The only takeaway from last night's SOTU speech that actually matters so far as our future is concerned is that only ONE democrat was removed from the chamber for standing up to Trump's bullshit. Only one old democrat with a cane and no fucks left for fascism.
It should have been ALL of them.
It should have been ALL of them.
We're in a constitutional crisis & they brought white boards & paddle signs to #POTUS hate speech. THAT was the best they could come up with?
When the Orange Shitgibbon called Warren "Pocahontas" every single one of them should have booed the rest of his speech.
Force Johnson to slam the gavel till it cracked. Dare him to have everyone escorted out.
Dems looked weak, passive & compliant.
And beaten.
Fucking hell.
They are not meeting the moment. Doesn’t even look like they’re trying, with the exception of My favorite senator even sat there and let him call her names. But of course that pales in comparison to what they’re letting him do to democracy.
I guess their concept of 'decorum' includes sitting quietly and thinking about the value of their jobs, salaries, staff, free flights, their status, perks, etc., etc.
About 47 seconds then sit down.
Instead, they just sat there and took it.