The problem with people like Donald Trump, JD Vance, and Elon Musk, is they lack the self-awareness and familiarity with decency to be ashamed after shockingly inappropriate or rude behavior.
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Still, it was gratifying to see 3 different foreign leaders shoving shit sandwiches into Hair Furor ShitsHisPants' fat stupid face on live worldwide TV this week.
Respect that flows in only one direction is submission, not respect. Trump and Co want unrequited respect, not the respect due an equal. They want Zelenskyy to take a knee. To them, to Putin.
I think at some deep level, they are aware and it makes them very uncomfortable which requires all kinds of energy to keep this awareness subconscious. This energy is expressed in more shitty behavior
This meeting was a pre-planned ambush by #trump & #vance in cahoots & with directions from #putin the coward in #russia, to embarrass and expel the President of #Ukraine with the intent to stop all funding & support for the war by #America
The problem with them is they’re in such significant places of power, they impact millions and billions of people who don’t share their utter lack of self-awareness.
I don’t think it’s a self-awareness problem. I think they understand how their behavior is perceived. I think they revel in the rudeness and are energized by it.
Trump doesn’t care about the peace … he cares only about the minerals. He’s was upset that he would sign the minerals and decided to ambush him with JD. Trump tried to make Zelensky to resign but was unsuccessful. So he tried again today.
No actually, the problem with them is that they lack EMPATHY and emotion, and most of those folks also display signs of psychopathy. If you don't feel feelings like fear and shame, you never need to worry about doing or saying something that evokes it.
We watched them melt down in public because Zelensky just owned them! They thought they were going to humiliate him. But Zelensky wasn’t playing. He came here to galvanize a movement. And he succeeded.
These are clearly guys that never had their ass kicked in school and should have. 34 only acts like a bully when he thinks he has backup and his opponent is solo. Vance is nothing more than a shit stirrer.
Do you know something about her to make you think so? I'd hope she would, but then I also thought "poor Cheryl Hines".would be mortified, and she's absolutely gleeful
it could be both. it's who they are AND they figured to use that to their advantage. kind of like a spoiled child who keeps upping the ante because he knows no one will stop him and it is a benefit to himself
First, let’s treat like they treat others. Let’s dehumanize them. They are NOT PEOPLE. They are SCUM.
Second, there is a Spanish word that describes them perfectly:
Lastly, FUCK Trump/Musk/Vance/ MAGA/Putin!!!!
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Actually I think they are very self-aware, they just don't give a shit what others think because they are the smartest men in the room and they know better that you.
I'm sure they were high fiving themselves after their despicable performance. The saddest part is that they don't even know that they are endangering the entire free world by complying with Putin's wishes.
I grew up in a stable home in a stable community in the 60s and 70s. And because of that, I grew up thinking most people were pretty decent. That mean-spirited, outright greedy people were about 10% of the population. Now I'm thinking it's more 50/50... and that's being optimistic.
It's the new Republican look. Take what you feel behind closed doors and show it. They just don't bother to hide it anymore and think their big win gives them cart blanch.
And they are surrounded by sycophants who won’t tell them how badly they behaved. I imagine a lot of “can you believe that guy?” And a lot of “no sir, you sure did the right thing.” Especially after Marco Rubio’s tweet…yowza.
They've been allowed this unbecoming behavior as being "masculine" far too long. Staying in your counrty during a 3 yr war doing everything possible for your people, is about as masculine as you can get!!!
No need for self-awareness. They knew very well what they were doing. This was an ambush. Those conversations are not usually conducted in front of press, This one was, specifically so that JD could stage a fight and DJT could look “tough.”
Weakness thrives in trump and Vance! This was a really bad look for the country, with 2 mean girls at the top!
I’m mortified by this disgraceful performance!
Zelenskyy is a strong leader and a great man!
I’m 78 years old, and feel myself blessed to have lived in the post-WWII Cold War period. I participated in Vietnam war protests, and we finally won that one. But what I witnessed today between Trump and Zelenskyy, was the most shameful act of a US government I have ever experienced.
I have been urging Dems to do an alternate script on the SOTU (Mar 4). A walkout. Schumer is stuck on the trad “response” model. But today AOC posted asking for opinions on what the Dems should do. Sounds like an opening. Respond to her request with your best ideas!
And they are mid IQ self entitled white males who have gained their jobs by weird default promotion of mid white males by other mid white males for generations
IMO, they did it on purpose. They were entirely self aware. This was political theater and an attack to blind side Z. They wanted him to be intimidated and cave on tv.
This "negotiation" should have never been on tv. Media access is Trump's decision. He could have ended it at any time.
Yep, they are probably celebrating thinking they owned President Zelenskyy however, it made them look like total jackasses.
IT WAS AN EPIC FAIL on their part!
Zelenskyy came out the winner in this oval office ambush.
When one lives in an entirely consequence-free environment for that long, they never learn it, even to the point of seeing such decorum as a sign of weakness. We're seeing the end result of the nurture of psychopathy.
This is not a defense the Couch Fucker. However, of the three, my gut tells me that Vance is the one who has to get in a few stiff drinks each night so he can sleep. And maybe a few in the morning to get going.
This fucker knows. You can see it on his face, in his body language. That slumping, sucking sound you hear is the last vestiges of #LilMarco's spine imploding into nothingness, along with his dignity.
Isn’t that the truth? You can see it on his face. I could see it on his face at the UN. He looks like a little kid who’s done something wrong. How pathetic.
There's no other way but taking it to the streets of D.C. by the millions and never leave until we overthrow that christian nazi regime.
The courts won't do anything.
They can't enforce their rulings.
Either the people rise, or this shithole is doomed on everybody except the billionaires.
I think they are totally aware. They just don’t give a fuck and they’re gonna do exactly what they wanna do and they don’t care who gets hurt because they know they won’t suffer at all.
Donald- narcissist whose delusional
JD -Christian nationalist & doing whatever it takes to stay in Donald’s good graces
Elon- Nazi with zero empathy
Put them all together & what do you get? Greedy, self centered & corrupt politicians who are extremely power hungry.
It's now known that "America" is a poisonous word.
The "Northern Western Hemisphere" and the "Southern Western Hemisphere".
Nobody should ever again use the label "America" to describe our continent.
Can some intelligence agency please prove me wrong?
Looks like Daddy Vladdy has already been slapping Donnie around from the recent look of his hands.
Its always someone else who has bad behavior, there is no self reflection.
Twisted bastards.
Amateur hour diplomacy.
As Chief Toady, Vance takes that a step further, by rushing to Trump’s defense when he feels that others haven’t groveled enough …
Biden helped Ukraine because it was the right thing to do, and because stopping Russian expansion is in the US’ best interest.
With Trump, it’s always about what benefits him personally.
#USA has lost all integrity & honour.
Like a drunk after yet another all night bender we awake to sadly realize...
America is no longer part of the solution -we're part of the problem.
Thankfully, Pres Z isn't weak & immediately went onto fox for an interview unlike 🍊who ran away to hide.
Trump = NOT a deal maker!
They will never live it down I suggest they change their name
Second, there is a Spanish word that describes them perfectly:
Lastly, FUCK Trump/Musk/Vance/ MAGA/Putin!!!!
Not that they were ever capable of doing so, and that's why we're here.
Vile. Insipid. Revolting.
On God
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Army Counsel Joseph Welch
God damn every one of those people who insulted that brave man asking for help and God damn those who didn’t speak up.
It was a show for our new ruler.
No more self awareness than a dog licking its asshole on the sidewalk
Vance is in 3rd place but he narrowed the gap today.
Is this wrong?
I’m mortified by this disgraceful performance!
Zelenskyy is a strong leader and a great man!
This "negotiation" should have never been on tv. Media access is Trump's decision. He could have ended it at any time.
IT WAS AN EPIC FAIL on their part!
Zelenskyy came out the winner in this oval office ambush.
We really need the 25th Amendment for both of them. They are mentally impaired. Seriously. They should not be in positions of leadership.
The courts won't do anything.
They can't enforce their rulings.
Either the people rise, or this shithole is doomed on everybody except the billionaires.
Male and pale.
JD -Christian nationalist & doing whatever it takes to stay in Donald’s good graces
Elon- Nazi with zero empathy
Put them all together & what do you get? Greedy, self centered & corrupt politicians who are extremely power hungry.
It's now known that "America" is a poisonous word.
The "Northern Western Hemisphere" and the "Southern Western Hemisphere".
Nobody should ever again use the label "America" to describe our continent.
Can some intelligence agency please prove me wrong?
This is how dumb they are!