprisoned or immediately dishonorably discharged. With a lovely notice in the mail that any and all security clearances are taken away.
All members of the military should SERIOUSLY QUESTION their confidence in these idiots who are responsible for their lives in service to this country!
Starting with the “Commander in Chief”!
“I was just following orders.” Didn’t fly in Nuremberg!
Rufus Gifford, the former US ambassador to Denmark, has a few things to say to JD Vance about his statement on Fox News about Denmark being a bad Ally.
Our country's reputation & standing is permanently destroyed in less than 80 days. Ineptitude & moral vacancy runs rampant among puffedup, cowardly nerds trying to prove themselves to their wounded egos carried forth from elementary school. Someone needs to get these assholes out of office!
For going outside Gov channels and the record, having a convo like this outside secure premises AND conspiring to make an incursion to just extort our allies should land them all in Leavenworth!
Incompetence, top to fucking bottom.
Then I wake up from my nap groggy as fuck.
But I get that same feeling when I wake and my first thought is, what fresh hell are they going to serve us today.
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove and arrest Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
how many things are they doing that are also mistakes, illegal or worse that we're not hearing about? lots.
It's going to take us getting in the streets en mass. And if that doesn't work, well taking down a wannabe king seems like a great way to embrace the 250th anniversary of the nation.
Enough for removing ALL Traitors, co conspirators & enablers!
Thank you!
Remember that time, fElon tweeted out to everyone to use SIGNAL... on 1/7
That's what I thought
Does Vance qualify as mini commander in chief?
I would of lost my job for mishandling cui, let alone confidential or above info.
It’s a true embarrassment that they will do everything in their power to sweep it under the rug.
Don't you mean kicked out AND arrested ? 🤨
Whatever Putin or MBS or Elon or Donny want done, to whoever they want it done to, and no accountability.
It's by design.
Then have new elections this year.
Trump Administration...a requirement for hire is never follow the law.
It’s a shame no one warned us that it was coming.
They’d charge them with espionage.
Their house would be searched. Every phone in their house, every electronic device of them and their kids and their spouse
Wonder what happened to them?
This is law breaking. They were trying to burn the paper trail.
This is what they voted for.
Criminal behavior.
This government is shit.
Trump and Pentagon officials deny Elon Musk...
He drinks the Vodka drink
He drinks the lager drink
He drinks the cider drink
He send the signal text
Cuz only fox “stars” break the code.
🇺🇸💪🇺🇸💪 REVOLUTION 2025, APRIL 15 💪🇺🇸 💪 🇺🇸
💪🇺🇸💪 REVOLUTION 2025 APRIL 25 💪🇺🇸💪
VOTE💪💪 🇺🇸🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️🙏🥰❤️🙏
💪🇺🇸💪🇺🇸💪REVOLUTION 2025 APRIL 15💪🇺🇸 💪 🇺🇸💪
* rich file they commit Fraud!.. HINT don't file REVOLUTION💪
GOP people would be screaming. double standard, double standard, double standard. The media is afraid of trump.
They all know this shouldn't be happening, and yet they are all doing it.
Damn. I am sick of big shots getting away with things that would get an "ordinary" person locked up.
Not sure what's going. Need to catch on News.
But it seems Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can to weaken our country, it's defenses, it's economy, & those of democracies the world over.
Could this be just part of plot? 🙆
Gonna be a Lot of These Forms passed around, too.
I’ll take it as a silver lining to all of their daily mistakes, lies, and immoral behavior.
Starting with the “Commander in Chief”!
“I was just following orders.” Didn’t fly in Nuremberg!
It is on us to find common ground. We are divided by Chuck Koch to benefit him and other rich evil white guys.
As a progressive, I fight rich democrats and all republicans --- until I can convert them.