I may be missing something but handing the country over to fascists doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. I don’t mean she should be petulant or act in any way like the orange lunatic, but do something to stop this.
If it had been the reverse Trump would have been screaming the election was stolen from him again and demanding to be put back in power. And Republicans would be trying to upend Harris’s victory any way they could.
Remember in V for Vendetta (movie) when Stephen Fry is so sure he'll just have to pay a fine, but instead he gets black-bagged?
Seeing a lot of media personalities who will be at the top of the black-bag list celebrating that we're "peacefully" handing the reins to the Nazis. It's truly remarkable.
Imagine waking up, putting on your clothes, and doing your damn job, being polite and professional and remembering that this is a job the people selected you for- give it all the honor and respect it deserves.
Reminds me of the grace that Al Gore showed in 2001. And you know who was in on that whole crap of the Brooks Brothers riot in florida? Current Supreme Court Justice Brett "Beer Pong" Kavanaugh.
Stop validating surrender. This is the end of the nation. We're turning it over to fascist just so we can claim to be the adults in the room. This is what cowardice looks like.
We wouldn't be talking about this shit at all if he was disallowed running because he was disqualified by the 14th. But, for some reason, the Constitution doesn't apply to Donny.
I fully agree. That would have been my favorite solution, too. However, since that didn't happen, I we knew it wouldn't happen, because we saw it didn't happen, the other candidate winning really, really would have helped.
Grab em by the pussy, shit hole countries, joking about nuclear war with N. Korea on Twitter, babies in cages, cofveve, encouraging populism throughout the world, shaking Shinzo Abe's hand, burger King feast, all of his press secretaries, horse paste, injecting bleach, igniting civil unrest...
This was the right thing to do, but never ever believe that "modeling good behavior" is an effective tactic against this MAGA movement. Understand that aggressive action within the bounds of the law is the answer. No more Garlands.
This is America! We don't negotiate with terrorists!!... We disregard our oath to the Constitution and certify them. Then claim you need to vote for us again in order to protect against such things.
Pretending to always take the high road is exactly why dems are now handing the country over to fascists. There is no way to spin this other than pathetic.
That is the pro-democracy POV. Caving & capitulating is the top1%/GOP fascist POV. For >60yrs, Dems have failed every opportunity to slow/stop the top1%/GOP fascist takeover. All Dems should have gone home after being sworn in to 119th Congress; refuse to participate in top1%/GOP fascist coup.
I constantly see people in close proximity to 'Moses' Mike Johnson and cannot help but wonder why none of them seem to be concerned about the possibility of his spontaneously combusting?
Peaceful transfer of power equates to peacefully handing power to fascism.I understand the importance of today, but standing on a pile of ashes isn't the moral high ground.
It's just ashes.
At 12:35 PM on 6 January 2025 democracy died! The fascist government of Donald J Trump will take affect as of 12:01 PM on 20 January 2024, and thus the first day of the fourth Reich will have begun! #RememberAmerica
Seeing a lot of media personalities who will be at the top of the black-bag list celebrating that we're "peacefully" handing the reins to the Nazis. It's truly remarkable.
Said no Republican ever.
Look me up in the camps, we'll split a Sterno
Trump throwing a temper tantrum that the transition has been difficult for him.
Got Projection, Donald?
It's just ashes.
Gud over bad is my new religion + I'm here to spread the truth lol 😆 😄 😀