"Why won't you debate my IDEAS?"
"Because they're bad ideas."
"But ideas should be allowed to succeed or fail on their merits."
"Yes. We heard your ideas and they had no merit. We think they're bad ideas. Your bad ideas failed."
"Ah, what I meant was, my ideas should only be allowed to succeed."
"Because they're bad ideas."
"But ideas should be allowed to succeed or fail on their merits."
"Yes. We heard your ideas and they had no merit. We think they're bad ideas. Your bad ideas failed."
"Ah, what I meant was, my ideas should only be allowed to succeed."
Non-Debatable Idea: My personhood.
Anyway, the greens go on the bottom. People who put greens on the top layer are choosing aesthetic over structure, which is simply poor architectural ethics.
I said it
Your idea is to remove the power of society to change itself away from your own ideas.
"Your point?"