There was a recent pic that showed him in front of our flag with the Eye of Providence overlaid above his head - maybe he thinks he’s part of the Illuminati now??
If all he does for the next four years is indulge himself in silly awards, parades and rallies, I can live with that. Or as my Mom used to say, "it should be the worst thing that ever happens to you."
Mrs. Bowers, please, refer to it as “The Felon”. It’s his crowning achievement. Hopefully, no Justice will violate the 14th Amendment and swear him in. Because, no sign of GOP Balls to do what’s right.
When my daughter was 4yo we went to a yard sale and someone had a small sports trophy on their table.
My daughter admired it and they just gave it to her.
She did not earn it, but she displayed it proudly in her room.
Same vibe.
Is this an actual award that is given out every year, and by who? Who were the previous winners, or is the first (and only) year that this was awarded?
I find it somewhat humorous that the same people who are offended by "participation medals" support this conman with their whole chest. One would think that even they would be exhausted by his incessant neediness by now.
Why’s he so desperate to look patriotic? Is he trying to convince us or himself that what he’s doing is right? Is he colluding with Russia or just handing the country over to president musk? We will know soon enough.
He is 🤣 in all of our faces. When are We going to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?
This a-hole attempted a straight Coup in the open with mountains of evidence, first hand testimony, indictments in multiple States, emails, dm’s & more.
Stop The Madness Already & put him in front of a Jury of his Peers! NOW!
Patriots serve, 45 has never served the nation, the people or even his guests. This 5x military bone spur queen deserves the praise from fellow liars, thieves and grifters.
why is there a super tiny version of the folded military flag?
did he finally kill the last microscopic vestige of the world's smallest and yet most deplorable soul, and they're celebrating his now complete soullessness?
because yikes, what a day for the antichrist to arise...
You could give him any kind of gold-plated plaque and as long as you flatter him he'll lap it up and won't even think. That's the kind of shallow bowl of dirty water his brain is.
Fred trump: "You're still useless, go away."
What if we had an "Awards Presentation" Every Single Day for him? Or every other day, with golfing in between?
Scatter these presentations all over the country and world...
My daughter admired it and they just gave it to her.
She did not earn it, but she displayed it proudly in her room.
Same vibe.
Does it say “America’s greatest wanker”??
Maybe next year they can create and buy a JD Power award for some nonsense.
#ICYMI here’s the 2017 BBC piece about Don Con’s fake 2009 Time magazine cover hanging in his clubs:
This a-hole attempted a straight Coup in the open with mountains of evidence, first hand testimony, indictments in multiple States, emails, dm’s & more.
Stop The Madness Already & put him in front of a Jury of his Peers! NOW!
And it’s well-earned…
He's so proud, he doesn't care it's meaningless.
Just adorable.
did he finally kill the last microscopic vestige of the world's smallest and yet most deplorable soul, and they're celebrating his now complete soullessness?
because yikes, what a day for the antichrist to arise...
And, just think. When he dies, his coffin will be draped with a US flag, and he will get a military 21 gun salute.
of the
The award doesn’t exist. It’s all in that rattled mind of his.
#TFG aaaaaand ALL of maga have made 'patriot' a dirty word
I can still hear the screams of my friend's Dad who didn't dodge the draft.
Fak that Vietnam war.
Fak insurrectionist loving narcissists