‼️The US-based @ipcc.bsky.social technical support unit (TSU) for Working Group 3 Co-Chairs has been terminated, and the US won’t be attending next week’s IPCC meeting where the AR7 chapter outlines will be approved.
More by @afreedma.bsky.social here:
More by @afreedma.bsky.social here:
The point is: US policy and actions are now dictated by the oligarchy and the rest of the world needs to deal with that.
The biggest problems we have are psychological distance, lack of efficacy and solution aversion. More here (begins at 14m)
Any meaningful policy advancements on climate DOA for at least the next four years. 😞
@katharinehayhoe.com @michaelemann.bsky.social
trump and musk are wedded in this: it's stay in power or jail.
Not killing anyone obs
(Not arguing for some sort of Cold War state of science here, just perplexed by the contradictoriness of it all)
WG1: physical science basis
WG2: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability
WG3: mitigation
Note the host countries at the bottom are for the previous assessment report (AR6).
In the reality we're in, he is what happens when you try to use market mechanisms (mostly or completely) to address a giant social contract problem. It soon gets inconceivably worse.
It should have been the deciding factor in the last election.
It appears it will continue as the major issue facing life on earth for the rest of our days. Any government officials who make things worse, let alone pretends there isn’t a problem, are clear and present dangers.
AR7 -> seventh assessment report
t will unite the world
(Against the USA)
Unf this is a governmental report. So it can only be supported by governments.
Here’s what the TSUs do.
the organization might actually achieve something of greater accuracy now
... especially if other Five Eyes countries' reps stay away too!
Looking at you UK, Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa NZ.