This is what America's conservative "Christians" are doing to the planet's most vulnerable children.
Reposted from
Rogue Citizen One
I know this is brutal to look at, my friends, but we all need to face reality and bear witness to what happens when greedy billionaires cut off aid to the world's poorest children.
How callous do you have to be to let children suffer and die to line the pockets of the wealthy and well-connected?
How callous do you have to be to let children suffer and die to line the pockets of the wealthy and well-connected?
MAGA seems big on "natural selection" which appears to maximize birth, minimize health care (& no vax). Maybe make kids fight to get enough food, & "allow" the winners to become soldiers - now inured to injuring or killing others...
If they do, then they’ll starve.
Izzie Zenning.
I hope so badly for your country to get rid of that global terrorist. And trump, too.
These so called “Christians” are despicable! I am ashamed at what we have become!
Said it like it was an asset instead of proof he's a psychopath.
I daresay he's proud of these results
You think he hasn't?
Horribly, sadly.
Not very christian of you but thank you!
Perhaps an exposition of Exodus 32 is in order? Golden Idols and all. So will you be drinking the gold from Trump's Trump Gaza statue?
It's no different than Jonestown, or Waco.
I don't remember you even mentioning it. You Democrats only care about Brown ppl lives for politics.
While I'm an atheist, I can respect belief in a loving & compassionate god as expressed in the sermon of bishop Budde, but not the filth worshipped by MAGAts.
The fact they literally label empathy as a sin is something we all knew.
They are so cruel and vile. Helping other countries, helps us if we have to be all about us. The world as a whole is indeed better for all, when all the countries doing okay. Less war, mass immigration, less disease, and just being the beacon we once were. Fthem
In my CHRISTIAN church I learned to respect and have pity on those with less, and to help them in the way I could -- prayer (bah!), money, or service.
I guess my CHRISTIAN learning is too Ronnie Ray-Gun now.
Who are we kidding, they don’t care about anyone but themselves and their oligarch overlords that have Kompromat on all of them.
I am quite content to have a nice taco dinner once a month
Just a singular glass of wine
If you have it all you just don't appreciate the sweet moments of life
They are evil